I'm a Public Relations Professional, and I have to say you guys have just destroyed your brand.
Your brand of intelligent, logical thinking rationalist with white nationalist "but intelligent" views has been turn into basement dwelling, unhinge, potentially dangerous threat to society.
You guys in 1 weekend have push so many demographic segments against you.
The worst group you have alienated was the middle base. Now all you have is the extreme fringes rights.... which is the minority.
If you want advice on what you can do to salvage your brand, just ask me any thing...
Juan Carter
Daniel Anderson
>>> You guys need to show the world that you aren't racist and that you aren't a threat.
2. What you need is a diversity program to add People of Color and women to your ranks.
Especially in top position. Consider adding Black Women in leadership position in your movement.
3. Show the world you care. Consider doing charity work in a disadvantage Black community. Some nice Photo Op's of alt right members feeding the black poor can repair you image.
Jackson Hernandez
>Public Relations Professional
Evan Gonzalez
Just another Liberal Troll white shaming the anons
Hudson Edwards
Fucking great Idea. All you gotta do is show those raging rabbid gorillas over there that have been eating your friends alive for the past few weeks that you're not in any way a threat and I promise they'll leave you alone. Also you need Women of Color to lead your movements and you need to do charity work (that thing that never actually helps anyone and is just one big virtue signal that only ever appeals to idiots.) Holy shit you really are some kind of genius aren't you? I bet you think Trump is off his rocker too.
Colton Walker
How can we get more /based/ black men in our movement so that we can appeal to the normies?
Should I let my neighbor Tyrone fuck and cum inside my wife's pussy? Would that improve my PR cred?
Leo Walker
yes that actually would. I Mean, how can you be racist if you let a black man fuck your wife???
Liberal would have no retort.
Jonathan Bennett
Other way around dipshit.
This was a set up and its only going to make us grow angrier.
World is against us.
It wouldn't be fair otherwise.
Grayson Richardson
in my opinion all what we have to do is stop being white nationalist and start being racial nationalist, in the sense of fighting on side of blacks to rebuild their communities and develop their own nation as we fight for the existence and develop of our race inside a white nation... We can just stop saying that blacks are the worst and encourage them to create a racial ideal, work together for as better future for all races in the world, work together to preserve human biodiversity