You feel it don't you?

How you didn't expect the rally to turn out this way. How everyone is turning against you.

You thought it was going to be different. You thought the public was going to be in awe and impressed by how huge and passionate the alt right rally was going to be. Perhaps you even thought they would start to fear you and your growing influence.

But something terrible happened. Something you didn't anticipate. Someone died at the hands of your people and several more were critically injured. Just like that it all starts crumbling down.

That rally was the best thing that could have happened for us. Thank you for all the Nazi and KKK imagery that we can use against you. Trump's reaction to it was the icing on the cake.

Other urls found in this thread:

This. Thanks Nazi retards ;-)

Every group that is being treated like a cult will eventually develop cult-like traits: paranoia, aggression, in-fighting, weirdness and revenge fantasies. If white men weren’t so busy professing to be invulnerable and pretending that there are individual solutions to structural problems ("Just lift, brah!", "Just work hard!") they could easily see that the effects of marginalization and disenfranchisement are simply not pretty. Every group that exists at the margins of society (whether by choice or as a result of oppression) will inevitably attract people who don't mind being at the margins of society. By definition, that will include some who are "weird", "crazy" and CRAZY.

That being said, maybe alt-right should have sticked to this ironic aesthetic, to the funny, harmless pepes. They don't need to put one layer of irony over another, but don't do fucking torch marches ROFL. A fucking torch march like they did so regularly in Nazi Germany will make your group only more attractive for weirdos who might end up plowing in a group of people with their car. You should have made something like an "Alt-right Aloha Shirt"-event where everyone comes wearing an aloha shirt and a lei; and then you name it "Alt-right rally for peace" or something. Or I don't know, just something like that.

I'm glad the alt-right is finished. In many ways they are like MGTOW. Somewhat good at expressing problems. Terrible at solving them.

I thought mommy would approve

The thread

There is a better way than alt-right. A lot of this comes down to intelligent automation from monopolies sucking up more and more wealth, and a $20 trillion dollar debt.

Social security needs to be revamped into Charles Murray's universal basic income.

One mistake and you should call it quits

Mommy is upset with you so you should call it quits

dafuq you talking about


Anyone with a brain realized this rally would be bad PR

I remember saying just that and go

it was so fucking obvious

the sad-nazi 200 man march in virginia was very advantageous for me, we are swarmed with mosquitoes this summer and i was able to get a decent discount on tiki torches.

Somewhat agree with these optics.

Life is already so dark and depressing, I think people liked the up-beat "kek" imagery and memes. They were silly and ironic, and it was a nice contrast from the harsh realities of life. Kind of like how Trump sells his brand.

The alt-right are like scary dudes with guns ready to carry out some revolution or some shit. It's just too dark for normie. Although I do like when they beat the shit out of Antifa.

>i was able to get a decent discount on tiki torches

Why would more demand result in a discount?

it was a bulk deal

top fucking kek

>the sad-nazi 200 man march


All this attention is going to drive people to research the new right and help exposure. The media and the shrieking leftists are just driving more individuals to the right, as they have been for months now. This too will backfire on them. Watch.

I browse pol daily and only found out about the rally the day it happened. If this was really "alt right" - the rally, why wasn't it advertised heavily on pol or breitbart or /the donald/. Looks to me like ya'll are taking the heat for some shit spencer organized on his own.

This rally topped Berkeley and Portland.

We got everything right: the uniforms, torches, chants.

This whole country is ON EDGE because of us. We might cause a fucking civil war.

And we're just getting started.

Texas A&M, we're going to make this one EVEN BIGGER.

Get ready!

Yes brother, PREACH!


This is what I think will happen too....


You hourly concern troll thread everyone.

Texas A&M just got cancelled

so what are you saying about white men then? Accept your marginalization?

>a commie saying this to white males

lmfao famalama

It was advertised and discussed here a ton of times, you weren't paying attention. And on twitter and YouTube. Also a lot of the altright is operating now in irl networks for the people who actually will show up.

i doubt anyone outside the extreme lost cases of society will turn up for another event like this, after @YesYoureRacist made grown tiki-nazis cry and hide in shame :)

Whats the alt-right?

Charlottesville is on again anyway

We're going back in September

THIS. First rule about publicity is that there's no such thing as bad publicity. The truck murder only adds to the "edge" factor that will make people curious. We can use this attack to our advantage.

if anyone tries this they deserve whatever happens to them

Shalom friend. I have a question: Do you know what a dreidel is?


I think it's a type of car from dodge

Fuck off shareblue.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

>This whole country is ON EDGE because of us.
Fact check = true

A Clyde without Bonny angle, I like it.

Fucking leaf

This cunt has the most punchable fucking face on the planet.

You couldn't get me to rally behind this high pitch faggot no matter how edgy he tried to be. Look at this fat fuck with his terrible skin.

Tiny faces on heads are untrustworthy people.

Man, you cunts are hilariously desperate to make this look like a loss
Continue crying, it won't make a difference.

You forgot to thank the CIA & The Tavistock Institute.

thank god im not the only one who sees this.

Let me remind the autists at 8ch /leftypol/ who said the alt-right was a DYING movement before UTR and made charts for a second time:

The DailyStormer viewership for the past 24 hours: 800k uniques.

800K uniques to an ALT RIGHT blog in 24 hours - DS is an ALT RIGH blog.

Almost a million people came to visit an ALT RIGHT blog.

Our movement is BLOWING UP. Through the fucking roof! WE ARE IN FUCKING ORBIT!

We are going to be everywhere, by the millions. Soon you will have no place to hide.

Remember this:

Anti-Spencer = anti-white

Anti- alt-right = anti-white

hey he's trying his best to preserve the white race marrying and divorcing a russian prostitute at the ripe age of 40 and producing an autistic child with his deteriorated sperm

ad hom


nigga those hits are all normal people checking out this troll blog site after the tiki-nazi murder.

>everyone turn against you
Even here that story has been everywhere and i dont know a single person with a different opinion because of it

He's just gonna get another supreme court overturn. It's what he did with Charlotteville.

I bet everyone around the world was cheering and hoping it was a crowd full of niggers and jews getting plowed.

Not a loss for you you fucking Nazi shit lord, im sure this will attract more idiots to your cause. But this is bad for Trump, which a lot of people here see as a fucking loss you inbred subhuman.

You Nazi fuck faces are fucking with the administration that will help put this country back on course.

>universal income
Found the like

75% of posters above are kikes one is paying attention to what you are saying.
EVERYONE is paying attention to us now.
Especially now. We have the platform.
Everyone was tired of liberals bullshit long ago.
We should have run you over sooner.


>will make your group only more attractive for weirdos
Welcome to Sup Forums
We started pretending to be idiots because it was funny
And now we have nu-Sup Forums

>lmao the media and the leftists who've been calling you nazi's for years think you're nazi's now, what now nazi's!?
We continue on the path to endsieg.

hope he gets canned and you faggots get pence HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

Your Molock ceremony will be lit dramatically this summer Shlomo! Life is good.

Making my fucking point there Shekelberg.

I love watching you screech.

lol. you're in denial. 66% percent of the country HATES you because of your violent rhetoric.

even if the holocaust was some giant lie, you fucks plunged the world into war and no one will ever forgive you for that. this only reminded many of us how truly dangerous you are.

the only people who care about edge points over murdering someone are already on your side.

Once a normie visits a radical site, they have already stepped outside their comfort zone and have started thinking about certain things. They will no longer ever be a normie, they will either become a radical leftist or a radical right. Andrew has the best idea with sucking Trump dick because every normie that goes there, that voted for Trump and is sick of hearing how evil hitler he is, will pick the ones who like him.

If Trumps grabbing by the pussy statement didn't sink him then this won't either. Just you neo nazi shit faces are making his work harder. He's already getting shat on by the left, now you have the right shitting on him for this as well.

Idiots, only proven more by the fact Richard FUCKING Spencer is your leader. Jesus Christ how could anyone with an IQ above 75 see that man and ever want to rally behind him.

>implying I give a shit about the alt-right
Let america burn. They deserve it

You think you have won, but even if you did, it was just the battle, at the cost of the war.

Carry on. Take out your angst. Justify your violence with their propoganda that it is you who loves, and they who hate.

You, all of you, commies, neo-nazis, anarchists, blm, have fallen prey to a divide and conquer scheme. But go on; You're too blinded by rage and a pretentious false sense of morality.

There will be no winners in this conflict.

These are getting boring

every single one of the tweets on point, except for the trump one.

no, stop conflating spencer with Sup Forums, maybe 10% of people even approve of him on here, most have realized he's a kike shill long ago

You do realize normies fantasize about running you fucks over right? The only people who have "turned" are lefties who opposed the movement anyway, and neocons (who are leftists). This was a tipping point and people will be pushed to either side. I hope you're ready to die for your beliefs, because things are going to be bloody in the future.

Oy vey the evil nazis are going to shoah me

Great observation skills!

How you didn't expect the rally to turn out this way. How everyone is turning against you.

You thought it was going to be different. You thought the public was going to be in awe and impressed by how huge and passionate the alt right rally was going to be. Perhaps you even thought they would start to fear you and your growing influence.

But something terrible happened. Something you didn't anticipate. Someone died at the hands of your people and several more were critically injured. Just like that it all starts crumbling down.

That rally was the best thing that could have happened for us. Thank you for all the Nazi and KKK imagery that we can use against you. Trump's reaction to it was the icing on the cake.

All this fucking reddit spacing.

no, you just need to work smarter not harder. use subversive tactics, don't be violent and play into the medias hand. like it should be really telling that the antifa WANT you to be violent and the media WANT you to be violent so they can ostracize you, why play into their hand? especially when you were already winning and letting extremist leftists do all the work destroying liberal ideology for us by making democrats look unrelatable with their SJW shit. all you had to do was sit down and let trump move his agenda forward, not mire him in even more scandal.

>I hope you're ready to die for your beliefs

Of course we are it's the shitskins who thought we were kidding who REEEE in the catalog and pretend they're turning leftist

We're the same as always

I bet those torches could gas and cremate a jew every 15 minutes.

Good job CIA, you really fooled this suckers

not to mention it's officially nazi hunting season. Don't go to boston expecting to make it out with wounds. you will be hunted down.

speaking of that, the headline today in my area was "Trump disavows KKK".
The media are so desperate to stop us that they're willing to give trump some kind of praise just to get a figurative dog bone.

I don't think this is moving anything in your favor, short or long term.

>Caring what others think of you

How beta are you? You get nothing done if you are always looking at others think of you.

>Someone died at the hands of (((your people))) and several more were critically injured.

No one's buying it, shill. The only thing that's happened is a false flag to attempt to destabilize America. And it's worked.

But the strange thing is... I think we're all happy.

Because I think we're all starting to stand up. We realize there's probably going to be no way to win against Jewish power except by shooting at this point. And I think we're all ready.

It backfired.

Reddit spacing is a space after the first paragraph, not the rest


No I am pro natsoc laughing at these commie faggots getting pence because they didn't want trump

And that's why we will win brother

Chaos is only bad when it doesn't directly benefit us.

They're only afraid because they are not white.

>The media are so desperate to stop us

The police already do a good enough job at stopping the alt right and neo nazis.


See alt right they want us to use force not logic

>Because I think we're all starting to stand up. We realize there's probably going to be no way to win against Jewish power except by shooting at this point. And I think we're all ready.

Behold: Radicalized retard justifies his stupidity with even worse stupidity

How were they involved?


Dudes gonna walk free on charges. One day my people will walk freely in the streets without having to smell niggers. Sorry but if whites aren't the greatest race why the fuck have all the rest of you been ass fucked by us for all of history.

Sorry CIAniggers. but you will only ever catch the stupid young and immature fish in your nets. We sturgeons are too old, experienced, and jaded for your bullshit to work on us. Spencer smelled dirty from the get go. I never supported him. You mad?

then how come they were ordered to stand down? Want to ask the Mayor why he let his city get that dangerous?


Spencer and Kessler are controlled op. the rally was a honeypot and they knew it was going to be a shitshow from the beginning.

This doesn't do shit to Trump, watch. Anyone with half a brain knows he's not directly related to any of this. He will use the media's reaction to his statement as more ammo against them and they will continue to lose the trust of the average citizen. They got way too excited over this and made their shilling too shameless and obvious in a way they haven't since the pussy tape probably.

Nazi Germany was partially funded by America Shlomo, and it took part into the war because Japan attacked them.

wow.... I.....well said

Antifa made the Alt Right look like opressed underdogs, and they + Richard are dominating the headlines.
This isn't even close to a loss, even if the event didn't go as planned.

The State Police had divided the Unite the Right into nice little controlled sectors, all them were following the polices orders like the little cuck boys that they are. None of them even brought guns, they relied on the fucking Oathkeepers for that.

Neo nazis dont have the balls to actually fight, just larp and bitch fight with antifa using sticks.

They like rolling the dice on letting the street gangs fight for optics.