>destroying an old statue because you're an overly sensitive marxist piece of shit
>destroying history
These savages are no better than ISIS!
They're seriously provoking a civil war here , it's bigger than the statue. They hate white people and want us wiped out. This is the kind of shit the Boksheviks,and all social controllers, did.
>change meanings of words
>promote degeneracy
>erase cultural identity
>erase personal identity
Hello 5 gender sexless jellyfish person!
>take over
not even LARPing but seriously name 1 country where they let the statue of a leader of an army that lost stand
please correct me if I'm wrong I'd honestly like to know because I can't think of a single one
Rome. Julius Caesar keeping the Cicero statue.
he was a democrat
>These savages are no better than ISIS!
They are a lot weaker tho. ISIS would wipe them out in a week.
I'm sure there are statues/murials in the republic of Ireland
There are murals (probably statues and other shit) in northern Ireland
Jesus Christ it's not about that!!
It was a statue honoring the soldiers that died in war,for fucks sake!
The civil war wasn't even about slavery.Lee wasnt even pro-slavery. It's about abuse of federal power.Lee was also a hero before the civil war but declined to lead the unions' forces because he couldn't betray his beloved Virginia.
He was big into stayes rights ,like yknow, the founders. Time to pull their statues down too,right? Jefferson owned slaves.These leftist scum are probably going to destroy the Jefferson memorial .
Of course they're worse than ISIS, they're fucking communists. They seek to destroy the human race.
I love how you leftists,who hated the iraq war, are comparing liberating a muslim shithole with tipping over a 100 year old statue!
BY the fucking way: When are they going to tear down this giant Lenin statue? You lefties just fucking LOVE your mass murderers,dont you?
True. They're a menace.
Like clockwork
That's kinda there so people can deface it, it's constantly covered in red paint or dressed in drag
If Russians wanted to tear down a statue of Robert E Lee in Moscow we wouldn't complain, faggot. Lenin has no place in an American city.
Why can't negress do normal haircuts? It was always wonder me.
if only 90% of the country didn't support them. the US has become a joke of a country.
>destroying art, history, and culture
I am deeply disturbed why nobody was there to shoot them when they toppled the statue. Where were the patriots to prevent this?
You're comparing communism ,a death cult which has killed millions of people, to a war about states rights? Do you even see how ridiculous you look?Oh right, you're a communist! You live in the world of ridiculousness!
Leftists always do that weird shit to look "unique".Which is ironic because most leftist governments were/are actually anti- uniqueness and want everyone to be the same drab grey fucks.
Yeah. Communist statues in nations where millions were killed by people like you is the same as a statue celebrating dead soldiers.
they wasn't very bad guys actually
Ataturk's house in Greece is kept intact despite the fact that Greece and Turkey fought a major war.
fuck I didn't mean to post that pic
I guess we need to tear down the statues honoring the native Americans too because they lost a war against us.
Heh you seem to have forgotten that time everybody switched sides
Patriots have jobs. They are not like these libtards. They don't work, nor does communism.
Hungary: there are several soviet memorials and all statues are gone but they made a history park for them!
found a nigger
well done monkey people
You know what the sickest thing is? A tweet about breaking a statue in the public space, which is a clear-cut case of vandalism, has 80,000 likes and retweets and is being widely celebrated on Twitter.
White man, they are out to get you. They are out to kill every last one of you and then piss on your corpse.
What a fucken waste
>Heh you seem to have forgotten that time everybody switched sides
"what about all those nigger hating democrats"
"oh, they switched sides"
That's a political move, he still killed the shit out of that nigger.
Also Romans are all degenerate boyfuckers.
Sherman's only mistake is that he didn't kill enough slave cucks.
Pretty sure there has to be a statue of Rommel somewhere
It's probably more like 30% and the other 60% just support whatever they're told to support.
Mass psychology is powerful stuff