Can we get this trending on black twitter?
Can we get this trending on black twitter?
Julian Jackson
Ian Kelly
Good idea, gives us self defense claim.
Ryder Johnson
Start? They already are
Adrian Phillips
Literally Jewish tactics
Samuel Howard
as if nogs aren't already killing whites. lol up until NOW, the communists were just like Buddha.
if you want to do anything, i guess just make them kill coalburners more often.
Zachary Wood
ironically it was a white man killed a white land whale...
bring it on the earlier the race war the better
Zachary Phillips
You have to have a diverse set of socio-normative friends to get a hash tag trending, OP.
Sorry you suck.
Kevin Rivera
Bring it, you fuckin spook
Gabriel Williams
feed me the ammo, ill post everything on my black guy twitter account.
# b l a c k t w i t t e r and # b l m etc...
Charles Ortiz
>not being willing to use their tricks against them