Eclipse disproves flat earth

If the earth is flat, how come the round earth + newtonian heliocentric model is so good at predicting eclipses down to the second? Checkmate atheists.

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No it doesn't.

The globe is a meme.

Where is the flat earth theory that can actually predict when eclipses will happen though? A scientific theory is only as good as the predictions it can make.

Did the jet fuel melt the steel beams? The TV said it did and so did the (((experts))).

Why are you still trying to disprove this obvious meme? The people who argue in favour of a flat Earth are at this point either trolling or impervious to evidence/reason.

so.... feminists?

Instead of thinking "I'm right, there's no way I've been tricked. Not me no way. This has to be wrong, it must be wrong."

Try keeping and open mind, it makes life a little more interesting. Just because you entertain an idea doesn't mean you have to believe it.

The Antikythera mechanism doesn't assume a flat Earth. It assumes a geocentric cosmos. By the time it was built the idea that the Earth was a sphere was uncontroversial in educated circles in Greece and had been for over five hundred years.

holy fuck
flat earthers and atheists are the same

the only redpill = god

Eclipse will disprove atheism
Eclipse will disprove and punish christcuks
Eclipse will purge niggers
Eclipse will bring back REAL white extremism

Hope you're all read op on the White Gods faggots.