5k reward

Sam Hyde is offering 5k to anyone that can identify the dude who sprayed baked Alaska with acid. That's bretty güd money. I wish I had autism now

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i'd give 5k to the person that did it.

Do you perchance have purple hair?

God I can't support this hack anymore. I used to love his comedy and seperated art from artist but holy fuck he's just a straight up fascist financially bankrolling a domestic hate group. Fuck him.

Don't you think he just feels it was wrong that baked Alaska was being peaceful and got sprayed with acid?


post video

Wait, hes paying antifa now?

He donated $5k to the Daily Stormer and now this. It's just really fucked to me. I've also heard rumors he's going to work with TheRightStuff and they're going to bankroll some fascist online media empire together. I can't in good conscience support that shit.

fuck off shill