What exactly motivates Antifa faggots? How did kikes manage to make whites hate their own race and fight against it?

What exactly motivates Antifa faggots? How did kikes manage to make whites hate their own race and fight against it?

explain this

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Read up on r/k theory. They're simply motivated by being part of an in-group accepted by the establishment.

Because they are butthurt fags who can't handle that the God Emperor is president. All of these commie fags should be shot dead wherever they are.


communism gives them the excuse to do nothing. most of them are dropouts or have worthless degrees and limited if any practically skills. them shilling for communism gives them an excuse to be worthless along with the promise of the gibs me bux coming from the rich.

>What exactly motivates Antifa faggots?
The destruction of fascism as an ideology and all of its proponents.
> How did kikes manage to make whites hate their own race and fight against it?
The jews caused this with the allure of a "better society". A society in which all embrace diversity and the ideals of socialism. Antifa is the left's fist.

Yuri bezmenov will explain it to you


thanks looks interesting

So antifa are pro-communist? How does it work? If they are so humane then why do they like communism which killed more people than Hitler?

The same reasons Republicans vote against their own economic interests. Identity politics which can all be traced back to one source, the Jew.

>fighting against fascism means hating ur own race
remain mad stormfaggot

Jordan Peterson explains the Cultural Marxist ideals very well, why young people are drawn to it, and what motivation the ideology has.


I suppose the aspect of what motivates them isn't really that different from us.

They're drivin with seething anger towards anyone even remotely right wing (which is apparently all white people by default), and want nothing less than a slow, torturous death for their enemies. They're closet sadists.

Now take the above paragraph and replace "left" with "right", and "white" with "black" and you get Sup Forums.

Sup Forumsar opposites

Who cares, just kill 'em where you see them.

>Australian shitposting

"That wasn't real communism" isn't just a fucking meme, it's literally what these retards were told to believe


gibs, most of the antifas are students and welfare queen, quickest way out of antifa is giving them a job and then telling them to donate money they had to work for

>why do they like communism which killed

Killing is actually an important part of communist ideology. Read up on it.

>implying the communist "kill count" wasnt massive inflated as capitalist propaganda

>appeal to authority
not an argument

>>fighting against fascism

Nice buzzword, hippy.

beta males

Soy, bottled water, anime, etc.

>beta males

They really are. I've seen the pictures. Mobs and virtue signaling make them feel swole.

Because nothing makes me happier than seeing you sad fascists fucks losing everything. You clung to an ideology that says you are special and now it's becoming exposed the only thing that special about you is the ability to fuck up anything you touch.
>no girlfriend
>no job
>no life
>blame minorities!

Nazis watch out!

punch a pedonazi.

Look at all those professional made signs... wonder whose behind this?

>Because nothing makes me happier than seeing you sad fascists fucks losing everything.

Haven't lost a thing, sweety. Fascist is just an empty buzzword. You never had anything to begin with because you are a bum.

First of all, as an ecologist and evolutionist r/k selection theory is a defunct, worthless heuristic. if you had actually studied anything you would know that.
>being part of an in-group accepted by the establishment.
Is this a joke?
The only publicity anarchy has gotten in 100 years came after some they faced off against the most hated people aroundz
Very few people even formally understand what anarchism is

>bottled water
Please explain.

>What exactly motivates Antifa faggots?
They are kids of the upper bourgeoisie who don't know the value of anything and think they can destroy anything -- a Starbucks, an entire race, a garbage can -- as if it will magically come back to life. They're spoiled.

Just look at them, they all look like mentally damaged freakshows.

Racemixed, pierced, tattooed, poorly dressed, bad smelling, physically weak....etc
These are the absolute dregs of society

>literal NAT-SOCs and open authoritarian-nationalists
keep crying bout ur "movement" being fucked stormfag

People are easily confused and then taken advantage off.

>God Emperor
Keep worshiping your kike president.

Anarchist is code for snowflake. No one takes you seriously.

They are doing it under the guise of egalitarianism or whatever idea espoused and it will be justified as long as the idea remains accepted.

fuck off reddit

its easy when you USE RETARDS

>not an argument
How will anarchy ever recover?

Back to r/t_d

I'm not a nat-soc or stormfag. I think you people are swell.

try harder faggot

>american national socialist movement attended the event
>traditional workers part which identifies itself as NAT-SOC attended the event
oh but those groups werent "real" alt-right right?

Archive link: archive.is/yKCeH

The altright is cucked, more than half of them support "based" homosexuality

What does this so-called "event" have to do with this thread? Or any of us?

I'm not an Antifa faggot, or an Alt-right cuck.

I'm a proud Dinosaur Earther.

>"but their not real NATSOC i swear"
isnt that literally the same excuse u accuse socialists of using mate?

I too, dislike dinosaurs

>makes thread shittalking ANTIFA
wow what major event was ANTIFA just at........

Because the state of our modern world, the state of our nations, the state of our people leaves us with an urge to fight but it's a largely directionless urge.
This urge can be easily exploited, it can be turned in on oneself causing one to exhibit mental unwellness which is extremely dangerous but perhaps even more dangerous is the ease with which it can be turned outwards and manipulated, this is how you get groups like Antifa and this is how you get mass murderers and the like.
The desire to fight for one's people, one's land, one's culture is being subverted and perverted but there's only so long that can go on before that desire to fight which before would have just been expended on innocent individuals or oneself is instead turned against the increasingly blatant enemy as well it should.

They overplayed their hand, the very best they could have done was nothing and we'd have continued our self destructive course but instead they gave us an enemy to rally against.

гpyзины - пидopы

Blaming the Jewish conspiracy for your failures with women and the job market is the alt-rights biggest recruiter so this is just hilarious.

Just think back to how you were in your teens o something. If you lived a normal life then you were told that racists were irrational and crazy and violent. That their racism was very shallow and silly.

You believe that when racists got power they murdered 11 million people and tried to conquer the entire globe.

What Antifa fags believe isn't complicated. Throw on top of that an innate sense of guilt since many of them come from wealthy households, and righteous indignation about the innate unfairness of the world and life, paired with a comfortable life with no real day to day struggles...

cocи хyй бля, бaндepa

the sound Soro's checkbook as he cuts a check.

Pavlovian pure and simple.

They're a bunch of misfits that associate whiteness with elites that oppress them in some way. Old stuffy white people have sex in the missionary position and reproduce therefore they're oppressing people that like pegging. Thin people have more sex than they do therefore thin people are oppressing landwhales. It's more personal and psychological and petty than political if you pay attention to them closely.

Money. Antifags are paid by Ballsack eyes and his pet bitch.

They are the weak minded ones, they do as they are told, and believe everything they read and are told without the ability if critical thought. Natural selection will eventually do it's business and they will be gone

Funny how they actually think they rebel when they in fact are following orders and the indoctrinated lies of their "professors". I don't get the last mentioned ones btw, here we go to school to study, and with that you FAIL if you are not able of thinking your self and critical thought

Anarchism merely means absence of a state authority ie anarchy.

this really too, in any system these would be the losers

They're deranged masochists.

>They're simply motivated by being part of an in-group accepted by the establishment.
complete BS - AF was always traditionally anti-establishment, wouldn't argue its becoming increasingly mainstream tho, certainly in the Murican version - lot of which looks like bored rich kids, like a McDs packaged takeaway anarchy burger.


Antifa is funded by the Muslim brotherhood who have years of experience brainwashing the youth

they probably went through an initiation rite and are committed to their cause

just adding that even the communists wants capable workers

as yuri says these would be offed to gulags, they just wanted the workers when they took over, not these subhumans, that's what really makes it funny

these parasitic self entitled western "commies" would be of no interest to the real ones

Would you care to enlighten us as to what the figure ought to be?

I have met alot of people who are sympathetic to pro-white things, hate niggers and other assorted scum etc. I have NEVER met one of these people who wasn't employed. You don't get nationalist ideals by being a dole-bludging bum, you get the opposite.

Nazi's maybe.

>What exactly motivates Antifa faggots?
old jewish money

They're basically the group that would be the neo-nazi street muscle if nazism was still 'cool.'

It's literally just about feeling like they belong somewhere to them.

I'm talking about the young white males who make up the actual fighting unit of antifa, of course.

The rest are commie larpers who are just looking for a crusade that isnt there.

>How did capitalists manage to make workers hate their own class and fight against it?


just read this, scary. I'd heard about post modernism a few times but never really looked into it

That's because anarchism is the dumbest ideology of all time and basically just calls for going back to square 1 where eventually somebody with potential will seize power in a dictatorial fashion all over again.

Better than blaming shit on capitalism like a commie

More or less correct. They are expressing globalist ideology, which is establishment ideology, in an extreme way. The establishment says "everyone should wear a yellow hat" and they say "'everyone who doesn't wear a giant bright yellow hat SHOULD BE KILLED".
> it gives them a sense of identity and a feeling of superiority over the establishment, without the risk involved in actually challenging it
>what's funny is that they actually think they are rebelling against the state

Soros funded domestic terrorism.

Zero legitimacy.

They think they are fighting evil.

Mentally ill, probably childhood trauma, want to lash out at something, indoctrinated to be leftist.

They are motivated by propaganda. Their entire movement is a psyop filled with useful idiots and autistic satanists.


Because you idots fell for Soro's bait, now you idiots have the image of actual nazis.

Antifa are just the (((commies))) henchmen (useful idiots) and have always been together since the beginning.

Partly stockholm syndrome. They live around murderous blacks who constantly exhibit terrifying behavior and credible threats of torture and murder. Party they see how the nazis lost and the south lost and paid heavily. .the biggest reason is when they are their parents age they will be more and more outnumbered by groups who will south africa them or Detroit them. If you want to see the world democrats have in store for our children look no farther than baltimore or. Chicago.

Antifa are telling their paremts that they didnt protect them, leaving them to make peace with their future masters, no matter how craven or cucked it looks to outsiders. They will inherit a world where they are the slaves. Antifa are our children whom we have badly failed. They dont deserve hatred. They want us to fight for them, but they need us to win.

why do they use other languages? why not just "anti fascist"?
groups in spain and here use spanish, in france, french, etc.
Just use English, fucking larpers.

Probably their faith in free stuff n shiet

>implying nazis didnt kill tons of white ppl aswell

retard detected

What are you, the night shift? That wasn't even in context. Are shilling from India?

lets go over the big three communists "genocides"
>cambodia easiest to disprove
received funding from CIA not even a communist performed ethnic cleansing and was hated b all communist nations cept china
the great leap forward was a BIG fuck up though i admit that

Yet they like to think of themselves as anti-establishment. Sounds about right.

the state propaganda was effective on them and their pleasure/reward system is permanently set to favor self-harm. most westerners have been conditioned this way to some degree.