What do you faggots think about antidepressants? Are they redpilled or are they a literal bluepill...

What do you faggots think about antidepressants? Are they redpilled or are they a literal bluepill? I started one about a month and a half ago and I think it's finally starting to work.

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stay away from firearms

Fucking checked. Why, though? I have three guns in the house. Been a while since I shot them or even cleaned them (I need to clean them) but they're there. Why avoid?

Antidepressants can cause severe suicidal ideation. NEVER act on these thoughts. Call a suicide hotline if you feel them coming too strong.

best anti-depressant is selegiline, 5-10mg/day depending on body weight

best emergency anxiety buster is tianeptine 10-20 mg, starts working in 15-20 minutes when you let the tab dissolve under the tongue

I've always wanted to die but never had the balls to pull the trigger. Today I actually kind of want to live...

I'm not familiar with either of those.

actively suppressed info in the US

>altering your brain chemistry to lazily change your behavior instead of working on the source of your depression and eliminating it from your life
It's literally the bluest pill you can swallow.

If you need to clean them, then clean them and oil them instead of shitposting.

My classmates who were antidepressants ended up addicts with some crazy shit like heroine. I'm worried about my best friend now, they're taking them and hiding it.

1. Good luck getting an erection.

2. Actually drop them and use the opportunity to grow stronger as a person. Just take a deep breath and don't be a faggot, it's simple.

this thread will summon pharma shills if we keep it going

Please listen. These drugs work for a lot of people. Just be careful. You don't want to die. You DON'T want to die.

Some of them even died

Get some Narcan rescues; $250 worth. Have fun.

Comment below you

Fuck off. This isn't a joke. Suicidal ideation is not a joke.

Some people do have a physiological need them to correct real and measurable neurochemical imbalances.

The only good thing that I can recall while being on that shit, is it seemed to make me get drunk twice as fast and I was a way happier drunk. Other than that, it sucked. Sex was hard, because you couldn't fucking cum.

When you see people take these and their lives destroyed, maybe you'd think differently.

Thanks user, I appreciate it.

>protect yourself from suicide!
>working on your problems themselves isn't going to help
>just buy these pills for hundreds of dollars split between you and the American taxpayer
>don't stop taking them though, the suicidal thoughts that come from doing so are almost inescapable
>don't worry, we only say you might have suicidal thoughts while on these pills because a couple guys did
>but that totally won't happen to you...
Yeah, fuck you.

most anti depressants make the problems worse and actually increase the severity of the chemical imbalances but because it fucks you up a little people keep taking them


do it just to piss the stoic fags off

Antidepressants are bad for you. Just masturbate and smoke a joint if you REALLY need to.

Even better, micro-dose on LSD.

They're a horrible idea, my dude.

When I was in my early teens, my parents were getting divorced. Naturally, my mom won custody. I didn't really care for the way she was treating my father (who, wasn't a saint himself), and had other problems going on in my life, on top of the fact that I was a dipshit teen.

She, in her mid-afternoon talk-show-watching genius, decided that my problems were the result of "severe depression," and decided to put me on antidepressants. On a near monthly basis, I was forced to play roulette with prescriptions. Nothing "worked," and my mood was a rollercoaster. The end result of this all was:
>year-long bouts of depression
>dumb decisions made in states of mania
>a handful of scars on my upper thighs and shoulders that I can't get rid of
>actual thoughts of suicide
>the entirety of my teen years, what should have been my best years, absolutely wasted

Don't do them, user. My life is still pretty shitty all around, but quitting them the day I turned 18 was one of the best decisions I've made in my life.

You're welcome.

I'm saying that it does destroy your life. Are you an idiot? Can you read? It can cause suicidal ideation. It can cause you to take your own life. I took some and had it. I no longer take it. It doesn't happen to everyone, but it does happen to many.

Do you know what it's like? To have your mind scream at you to die? Every day, all day?

yessss, goy, feel bad about yourself because subconciously you know that you're just a filthy dog being controlled by a greater scheme of dialectical demographic control that undermines the development of your penial glands to stunt your psychological growth into an ever pleasure-seeking subhuman lacking any freuidian development of reality principal beyond what you're told to keep you in perfect submission?


Dude why the fuck were you taking pills that made you think that?

Yes. I sought help from my friends and family, got referred to a shrink, and traced it to my perfectionism. After knowing what was causing it, working to accept mistakes and failure led to me not wanting to kill myself every day.

>working on the source of your depression and eliminating it from your life
If you think that getting rid of severe depression is that easy you don't know shit about depression.
It does not have to have a definite source and it can just continue even if you have no actual reason to be depressed.

Holy shit, lots of nines in here.

watch videos about Christianity and hitler. Much better than anti-depressants.

Was on Zoloft for years. Would literally break down in tears when off my meds. Went to college and obtained academic success and a healthy social life for the first and only time in my life. Stopped taking meds Junior year with no adverse effects. Stayed off meds. Ten years later and still doing fine. Only depression I've had since going off my meds has been normal women breaking your heart shit, but that doesn't really mean anything. I think most people on meds actually need help improving their life rather than correcting brain chemistry.

One is prescribed medicine. Medicine does not always work. When it fails to work and breaks your mind, you need to understand that it is not YOU that is broken, it is the pills. You can't know until you try it. They work for my father. They work for my wife. They do not work for me. People are different.

People are different. If you can't understand that, you will never understand your own failures.


The mentally ill (extreme paranoia) argue that mental illness doesn't actually exist and it's all a plot by jews to make money and mind control the populace.

Sorry dude. I really hope you get better and if you are better than that's even better.
My classmates dropped dead on cocktail mixes and thinking they couldn't overdose.(they also took pain shit)

>and it can just continue even if you have no actual reason to be depressed
Then you understand there's no reason to hate yourself and it's a matter of willpower. Work on your will and you'll conquer not only yourself, but just about anything.

Excellent non-sequitur. It's pretty damn hilarious to see you shirk self-improvement in favor of consuming a never-ending cocktail of drugs that have a tendency to induce suicide.

Do NOT take them unless you absolutely need them.

Do NOT take them and just think your life will magically get better.

Getting through depression and anxiety takes work. It isnt hard work, but its work. A pill can help, but its not a magic solution.

Good luck to any of you.

I hate all of you. But I would love to see and hear you all again tomorrow, because I love to hate you. Be good Sup Forumsacks. The world hates you, but I love you.

I take them BECAUSE i have had suicidal impulses daily for years and was unable to get rid of my depression via normal means. Guess what? They are mostly gone now and I have been able to live a bit more normal life after trying a few anti-depressants and finding one that works for me.
I'd most likely be dead by now if it wasn't for them

The cure for depression is god

it's hard to listen to you when you spew random emotionally confused faggotry

So ease off your crutch, learn to accept and take pride in yourself, and start living truly free.

I'm sorry that that happened. No matter who they were, it is tragic.

You are a fool that thinks he knows more than he actually does.

I'm glad that they worked for you. Do whatever it takes to survive.

Thanks for the info on those, user. I've been struggling with different meds tryi,g to see if something will stick and that anxiety one looks like a good option to bring up to the doc.

Something tells me I know more than you; If you had a real argument, you would have posted it instead of some whine.

You are a know-it-all child. You lack perspective.

It is obvious that you have never suffered from long-term depression

Willpower is the one thing that you most likely won't have after being depressed long enough and understanding that there is no reason to be depressed doesn't mean that it dissappears even if you try to force yourself into getting rid of it. Depression isn't always logical or caused by your life situation or sense of self-worth. It can be chronic and actually caused by medical reasons instead of just being purely mental

See my other response. What age are you? Don't lie.

Video message to Sup Forums


Well do you love us or hate us? I'm fine with either but you need to figure this out.
Yeah maybe for you but not for me my dude.


Don't let that fool get to you. Like an edgy teenager, he thinks he knows everything in this world.

Yeah I know people like to meme about Jews creating anti-depressenants and shit, but whatever you choose to believe it says probably right on the bottle that it "may cause suicidal thoughts or actions". You might think right now that you'd never in a million years kill yourself, but that's not how it works with these things. It can comes on very suddenly and out of nowhere something in your brain will snap and it's like you're a completely different person. Brain chemistry is extremely bizarre and enigmatic in that way. I only suggest you stay away from guns because there are many documented cases of this exact sort of situation involving people just like you who recently started taking these pills.

You actually seemed like an older guy that's so a lot of shitty people throughout your life.

There's this thing called "help from other people". If you have friends, family, or even the number of a good shrink, I invite you to try it.

I'm 25. I've seen my friends kill themselves because of these pills your sick ass is trying to push. When I was offered them, I refused and demanded to work out my own issues like I had some responsibility for my own well-being instead of acting like a child.
Seriously, fuck you. You deserve a bullet for trying to kill vulnerable people.

I'm in my late 20s. I haven't seen anything yet. Thank you though.

You are an idiot if you think everyone is like you. How could they be? Think for a moment before you accuse everyone of being exactly like you.

you're a moron my dude

Eh fuck it, I'll bite. Why?

Who implied I think everyone is like me, you complete imbecile? Is this all you can do, strawman your opponents because you can't form a rational argument?

Why do you do this, lead people to their graves? Are you a shill, or is it just for the enjoyment?

Stay the fuck away from them for the love of God. They are literally the Proto- Mark of the beast.

This things will fuck you up and rearange your thought process in unholy ways. Soon, you'll start having suicidal thought at the least stressful encounterbyou have and grow very dependant and lazy. Youll literally become the perfect globalist slave cattle that (((they))) want you to be

I took antidepressants. I got suicidal. I stopped taking them.

People I know and love take them and have not gotten suicidal. They are far more healthy because of the pills. My relationships with them would have been ruined due to their depression if not for those pills.

If you didn't need them, but other people do, what does that mean? Are those people like you? Are they like me? No. They are different. Their brains are different.

People are different. People have different reactions to identical stimuli. Is this clear enough for you to understand?

Studies showed that exercise was better treatment for depression than SSRI. Although the most extreme cases of depression werent included in the study I cite below.


Did you miss me say I have about four friends that killed themselves because "hey, put your faith in this pill"? Drugs are always a last resort, and anyone that pushes them as option one is a sick, willfully incomplete human being.

>do you know what it's like?
Not just for the time spent on meds.

I've always been too much of a lazy fat cunt to exercise. Maybe if these drugs do their thing I might be willing to start. It would definitely be good for me. I mean that much it's objectively true, regardless of how I feel about doing it.

Go to a gym. Hell, even Planet Fitness could be a good try since they're all about inclusion and motivation. Just only eat two slices during their pizza days.

I'm sorry. I really am. Nobody deserves those thoughts. I know, I know, nobody but "me". But you really don't deserve them. You deserve better.

Your friends died and you still don't understand. I'm sorry for them. Do you truly not understand that it can help some people?

If you are going to cite a source atleast link the actual article or its abstract. That link doesn't even have a link to the research article it is referring to


Thanks mate. I appreciate it life is a battle I intend to fight.

Just do 1 minute of extreme cardio. Whatever cardio you can do to get yourself out of breath in a minute. Do this a few times a day. You'll burn more calories and feel a lot better with 3 minutes of effort.

Do you not understand that you pushing drugs on people first instead of psychology is painfully irresponsible and immoral?

Just remember that, when the thoughts come, it's okay to do nothing. Relax your self. You don't need to hurt yourself to do nothing.

When did I say drugs before psychological treatment? Are you even reading my posts?

Unlike you.



Thank you for finally understanding.

I've suffered depression since I was a child, it lead me to be a neet and I even tried to kill myself twice in my teens. My mother never cared, I never learned to seek help thus never been medicated. I somehow managed to overcome it for some time, finished my education.

But, from 2 years something is pulling me down again, worse than ever. [spoiler]The days before and during my period are hell, it's not just pmsing (though it's gotten worse, I'm a completely unhappy bitch and paranoic of others, as in I suspect they just tolerate me and it causes me to lash out) but I think of suicide all the time those days. Think on how to kill myself all day (the current obsession was hanging), in a casual manner. Some months ago, I'd unconsciously fantasize about body harm as well, ways of my body being maimed would just flash in my mind (e.g. having my eyes cut open). [/spoiler]

I still have those thoughts too. A therapist isn't a bad idea. Please be careful.

I'm considering, I just need to find a little strength to seek help. Thank you.

Anyone tried ketamine?

School shooters' favorite.

Make sure your doctor knows what they are doing. Started off good medicine helped a lot Started enjoying life. Had some extra situational depression and they talked me into taking more medicine. Every time I would go in they would add more medicine or increase doses. Began to have a lot of mental breakdowns and became paranoid. Came in for an appointment and she smiled and told me I'm disabled now. Started looking for another doctor but it was too late things were getting worse and I was suicidal. Ended up going to the hospital. It's been over a year now and I'm a lot better but still get paranoid and have mental breakdowns every so often.

>let the tab dissolve under your tongue
Where are you getting tablets? And tianeptine comes in sodium and phosphate salts, how are you not chemically burning the shit out of the floor of your mouth? Also selegiline works but dietary and chemical restrictions inherent with MAOIs are dissuading.

It all depends, user. If you take an antidepressant to elevate your mood enough to tackle your problems so that they are no longer problems, and you stop taking them, the antidepressant was just helping you along and that is fine. But to throw a veil of false happiness over the misery and not do anything about why you are unhappy other than take pills? That is a bad situation just waiting to happen. Eventually, tolerance sets in and all that shit that you were trying to keep away with the pill comes flooding in on you, harder than before. What's big pharma's solution? Increase the prescription strength or move you onto a stronger antidepressant altogether.
Would you consider that a good solution for you? I would hope not.