> In one incident, a friend of Fields' wheelchair-bound mom called 911, saying the boy was threatening his mother, spit in her face and stood behind her with a 12-inch knife. The mother wanted her son taken away and he was arrested and then detained as a juvenile.
> In another incident the mother called 911, saying she told her son to stop playing video games and he exploded in anger, smacking her in the head and putting his hand over her mouth. She locked herself in the bathroom and called 911, telling the dispatcher he was on meds to control his anger.
How can you fucks defend these actions?
James Fields Beat His Own Mother
Other urls found in this thread:
fake news
Why should I defend his actions? He sounds like a crazy fuck who snapped, end of story. His poor Mom.
james field has been tried and found guilty in the high court of low lifes.
Jews and useful idiots pushing Nazism on this board. Young, impressionable people are taking infographics as fact. This is causing people like him to snap, completely discrediting WN to normies.
Fuck off Jew. One violently unstable 20 year old kid kills one communist sheep. It does not define Sup Forums in any way.
Let's not jump to conclusions here. What game was he playing when she told him to stop gaming?
not all white nationalists
how do you flunk out of basic?
She was probably an SJW.
>he was just an insane individual
I am a Jew for pointing out something that is fucking obvious? Nazism has done nothing but hurt the White race for the past 30 years. Charlottesville was a fucking shit show, to no one's surprise. All Saturday did was give the media fuel to try and completely discredit WN.
>Justifies a kid pulling a knife on his wheelchair bound mother
DO IT !!!!!
>brigading niggers believe anyone cares and falls for falseflags
The question isn't whether or not the guy is a violent nutjob and likely a detriment to society we already know he is. The question is whether or not the person in pic related is actually him.
Being a bad person doesn't automatically make you guilty.
I wasn't defending him, I was making fun of him.
The ideology is not the problem. The problem was having a faggy open invitation rally. Mentally ill people are attracted to events like this as an opportunity to show off their mental illness.
Dis nigga crazy
You made a post with all those words but you still said nothing.
I read that he is schizophrenic and it's not surprising. He is likely to not have much going for him, and also I think it's very likely in a high stress environment like the protesters closing in on his car he panicked and simply tried to escape the situation.
There will be more and more incidents of mentally ill people doing this stuff, obviously on both sides but only the right will be demonized. Then it will tip the window so far that people who walk around in 'no step on snek' shirts will be run from their jobs .. and then you will have more and more normal people turning to violence because they're out of options.
I don't see any way out.
Yes it does you fucking idiot. Your garbage infographics, shitty YouTube videos, and """facts""" drove an impressionable, depressed and socially stunted retard to MURDER and wound innocent people.
The garbage you spew here IS brainwashing impressionable teens who otherwise are struggling to find a place in the world. These events are going to increase with more severity, and that blood will be on your hands.
You want a movement? Take responsibility for it's actions.
As opposed to mainstream leftists brain washing kids to take no responsibility and blame the powerful and successful for their problems?
We tell the truth, and the truth about real life often isn't very pretty and can make you bitter and disdainful. If your faggot shill ass would lurk moar though, you'd find on Sup Forums quite a bit of talk about taking personal responsibility, taking care of your physical appearance, your health, advice on women, etc. Since we do preach personal responsibility, no we are not collectively responsible for one schizo dude getting himself into a bad situation and panicking.
People being able to talk about the underlying problems would be nice but the media is just spamming them with RACIST WHITE VIOLENCE and it scares the normies
I still don't understand how the crowd didn't pull him out of the car and stomp him right then and there.
Is this supposed to say something? How do I know his mother isn't a crazy abusive cunt as well? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all...
>telling the dispatcher he was on meds to control his anger.
So he was off his meds? Not guilty then, awesome.
>garbage infographics
They are facts. Sourced with studies and statistics, and you can check that for yourself.
I don't give a fuck what he did, it is nothing to do with facts. The truth is not evil, the evil interpret the truth as justification for their evil.
Knowledge is not good or evil.
If he wants to mow down a group of people (still not convicted as it being intentional also) then that is on him.
You are not going to paint us all with the same brush, (especially while leftists and liberals like yourself preach exactly the opposite of that) and have us take that on our shoulders.
Fuck off and go tell muslims ISIS' blood is on their hands you hypocritical piece of shit
Please do not be so Naziphobic
Nazism is an ideology of peace.
You cant judge all Nazi's by the actions of just one of them.
Stop bullying us now you bigot.
Beat and threatened with a knife his own crippled mother you mean.
Not suprised that he was some beta living with his mom playing vidya all day lmao. Master-Race amirite guys.
Sounds like the average 4channer
>Yes it does you fucking idiot. Your garbage infographics, shitty YouTube videos, and """facts""" drove an impressionable, depressed and socially stunted retard to MURDER and wound innocent people.
>The garbage you spew here IS brainwashing impressionable teens who otherwise are struggling to find a place in the world. These events are going to increase with more severity, and that blood will be on your hands.
>You want a movement? Take responsibility for it's actions.
lol are we talking about antifa?
Is this supposed to mean anything? "Oh, this guy has done some shit in the past, this MUST mean this guy is guilty of this crime!"
if you're too much of a pussy and can't follow orders because you're lazy.
obviously a troubled young man pushed towards fanaticism by imperialist america
Either too weak or not able to function under pressure.
This is absolutely hilarious to watch the differences in reaction of both the MSM and of fags like you between that crazy Bernie Sanders fanboy literally bringing a rifle to a baseball diamond to murder Republican politicians, and this crazy (most likely) "Sup Forums" user who plowed his car into some SJW.
Hilarious how you fucks on the left immediately distanced yourself from that guy and you called for "peace from both sides, we all need to tone down the rhetoric!" And now ONE fuckin counterprotestor is killed by some obviously crazy kid and it's all hands on deck THESE NAZIS HAVE GONE TOO FAR, WE NEED TO START ARRESTING ANYONE WHO LOOKS LIKE A NAZI! THE BLOOD IS ON YOURRRR HANDDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
>personal responsibility
Are you fucking serious? You don't emphasize that in the least. Majority of polacks here see life in binary collectivized groups - whites and subhumans.
If you actually emphasized the individual and their own personal responsibility, you wouldnt be falling for the leftist identity politics meme of >muh whites!
And instead would look at each person, regardless of whatever arbitrary group they may be apart of (ie white, black, male, female, gay, straight, etc) as individuals and judging them based on their individual actions.
You just want something to be apart of, which would be fine, if it didn't have blood on its hands or advocated genocide for the generalized other.
His Mom is propably an abusive cunt, kids love their parents. You have to abuse them or let them get raped on a holiday trip to become like this.
>when a mudslime shoots multiple innocent people
>when a right person kills one innocent person
Fucking retard, make a precedent you mongol.
Oh I forgot, also the speed at which the media (even FOX) declared this "POLITICAL TERRURIZM" was breakneck. That chick's body hadn't even hit the ground yet and MSM was already calling this white nationalist terrorism and despicable reprehensible political terror!
Why is it that one person always identifies an entire group but only if said person is right wing or pro-white in nature.
>As opposed to mainstream leftists brain washing kids to take no responsibility and blame the powerful and successful for their problems?
This is a common misconception of what the left position is about. Progressivism considers certain occurrences in society writ large problematic - typically the consolidation and institutionalization of wealth and opportunity within a minority fraction of society a problem. We consider it a worthwile goal that wealth and opportunity should be something you earn through hard work and good ideas, not something you're born into and can take for granted.
>actually posting with a nazi flag
Absolute moron
He clearly decelerated his swing before punching his wheelchair-bound mother in the face for brutally interrupting his gaming, don't be too quick to judge him guilty guise.
He didn't have a criminal record.
So this is all just what people are claiming? Has he ever been convicted or was there any independent verifications of these allegations?
>polacks here see life in binary collectivized groups
proceeds to judge all of Sup Forums as a collective in a binary manner
like pottery
>struggling to find a place
>this is the same as being an actual madman
>don't do anything political for fear of a mad man using it ti justify his rage
Wtf i love communism now
You leftist fucks wanted a war and now that you are losing you whine like the pussies you are.
>the state should be entitled to the money my dad worked his ass off for and will pass on to me someday
Just know I could put a bullet through your head and feel no remorse. There are some of us who are your worst nightmare. Keep pushing and see what happens.
Reminder that this is the contents of his facebook page
You really have to ask?
>what is white privilege
More than a Nazi
Get out of my room mom, I'm playing minecraft!
>You just want something to be apart of
No shit people want sovereignty. The state exists to serve the people, not vice versa. When it asserts the inverse and acts on it, allowing foreign occupants to wield the state against the people they aren't very happy about it. Who could have thought, sovereignty actually seems to matter.
lmao, looks like he went full Sup Forums
This. THIS is going to be a really REALLY good court case against these fucking shithead leftist. He can't handle pressure which goes right along with what has happened to so far.
>threatened his mother
Fuckin' piece of shit
he got tossed for medical history. Saying he failed basic is a ridiculous false narrative. The guy was on antipsychotics for schizophrenia. Now i dont know what part of basic they ask you if your fucking crazy but i imagine its early on, he clearly must have lied quit his meds then flipped out in the first few days.
My bad
My favorite is the profile picture where he bleaches his hair blonde. Probably thought he was the aryan master race.
Played video games got Loco
Nuff said
This was reported by Fox News.
When you call something first reported by FOX FUCKING NEWS, the big right wing news station "a spin", you're probably fighting a lost fuckin' case, kid.
>opportunity should be something you earn through hard work and good ideas
>not something you take for granted
Sounds like a poltard to me
Fox News is owned and run by kikes just like every other mass media outlet boy. Lurk more.
>New concerns about ties between drinking water & mass killers
>New concerns about ties between breathing air & mass killers
>New concerns about ties between violent movies & mass killers
>New concerns about ties between violent music & mass killers
Gas the Jews.
>Jews own and run everything
come on, man. That shit is so old and dusty, its about to rust into mush. Try to come up with a much fresher, current conspiracy to tie shit into.
Maybe it's the tow truck driver or something? it's definitely not the guy in question.
>abusive old woman in a wheelchair
what's she gonna do, throw a bag at him from her wheelchair or refuse to cook him food? he's 20, he could've moved out but he stayed and played video games, was probably mooching off her disability money too like most of the NEET leeches on Sup Forums
you niggers forget to eat your breakfast this morning?
>the money my dad worked his ass off for
Your dad. Not you. You didnt do shit. We're not saying that you should start again from the same line as everyone else. That's unworkable. But we ARE saying that if society boils down to a handful Bill Gates and their trustfund babies and a disenfranchized majority that have the odds severely stacked against them, then that ends up in a shitload of problems for everyone, and it isnt fair. Not even the trust fund baby wins in the end because sooner or later the poor sods will grab their pitchforks and storm the castle. You prefer a 40% tax rate over a guillioutine, trust me.
There is still a chance this was an accident. The baseball shooter was clearly pre meditated. The words alleged or suspected has not been mentioned in a single article I've read yet. The entire msm has turned into Nancy grace overnight. Just labeling him a nazi is driving public opinion and allowing news outlets to completely control the narrative. That should scare the hell out of any American. Political opinion now ='s guilty.
Do you understand what "Murder" is? There was nothing premeditated about this attack; it is negligent manslaughter at worst and mental instability at best
We only show studies, news articles and anti-white absurdity. The 'progressives' caused it.
>another nutjob on psychotropics used to create a narrative
Who would have guessed. Not defending stormfags either. They should be gassed as well for following a duganist plant like Dicky Spetznaz.
>blocking off streets, brandishing weaponry, and chanting like a mob
>Fox News is owned and run by kikes
Murdoch is Australian, not Jewish.
on his court hearing he had no criminal record and only parking tickets against his name, i wonder who to trust?
I mean Fox isn't OWNED by jews but Murdoch is pretty openly Zionist and such.,
>Your garbage infographics, shitty YouTube videos, and """facts""" drove an impressionable, depressed and socially stunted retard to MURDER and wound innocent people.
I didn't know he visited a Republican baseball practice too.
more made up fake news.
Stop blaming us for your own shitty attitudes.
Trump's biggest supporters were the neo-nazis and racist skinheads, therefore he has no one to blame but himself for empowering him.
No one is spitting on the tragically swindled folk in the Rust Belt over this, so stop bringing that out of context shit into this argument.
Yeah, that's right. No one told him to do it and others aren't doing it. His history proves that it was his own personal problems with anger combined with the oppressive corruption, abuse, and racial hate directed his way that day that made him do it.
Well said
Sup Forums has blood on its hands now
> Pol had nothing to do with this
Sounds like "he was no angel"
>raised by a single mom
Fox News is pretty much centrist and they're dishonest like the rest of the mainstream media.
>Be you.
>Reads article from San Francisco Chronicle with 'Anonymous Source'
>Believes article
This is the state of our dumbed down populace. Literal retards that can't tell a character assassination story from the back of their hand. Why are you so retarded? What happened? Was it lead poisoning? Traumatic brain injury? Why are you such a dumb fucking asshole?
>On medication
stop right there
>he was on psychotropics
spotted the shill