Is /Pol dying?
Is /Pol dying?
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Right Wing nationalism died in Charlottesville, VA.
it died in 2015 /election time
I highly doubt that'll stop them, it's basically the first incident. The media is blowing it out of proportion though
This place is to corral and distract Shareblue and their ilk while shit goes on elsewhere.
Matt Heinreich, Spencer, TRS, and Jewish KGB defectors ARE though
It is, but the cancer will be removed soon. The Brits won't be allowed to post anonymously on pol anymore
I'd say that's the first wave of inflation
No but we need to reform our argument. A Western Ethnostate composed of a couple western, eastern, northern and southern states based off high white populations and a physical barrier(as well as economic in terms of governmental assistance) is a likely goal as it involves minimal changes to our society and is peaceful in a way that doesn't cause destruction
Jesus, gun control isn't enough?
No, they manipulated you into becoming nazis by calling you nazis repeatedly until you accepted they want you to become terrorists and you will.
what's /Pol?
I think Pol made theirselves nazis by creating an echochamber of right wing ideas
It died when /news/ died.
>Is /Pol dying?
No but the maga reddit faggots will be back in school in a month or so
First couple of MSM news cycles run by jews will be horrible for them.
Then the facts will start to get out.
And, they'll gain more sympathizers.
havent you learned anything?
Reality will break through the MSM fake news.
>echo chamber
Love when lefties don't understand words.
We don't ban people for having different opinions, hell you don't even need an account to post. Anyone of any race, nationality, or ideaology can come here and say any viewpoint they have, worst case is we call them a fag.
Remember the pol/ack who shot up a mosque. 6 people murdered that day and no one cares haha
What reality?
That there were a bunch of mayo malcontents with Tiki Torches shouting 'The jew will not replace us!'? Do you really think normies look deeper than the MSM? Sup Forums spent weeks circle-jerking over Seth and nothing fucking happened in the real world.
Nah, it's just a tranny invasion of r*dditors who are trying to gaslight us after they took that L this weekend.
God I fucking hope so. All these normie, alt right, storm fags need to fuck off Sup Forums.
It died how the west will die
Mass immigration
Sup Forums became "nazis" when it ended up as one of the few platforms where free speech is allowed, as every single other mainstream platform engaged in massive speech and thought control
naturally unpopular speech will gravitate towards the place that actually protects it
this is chaos
chaos is the natural state of things
It's under massive shill attack.
That's all I know. It's alive though.
It's just writhing in agony is all.
No. The nazis will go back to 8gag until the board slows back down to it's usual molasses crawl.
And the commies will go back to 8gag once they realize that nobody wants to circle jerk with them.
I hope so, this board is fucking shit now that it got so popular. It's so heavily divided by trolls trolling trolls nobody can just sit back and enjoy the memes anymore. You autists have taken it far.
Atleast on boards like Sup Forums or /k/ they can band together for the greater good of discussing their hobby as a break from the real world, instead of trying to create constant conflict and being a constant victim.
Everyday Sup Forums dies a little bit. Thid has been going on since inception.
Why do you ask OP? are you worried?
Damn Shareblue really is giving it a good effort today.
Or is it a different dem sponsored group now?
I think the exact opposite is happening, check traffic map in few days and look for a huge spike
/pol has been through many raids, especially since the election, and all of them eventually die off... the ONLY way to kill this place is by shutting it down
You see Sup Forums, your politics have turned you into a self eating parasite.
The self eating parasite has neurons, and working synapses. Prior to belief of the anatomy of the socially accepted parasite, one may come to realize, other parasites have brains, and yes a conscious. If you so chose to accept those descriptives beyond their construct.
As you can see, the self eating parasite doesn't want to be eating himself, he has emotions, emotions contradictory of the single celled organism we grew up to believe.
This parasite, this spectacle, this contrarian, plebian, reactionary has emotions of hatred. The need to argue, the need to debate. It's the fire that burns in his soul that fuels his parasitic nature.
He hates me and everything I stand for, but why? Because, of what? My political beliefs? Beliefs of a social construct that have all but been characterized into a flag, or a "ideology"?
My friend, or my foe. I'd like to consider you what you'd like to consider a friend. But I can not assure you that you will ever break free from the shackles that bring you down. You so wish to have your debate with me, you wish for me to refute your implications or sentiment.
But what you don't understand, is my refutation only kills what the higher order of this world has worked so hard to achieve. Creating a monolith. You see, you're a monolith, your anger and rage fuel you, and for that I can not ruin what is so grand, and so helpful to what you consider my political beliefs to be.
You see, i'm working in my self interest. And my self interest is not to help you, so you shall leave this thread immediately, and return to the echochambers of your peers. And let you, and your peers destroy the very fabric of what you so believe in, with their violent, hateful, and outright vile rhetoric.
I'll do, what most do. Stand as a spectator of a realistic background, and take your rhetoric at face value, political popcorn.
Multi front. Lots of free shilling. Lots of lefties thinking that pol is hurt. Lol
A commie died.
Naw, it's just gonna lay low for awhile then boil over again somewhere else. People are genuinely sick of what Obongo did to this country giving free reign to murderers and commies. Despite what the President says, no one I know irl even gives a shit about Charlottesville
much preferred /new/ desu
Shareblue shill pls go
We need to go back to flooding the board with gore and nigger hate threads like we used to.
It offends the shills delicate sensibilities
Behold, the spectacle. The spectacle of the self eating parasite, but little does he know the substance of what he devours. Himself.
Hello newfag.
Wishful thinking. If 60 million people killed by Communism didn't discredit the left, one woman run over by a rogue driver isn't going to destroy the right. Keep clicking the heels on those ruby slippers, though
Ok please start a gore thread.
The one where the kids head gets cut off by a newbie
The orginal nazis on here became so because Hitler actually did the right thing in destroying the rothchilds banks and the kikes that would take their place.
Not because someone called them a nazi.
Fuck no, not even close. You have no idea how many love this shit. The shit white people say to each other when no shit skins, fags, or lefty trash is around would surprise the literal shit out of you.
You people are in deep shit. We taking our country back. All of it.
Ah, well you see-- You've attracted the mental synapses that lead to intellectual honesty, and objective analysis. But, little do they know, their echochamber is what will, and has been the death of them.
heh no.
The self eating parasite is inside the left, and you know it. Everyone knows it.
Keep at it though. It's fun watching you try SO HARD.
>little does he know the substance of what he devours. Himself.
Pretty rich coming from a Communist: you guys are always purging each other for being insufficiently doctrinaire. Plus you cause the famines that make cannibalism more common
>bunch of adult men with memes stitched to their outfits
>shitty outfits everywhere
>look like they're fucking jobless hicks or something
>support weirdo ideologies like Nazism
>le pegan symbols
>angry all the time
>basically run out of town too
>they show they're the good guys by having a guy plow through niggas
>pol keks about it which further ruins their name
>fucking hawaiian KKK rally LARP session with kiki garden torches
>beta males everywhere
WHAT A GREAT VICTORY!!! I bet everybody thinks the right is so cool now.
Nope stronger than ever libcuck
>their echochamber is what will, and has been the death of them.
More wishful thinking. Truth can never be defeated.
More alive than ever.
Every newspaper article is a dozen more brothers.
I feel nothing but saddness for the Brits. Overrun by feminists and muslim scum, can't even own a knife, never mind a gun.
My only solace is that if the U.S. gov. ever tried to put gun-collection boxes in they'd be constantly broken into by niggers looking for free guns
Pol will never die
Nah, just a shit ton of shills after such a massive event. They are just trying to fuck with your mind. I don't pay any attention to them.
Nope. Just a mass exodus of the reddit infiltration over the last year hopefully. They don't understand labels and the damage they inflict. Trying to unite Sup Forums under a label is only something only a redditor would try. They don't get it. They'll leave when it stops being a Trump hug box.
Proof of that chant. I suspect that someone misheard or is misreporting the "You will not replace us!" chant.
>As you can see, the self eating parasite doesn't want to be eating himself, he has emotions, emotions contradictory of the single celled organism we grew up to believe.
That's some seriously pathetic prose.
You're either 16-25, or under the influence of heroin/alcohol. Pure drivel. You cannot even muster your own thoughts so you must role play as some historical figure on a modern board. And in doing so sound like a virginal beta of massive proportions.
No, it's more alive than ever. It's just not quite Sup Forums anymore.
Normies follow the pack. If what pack wipes out another the bitches fall in line. Their opinions are irrelevant.
european genocide soon friend
ive got an asian girlfriend and I ordered a subscription to the NYT
ive been cowed
the Sup Forums in me is being put out to pasture
It's an incredibly pretentious word salad, but that's just what you'd expect from some suburban faggot LARPing as a Communist
Not soon enough. Cya later ya fascist losers.
It's already dead.
Just because you cannot see things moving doesn't mean they aren't. The Mueller investigation is a desperate attempt by the DNC to cover up for Wasserman-Schultz's massive fuck-up, and the justice department has almost all of the pieces to begin moving in on the DNC. What the justice department is doing is really unprecedented for modern times, and they need to be very slow and methodical, lest the DNC kneecap them and avoid the charges or kill their star witness (Awan).
There is state treason, murder, human trafficking, and narcotic sales that major DNC players were/are engaged in, and these people are very powerful. Just look at Clinton. Nobody, not a single person, has ever lived long enough to testify against her. Every time someone has come up with some critical information against her, they have all committed suicide (in one case, by tying themselves to railroad tracks).
Everyone on this board roleplays and falls into that age catagory and is most likely a massive beta virgin.
your OC is shit and you should feel bad
I'm sure you have a really good understanding of Stirner, commie
No. Just Nazi shit. Unironic crap won't be around much longer
Just the inevitable pivot to the left.
Fuck off commie shill. Go back to your useless liberal arts classes
>i know nothing of history - the post
There have been a lot of shills and SJWs trying to make a stand since Saturday. But i wouldnt say it is dying.
All marks of a shill. KILL yourself.
My mother watches the regular news and she said the entire thing was bullshit set up. So I'm think its shills blowing it up.
oh god please don't start posting your leftist memes again, I just recovered from the cancer they gave me last time
Sorry i hit too close to home boi.
Fight back the shills by posting redpill videos. Convert them to our side, it's an opportunity for us.
For the shills:
Mainstream media using fake actors for Sandy Hook:
Staged car bombing to be later used by media to push agendas:
If you think it's impossible for Jews (or any elites) to be part of some secret child murdering death cult, then think again:
Yea, the election brought a level of retardation previously unseen on Sup Forums.
Normally it does down and things get restored, but now we keep making the news and some of the faggots share threads with other social media.
good stuff user. was wondering who the Awans were connected to. hopefully the gears keep turning and maybe we'll see some DNC heads start rolling.
WRONG faggot, it's just getting started. Word of advice, don't sperg out when cars are nearby. I'll be looking for people like you
not even close to dying, the shills will fail, they always fail.
You will never see our politics accurately represented because edgelords wanna go out in public and talk about creating a white ethnostate.
You got kiked by Spencer and his goofballs. Oh, and you also made him rich...
YOU ALMOST HAD IT. Americans were whispering about redpills behind the scenes.. Dont lose momentum. Stop Spencer and hold back violent rednecks and morons from being representatives of our ideas.
No. Or maybe. Things have become very political. I grew up with politics as a non topic, with extremly few people bothering to vote at all. Pol isnt used to things happening, especially close to home. In the past vast conspiracies were invented here out of almost nothing. Now with actual news and the discovery of the board by more and more outsiders pol is going into overdrive. Its no longer an echo chamber but, views didnt get more moderate. And the new flags allow instant affiliation with an ideology, provoking argument and diskussion. Basically its chaos and I would love to see the further development.
wtf i love being a cuckold now!
Is that a fucking screw driver?
I imagine what you have done for white countries,probably zero, just criticizing the ones that at least move a finger to defend it.
when you wake up a minority in your town it's gonna be too late
>And the new flags
People want to lump confederates in with white nationalists.
They're two different things in my opinion.
Sure they're white, sure the CSA was a nation, but so is the USA, and the USA belongs to white nationalists. We built it we run it, we own it.
All the evidence points to Awan being the shooter for Seth Rich (DWS pressured him into killing Rich or she'd drop info on him selling state secrets), added to the fact that he was in the area the night of the shooting.
However, Awan is currently in federal custody, and if he learns that the FBI had his failsafe, he might crack and implicate not just DWS, but other DNC members.
This entire investigation, and the future of our democracy rests on the sloped shoulders of Imran Awan.