Charlottesville PROVED how powerful we are. Look how fucking scared the entire anti-white system is of us...

Charlottesville PROVED how powerful we are. Look how fucking scared the entire anti-white system is of us. We cannot back down now. Now is the time to move forward more than ever.
If you are feeling blackpilled you need to get a grip, fighting this entire anti white zionist system was never going to be easy. It is going to take great courage and will to pull it off, but if us in the alt-right remain steadfast, we will win. Truth is on our side.

Other urls found in this thread:



Also we are currently being raided by AntiFa, Left wing groups, ShareBlue, NGOs, and Federal Agencies all at once to make us in fight, and lose hope.

Truth is not on your side. The alt-right is just all sad little douches like yourself. kys

Ironically many of these raiders may actually get Red-Pilled and switch sides. There's a lot of people on Sup Forums who initially came to troll/attack Sup Forums as Leftists, but then got Red-Pilled and switched sides.

Right now you need to be on your game and educate people, and turn them to our side.

Why don't you come up with a coherent strategy instead of making pointless statements?

It's satire faggot. Those retards took it seriously. I'm not a racist, I'm a libertarian who enjoys shitposting. Get fucked...

Ah you may have won a battle, but you are far from winning the war

Oh, please don't crawl back into the woodwork, you are costing the Republican party votes every second you are out in the open.