And just like that, he's a one term President

And just like that, he's a one term President.

Other urls found in this thread:

Beard cum

Wrong way to spell "two".

But he didn't say niggers are responsible. Everyone else is jumping to that conclusion because they know deep down, under the libshit brainwashing, that that's the reason.

Posobiec is cancer, he co-opts EVERY story with false info to deligitimize it.
He is funded by Jewish Canadians.
He is a former Communications Officer for the military.

>s-surely the constant failure won't prevent him from winning, w-will it?

It's real

This guy has no fucking awareness

Remember in 2015 when no one thought trump would be president?
Nice stuttering faggot.

I'm certain he's aware but he's making an indirect statement.

>s-surely your definition of failure is the same as ours, r-right?
The mind is a terrible thing to waste, kid.


How's that workin' out for ya?

Do not trust Jack.

He is fake news.

>retweeting Jack Posobiec
This is where I draw the line


And just like that the left is back to bitching about trump tweets.

Most likely Trump is planning something with Chicago

This, it's only because they don't want to be honest with themselves that this would even be an issue.

Next he's going to retweet Loomer's rhinoplasty fund. FFS


-media and leftists every time Trump does anything

>a random retweet
>surely this is the end of Trump's campaign

Who is Jack Posobiec and why should I care?

Jesus fucking Christ

So glad he did this. I've been saying this whole thing is a load of shit like usual.

The only other option is he is a time Traveller. The chances of this being the correct move atm are approaching zero

Taking the media spotlight off charlottesville. He is taking one for the team.

"I love Jews, they are the best at deals! But such terrible noses, what a shame. We can help! #MAGA"

Welp, the media is going to have a field day on Trump for this, but he is right.

It's actually kind of savvy... the leftist media is going to give him shit for attempting to solve the crime crisis in Chicago which effects black people. I wonder how they'll spin this.

Trumps best and possibly only chance of being reelected now is to become a proper war-time president.

Attack on the Norks within 3 years confirmed.

oh look another alt right genius who can't read but knows all about the court system


>39 shootings in Chicago
>lol dis nigga Trump racist n shiet
>the article says nothing about the color of the shooters

He's a genius

Not that idiot. I can't even defend atrump on this one

The racial identity politics are getting so bad on the left that there's a pretty good chance he will win 2020.

Some guy on twitter who makes shit up.

They will accuse him of trying to shift the narrative to other racial issues and call him insensitive and insincere


He has balls of steal.

We'll be hearing about this tweet all over mainstream media tomorrow.

I do believe he's not super stupid and realized, re-tweeting something of this nature will bring the spot light.

But he linked a credible source?

It was a dog whistle to us. He's still /ourpresident/.

A total fucking idiot "reporter." He works with that Loomis broad and they were the ones that interrupted the Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Ceaser.

Unless he's trying to get the media to dox/hassle Posobiec like they did the WWF dude...

>Trump says Chicago shootings are bad and should receive more attention
>This means he is racist

>alt-right user

He wants to bring attention to black violence and liberal Democrat policies that create it.


No way, Posobiec is pretty based, Polish, pro-Europe, and is mild enough in his approach to not be labeled a Nazi.

This is third brilliant Twitter play today.

1) Attack the Merck CEO for high drug prices who Democrats have attacked for the same thing and force Democrats to now defend him.
2) Runs a critique on the media by doing what they want and they still attack him for it, and he calls them on it.
3) Retweet an "alt right" guy about implied black on black murders in Chicago so that the Democrats will attack him for the "alt right" part and very publicly continue to ignore all of the crime in Chicago, which has been and will continue to drive a wedge between some blacks and the Democrats.

And he also made the fat little gook back down and pardoned Sherriff Joe.

I'm with you, MSM playing identity politics and they're trying to flood our board with their shitty narritive. They don't even care about niggers, just want an excuse to call Trump more bad names. He had a nice speech too right after and Trump said some really nice things up there.

This time but he has tweeted BS in the past.

>claims to know about the court system
>still can't figure out that Trump hasn't committed a single impeachable offense
Nice try, though.
Pretty good, actually.



Alex Jones said when they give up on he russia narrative they will try the nazi narrative. silly msm.

Just like that? Really, just like that? Never mind everything leading up to now, THIS is the defining tweet. Fuck off, moron.


Look at how hard this nigga is raging.


In this particular instance, he did link to a credible source. Still, the idiot has a long history pushing half-truths and just straight up lying sometimes. He's just another talentless loser trying to make a living by being an alt-right mouthpiece.


Every day, and in every way, Trump proves to the world that he is a 12th dimensional chess master.

>One plus One
Equals 2 terms

The rape Melania sign guy wooooooo yeah.

I really don't think he's that bad at all. He's certainly a lot more credible than Alex Jones was 10 years ago with all his half-wit conspiracies.

what makes you think that?

Seems like a constant success to me.

So really, what did Chicago do to trump?
I swear the hatred he has for that city is almost unreal. Pretty sure he would delete the city from existence if he could.

alt-right rally in the middle of niggsville chicago?
Bring all the lefties to the ghetto and watch as everything goes to shit.

>condemn nazis and white supremacist in the best way possible
>shine light on how leftists ignore violence in their own back yard

Truly Donald is an American hero and Patriot.

Idk I feel like we are in uncharted waters as far as trump backlash goes. This weekend was baaad for white people

>So really, what did Chicago do to trump?
iirc it's one of those sanctuary cities saying "we won't follow federal law, fuck you, give us money though or we'll sue"

>give Posobiec and The Rebel Media the HanAssSolo treatment?

I'm sure he likes the city he's got s beautiful tower there. It's just a liberal shit hole

Looks like someone has never been on a Robert thread.

Type in Rahm Emanuel into Google News and see what a faggot Jew prick he is.

bruh, he aint even gonna be a one year president.

You'll never find a single ounce of sympathy for someone who does the nazi salute and shouts things like "blood and soil"

Don't want to get doxxed? Don't go to fucking Nazi rallies. The tolerance for Antifa and Nazis is over, Trump is coming to smash you authoritarians fuck stains. Im gonna enjoy watching it.

Your understanding of Charlottesville is like that of a child.

I'm tired of seeing communists and nazis bitch fighting with shields and sticks in American cities. Trump is coming down on both sides. You're both fucking cancer, you both cause chaos and division. Get fucked.

I disagree, having the Left attack all White people as Nazis is good. Better now than when we are a minority, wake people up while we still have a chance.

Actually the left is fine with antifa's violence. It's racist violence they don't like.

>"Antifa’s violent tactics have elicited substantial support from the mainstream left."


sorry wanted to correct my post. Also have a thread bump

>show concern for violence amongst black communities
>das raycis
I supoose he's just supposed to ignore the worst city in America.

>donald trump isn't a real candidate
>trump is a bully and should be disqualified
>trump lost the debate
>trump is a racist and should be disqualified
>donald trump has no path to victory
>trump is sexist and should be disqualified
>hillary clinton doesn't even think about trump anymore
>trump is mentally unfit and should be disqualified
>trump will be impeached
>trump is a nazi
>Trump will be a one term president

Reminds me of the time when Trump said he wanted to crack down on crime in inner cities, and the media immediately started portraying him as a massive racist singling out blacks.


>Actually the left
The left has been self destructing itself with shit like Google firing someone for simply using science to explain something. CNN doxxing a private citizen over a meme.

Then Spencer and his controlled opposition goons radicalize some retard from Ohio and he runs over a group of people. The left was self destructing and Trump was making head way, now the far right and their neo nazi shit lords are fucking things up for Trump.

It's what Nixon did. It'll happen.

You mean Blind Alaska, who was hit with acid in Charlottesville?

Walked into that one, idiot. Maybe there's a reason a guy ran over Antifa.

Our president is a fucking autist...

Trump has balls of steel

Drumpf is finished. (((Americans))) will be absolutely outraged at any mention of black crime.


The truth is gonna come out, one way or the other

>he doesn't snort lines of alt-right daily

I love how this was completely forgot about lol

>9 dead
>30 shootings

Meahwhile in Africa 30 humans die every day.


Read that in an Aussie accent. Sides are currently somewhere in the Andromeda galaxy.

dems lost 5 elections in a row so far, all good nigger.


Thread theme:

Guys, I have a feeling this person isn't an actual bishop.

>he..he...he beat the media by doing what they wanted! 5d cuckoldry!!!
