>friendly reminder Ted Cruz actually hired a company called Applied Memetics LLC
>friendly reminder this sort of targeted demoralisation has been going on since at least the early Republican primaries
>friendly reminder they've got a bit better at it in the meantime
>friendly reminder Sup Forums is the holy grail of manufactured consensus
>friendly reminder it's up to YOU to stuff shill threads with either red pills or gore, depending on your mood
>friendly reminder the fight against shilling is a literal ethical duty because Sup Forums is one of the last few fora of free information exchange on Earth
Shills and stuff
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isnt cruz the guy that close that beach and then went there with his family while everyone else couldn't go? there's no way he's running for president next term, he probably knows at this point he wont even get his seat again
>friendly reminder it's up to YOU to stuff shill threads with either red pills or gore, depending on your mood
bumping in support
I would call it radicalization, and it works like a charm. I think AM LLC deserves much credits for Trump winning
Mate, most of those people are just shitposting to harvest (you)s
I agree, there are no shills. Go to sleep.
This guy knows whats up, get your head out of your arse
how do we stop shills?
No he is the one with the Cuban father who killed JFK. He also ate a booger during one of the live debates.
Never change Australia