How does it feel to know that your movement is destined for the dustbin of history?

How does it feel to know that your movement is destined for the dustbin of history?

along with the white race itself and it's beutiful

Well rather lose with my backbone intact than being a cuck like you fuckers from the left.

didn't realize hilldawg was a nazi racist


We might die out, but we'll make our mark before we do. It will be expensive af for you to keep this up.

white race isn't going anywhere but nazi alt right are going bye bye

How does it feel to know that these nazi larpers are comparitively the same as BLM or Antifa and will only boost trumps popularity because he can now denounce both sides. 8 years



left is more and more radical and isane to normal people.My friend said white privledge to me other day and i said if u ever say that to me again ill never talk to you.

Will rise again
Hidden in the shadows seeding into young boys heads for 60 years
we will reap what we sowed

How are they losers when their man is the President of the United States?
check mate faggot

How does it feel to be a shill scum spamming in every thread "how does it feel.."?

>Won the election
Pick one also sage 0/10 bait

We have truth on our side, it's impossible to destroy us.

You're a faggot if you can't be friends with someone with opposing political views.



that's a good one
he lost my support though
this was his chance to call out blm and the left but he failed us just to appease some niggers and commies
were on our own

Seeding into young boys heads.
Boy y'all are some sick fucks

I think you're the one they got put in the dust bin last time, Jew.

Yes we are. You're next.

Haha true that comrade!

You should be afraid

That fucking showing him, didn't it?

lmao Sup Forums is now watever (you) want it to be

If we lose, the left will turn the West into a Brazilian favela shithole and you'll suffer too, so in way it's a Pyrrhic victory.

Also, Democrats are still going to lose more Congressional seats in 2018, and Kid Rock will become a Republican Senator.

Funny these are the same people that cry about what we did to Indians

>white race isn't going anywhere
umm think again sweetie


The right plants the seed in the minds of the youth. The left spreads their seed in the mouths of little boys. Many such cases!

Lol, that's big talk for a Nazi cosplayer. Trump's already abandoned you due to the fact pretty much everyone, including most white people, think you're fucking gross. Maybe if you just keep driving cars into crowds you'll eventually hit me.

>be leftist
>make constant appeals to "muh poor Native Americans"
>intentionally import millions more retarded 3rd-worlders that don't respect the land

Really makes you think.


It's not just cars. Don't go to the gay bar tonight.

Feels good desu

Everyone I know is happy about Cville.
A commie died, by a car, on a street while blocking cars.
Remember when the general consensus was an antifa would eventually get run over if they keep it up?

He's going to get away with it too.

Lol, I'll see you there. Going to laugh when a bunch of trannies beat the hell out of you.

8 years.

This kinda erodes the whole "Antifa are patriotic true Americans" narrative.

Lol, that's big talk from a glass jaw.
>gets punched


Umm you aren't allowed to feel pride in that, I'll tell daddy on you

Yes, I'm that kid's ghost and I was already killed by a single punch. The shit y'all come up with is fucking hilarious

14/88 brothers


They will, and really, they already have

We do have some hilarious content. Have a nice fall!
>captcha is beach tietz
>bitch tits
You know all about those, don't you?


I have hope. Although fading, I hope the light at the end of this dark tunnel will come soon for all of us. It's been one hell of a ride.

The Fourth Reich will rise from the ashes of the third! Sieg Heil

With der juden at the mast.


Nah its leddit faggs shills and theyw ere trash to begin with.

You're implying that they are gonna die which will not happen. Also what won't happen is people change their ideology so you're wrong.

>white race isn't going anywhere
Yeah it is. Whitey will be gone in 100 years or less. It'll be great.

you know that both the nazi and rebel flag were leftist symbols right?

I spend way too much time on Sup Forums, so yeah I've learned a lot about bitch titz recently. White supremacists have lost every major war in the last century they've been involved in. You guys are Queens of bitch titty island.

lmao must've struck a nerve

LOSERS deserve a bump.


Fuck trump. I will vote for ron paul write in. All he had to do was not say anything, but he sold out. Hate to say it, but fuck blumpf.

Seems like you guys are better that aiming at nerves than the people you claim to hate. I ain't bothered.

>gimme gibs because of your race, "friend"
>feed leftyfuck more nummy nums for little bastard's fat fucking fat fuck face

Run into the nearest wall as hard as possible.

im no 1488 or confederate, but i am a proud white trump supporter. if we go to the dustbin, we'll do it with courage and if we go down so does western civilization. and that's fine with me too, i'm prepared.

>you guys are losers
>you guys are better at killing people than your enemies are
>sips cums

Should read "you guys are genuinely terrible at killing the people you hate, usually end up killing random white people instead"


lmao plenty of white people deserve it

Brush up on your grammar. Otherwise, no one will take you seriously.

Bwahaha, Sup Forums got rekt not once, not twice, but over-and-over. Get rekt, get fired, get humiliated, get denounced, get gud motherfuckers.

>if your enemy kills you, you win

I forgot it drives y'all crazy when white ladies fuck black dudes. Does that mean you'll have to shovel your mom into the oven too?

Hahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit, you're literally shaking right now aren't you?
>comes here for the """"""""laughs"""""""""
>*sniffle* your mom likes black men *wipes tear*
Hahahahahahahahahahaha o I am laffin

Amen. Worst part of fighting against these losers is how bad they are at it. No honor at all in fighting against cowards who just run cars into pedestrians

>Spengler thinks that the exact opposite is true. He would predict that those who intellectually oppose miscegenation and advocate racial purity and preservation would be, on average, less virile, less fecund, and less mentally and physically healthy than the average person, including the average miscegenator.

>Based on ten years of experience in the American white nationalist movement, I have to say that Spengler’s prediction is absolutely correct. White nationalism in America is an overwhelmingly degenerate movement

>But what does this mean, exactly? It means merely that, from the point of view of biological vitality, a white man who preaches racial purity but has no children is less healthy than a white man who chooses to have children with a non-white woman

Shill or not this type of butt hurt never ceases put a smile on my face :)

lmao nigga you're in your mom's basement having panic attacks over shit you read on the internet

>1 post by this ID

>trump lost

uhh no sweetie

Yes, I'm both shaking and wiping tears away due to laughter. Even your president denounces you when it's convenient. You're literally the bastard children of history, thrown away as soon as you're no longer useful to those who have manipulated you for power.

how does it feel to be a cuck faggot

>she's still trying this hard

>How does it feel to know that your movement is destined for the dustbin of history?

Its getting stronger every day the more you leftists push it.

Excuse me, I'm in her living room, and I'm pretty comfy. Literally nothing to fear from a group of idiots who can't even stage one successful rally without making the rest of the country hate them.



>Loses an argument this badly
"No you're the loser because you're still here"


Sorry I hurt your feelings friend

Keep pushing, kikes, please. Don't stop this free momentum you've given us.

>implying you aren't in your own mom's basement
Dunno, fatty, looks like your people got rekt.

>mom, I can proudly declare myself the winner of another internet argument
lmao this is how you know someone has never accomplished anything in life.

Communists =/= random white people.


>When you push the white kids too far
What they start a war then get the shit kicked out of them repeatedly?

>I know you are, but what am I
Hahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit. When r/transpassing sends it's people, they aren't sending their best.

I dunno man I showed her this thread and she lost it over how butthurt y'all are


>showed this to mom
>mom thinks this site is okay

Spot a bullshit people

Oh the American negro is doomed. In time.
Your race mixing far too much. And you are tiny fraction of the population. Over 50% of African women are unmarried. Your homes are demolished. Abortion is rampant and encouraged. Degeneracy is a must. And black people's by far largest killer is...themselves.
You see us whites are just trying to keep the Jews from doing this to us too.


Nice, you got one. Congrats. Seems likely losing your national support in the process was worth it to me. 10/10 huge success

You realize one country took on pretty much the rest of the world combined and did a fairly good job of holding their own, right?

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