Now that the Alt-Right is ruined after the terror attack in Charlottesville...

Now that the Alt-Right is ruined after the terror attack in Charlottesville, will Sup Forums join me and become /alt-liberal/?

And by liberal, I don't mean in the American sense, I mean classical liberalism.

Join me and become deus vult.

The cool kids are turning to Common-Filthian anti-white fundamentalism.

To be honest I completely agree with Sargon in his video on Charlottesville - both sides are just as bad as each other. The protests are pretty much communists vs fascists all over again. Both sides are obsessed with identity politics, and want big government to impose their shitty ideas on everyone else.

I'm just gonna sit back, relax and let both sides destroy each other. Libertarians have everything to gain from this as sensible people from both sides of the political aisle will realise who the adults in the room are.

this better be bait, sarcuck

Fuck off! Sargon is a stupid normie. He is of average intellect. What makes him appear smart is that he likes reading books and feeling intelligent.

1. He's completely ignoring that true anonymity is what's churning out new memes driving back retarded SJWs. (memes as Dawkins defined them, mental genes)

2. He's talking big about being as objectife as possible, but fundamentally refuses to even discuss some issues. Issues he takes a strong stance on.
>crime is caused by poverty
>but poverty is never caused by poor peoples innate inadequacies
As just one example.

3. He's a cringy idiot of average intellect. You can tell he's browsing Sup Forums and understands the language. Yet he completely fails in applying the language and methods if he isn't literally spouting memes.
>that retard thought it a good idea to make "Kekistani" an official thing in the UK
>ok, he handed in some shitty UK paperwork

4. He's a massive hypocrite. He attacked SJWs -who he built up to be this massive institutionalised thread- criticising their lack of free speech and deriding their reliance on institutional power. But when Harmful Opinion (who did nothing wrong!) catches a fight with Candid and gets threads send to his mum, Sargon tells HO to shut up, because Candid can "give "The Skeptics" institutional power".

tl:dr If you see Carl, beat him like an Irishman beats his wife.

>"Let's all become centrists who are too pussy to go left or right because we might upset someone"
>Muh classic liberalism

Neck yourself


Fuck off LARPer.


I know nuance died in 2016 but kill yourself

Keep trying faggot

The rest of you faggots quit taking bait. Sage

Oh and also he and his weird, inbred group of friends have this stupid idea of not being a community. Even though they all have the same opinions, make the same kind of videos and constantly hang in each others livestreams.

But call them a community and see them squirm. No no, they're Classical Liberals and as such, individualists of personal freedom (who just happen to agree on everything.)

tl:dr Actually, if you see Carl, treat him like King Leopold II treated the Kongo.


>hides your thread

>Claiming someone isn't upsetting your while you're visibly upset
Do you even read what you write?

H E I L S A R G O N!
H E I L O U R P E O P L E!!
H E I L V I C T O R Y!!!

Sorry. I forgot, Nazis are incapable of engaging in sensible discussion. Just like the Antifa members you claim to hate. How ironic.

Yeah right, as if you were engaging discussion with your bait.


>You can only be pure left wing or pure right wing
>You can't agree with the left on some issues and the right on others