Besides the last name and the nose, how can you tell a woman is jewish?

besides the last name and the nose, how can you tell a woman is jewish?

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Nice and forehead

The dead, soulless eyes

weird bulbous tits

hair, voice

TITS, muscle insertions and ratio between limbs etc. It's minute differences but your brain gets tuned to it after enough (((COINCIDENCES)))

they have what I call the "greed smile"

They smile like they are gonna take over the world anytime soon

She steals the money from your wallet.

Don't they boss over their jewish cuck husbands? or nah

tits? big or small?
how about personality wise

I'm an expert at recognizing Jews.

It's a lot of different things, but generally, they just have a Semitic look to them.

If someone looks white but has a vaguely Middle Eastern look to them too... the person is probably a kike.

Instinct. You're going to be able to tell instantly if you're actually White.

They'll drive a wedge in your community and turn your circle against each other/your community.

theyll fill you full of shit and encourage degeneracy

>Semitic look

no durr... do u have any charts or images or something lol

also is curly hair a thing or nah

psychopathy and screeching voice

>Select all images with jewelry

Big Jew tits are a pretty common thing.
Also Jew teeth seem to be somewhat distinct.
Jews can be a bit on the slutty slide in my experience.

handy guide for the semitically challenged

Nigger lips
Bug eyed

Ugly as sin.

loogs lig a man do me :-DDDDD


Digits confirm the Khazarian milkers as the best way to identify them



greedy and when she has to rub her hands often

More often than not they have an inbred look to them. It's seen most clearly in the most typical Jewish looking people, but can be vaguely seen in others.

God hates the Jews.

Jews die God laughs.

God damn every Jew.

isn't this the wife of the kike youtuber?

>its another 'raceless new world mystery meats cant see the race' episode

you can notice that different ethnicities have different ethnic traits
but i guess when you mix so hard you have to determine your race by checking white on a paper, you stop seeing those ethnic traits

fucking hell we have a passtime of telling who comes from which village, based on nothing but the looks, fucking hell i swear, new world was a mistake

They age even worse than average women.

Burn in Hell Jews.

you just described 40% of Portugal

Jews = Satan's children

Read John 8:44

Their lips curl up at the end like a catfish. This area of the lip is called the oral commissure. Jews often have lips with very deep oral commissures that curl at the ends. Look up any famous Jew and you'll see what I mean.

Catfish lips.

interesting point... will try to notice this...

bag of gold on a necklace
every jew has one

>I'm an expert at recognizing Jews.
>You can spot a Jew if they look like a Jew, practice Judaism, or have Jewish features.

why bother hiding the surname if you are going to keep the nose anyway

Their mouths are also very wide.

Quick note on oral commissures: more prominent among Ashkenazis.

Is this girl jewish?

Her dick is circumcised.

Who's this, one of the Manson family ?

Im a fan of h3h3 but she looks like a drugged up rat or works for youtube

I've found some of the most jewiest looking ones like your pic have sunken eyes too.

I am of half-Askenazi jewish descent despite those jewish grandparents having converted to Christianity. Everyone 100% knows I am Jewish. I think it is the wavy yet still European hair texture and dark color + light eyes and generally skinny/lithe frame that gives away Jews male and female.
Though obviously this isnt 100%.

Last name + a Jewy face gives it away almost instantly. Once you've learned how they appear, it becomes fairly easy.

Compare Ben Bernanke to Paul Krugman. Tell me those steaming piles of shit don't look alike. It's very easy once you've seen enough of them.

Very close-set eyes. They're called jew-clops eyes.

I knew a jew when I see one.

follow up question...

why are jews so fucking skinny?

all women are Jews

kosher food

>distinct Jewish smile
>beady, mice-like eyes
>literally no soul in the eyes
>curly hair
>unathletic, probably fat
>somehow would hatefuck regardless because nothing angers the skype more than a tribeswoman turning her back on Shlomo and his 6 gorillion foreskins for some goyim dick.

>they're just like jesuits and sluts
i think you've got it backwards, they are copying the jews
how can you be a iree papist and not have been deeply programmed from birth to admire treachery wrapped in poetry and tradition and then point fingers as if there were ever any jews placin a bit o poison on yer tongue every mass and that's you sayin the popes a jew now
that's what religion is, lad, not some stupid monkey tricks people do when they've got brain damage against your secret personal rules that you forgot to tell everyone what pisses you off eh now


They have a certain vibe to them that make your heart squirm. A God fearing Christian must be wary of that ruthless devilish materialistic spirit.

I think general affluence, at least in the US, combine with natural disposition to thinner frames. I am 5'10 and 140 lbs.

Note the olive skin tone here.

But Jews do not always have dark skin. See pic related. Lips/nose/eye width ratio are a much more reliable indicator of jewry.

Have some speech patterns. Tries jokes and fails.

Im a fan of h3h3 but she looks like a drugged up rat or works for youtube


what the fuck who actually listens to this shit?

while some races bred for social dominance (i.e. intimidating face) jews literally bred for harmlessness aka. goofy faces

1. "goofy" face
2. eyes (it seems they always have dark eyebags no matter how white they are)
3. sardonic lips (overly fleshy, disharmonious)

you don't even need to look at the skull itself in most cases

The only jew i know is a fat neckbeard

the muscle insertion thing is spot on jesus.

Is that a trap?
If not, that is a jewish tell. women have male faces

If they're not thin, they're fat. One of the rarest things you'll find among Jews is a /fit/ body because they don't have the work ethic nor will to work hard, especially physically which is why you'll never see one in a hard labor job.

Wanted a primer on women. Got primer on jewish subversion.

Go for the tried and tested, kike test. Drop a quarter on the floor and she what she does, her money grubbing kike instincts will be too much for her to resist the temptations of picking it up.

1- nose
their noses are always either huge or big compared to other europeans
2- curly hair
not all jews have curly hair but it's a big indicator
3- they always have that spastic look in their face
4- if it's from Europe and has European name yet swarthy (not counting southern europe) it's 99% a Jew

>1. "goofy" face
i always wondered why they have that

Nigga Elie Kendrick is Anglo, she only played Anne Franck for a role

The Jew's body is virtually indistinguishable from the gentile's. Don't go off the deep end.


she'll have numbers tattooed on her arm


How do Jews not have a work ethic? The stereotype is materialism and extreme dedication to malevolence, something that requires a work ethic.

I always thought that was a part of their inbreeding.

I hope you're compiling all these (((indicators))), OP. Gather them all and I'll make an infograph while consulting other experts in this field (other jerks in this thread).

We need to teach normies how to jew-spot. Once they realise the prominence of jews in the media despite their minority status, we can begin to redpill them. "Wait. I thought Schlomo said racism is evil. Why is he only hiring jews for his newspaper then? Are jews RACIST???" You can imagine what happens next.

After watching them on tv for a lifetime you start to be able to recognize jewish features. And names. And signals (anything with the number 6).

don't worry i'm taking notes...

i don't understand how people like these women... they blabber so fucking much about nothing and think they're funny

Don't confuse hard work for the benefits of nepotism.

what do you mean the number 6? what kind of signals

This is why I am an atheist.

she's mestiza


idk but shes a trap

Jews are obsessed with numbers. Google gematria.

I'd like you to share your notes if you could. I want to make an infograph and post it ITT for the people browsing it to save. Jew-spotting is a useful skill.


Oh yeah, OP, jewesses have HUGE tits.

They enjoy jobs which have to do with money, because it is easy for them to defraud others out of their money. If someone were to notice, they're able to use the anti-Semite meme. They make their money through deception, lies, degeneracy, and desecration.

I see them all the time in fields like this. Short story, but I'm not going to give much away. I once knew a certain Jew who dealt with money, so I looked him up online, and another Jew with the exact same name was caught scamming people by appealing to their emotion and good nature.

I hate Jews.

If you hear msm say 6,000,000, 6 billion, 600k, etc. it is probably a jewish exaggerated estimate.

I see a lot of Sephardic Jews that look like Hila, a lot of them from Portugal or Brazil. The enormous, grey eyes are a large indication along with that coffee complexion.

Anyway, there's no sure-fire way to tell if you can't do it on sight. Some Jews are so heavily mixed with gentile races especially in Hollywood that they deceive the average person who doesn't have any such topic of race on his or her radar, types like Gwyneth Paltrow and Harrison Ford come to mind. Some half Jews (Zach Braff, Allison Brie) have that extreme Juif glare, with others, not so much.

Conversely I know a lot of Mediterraneans that are verifiably 100% the ethnicity of their country and could pass for Jews to a less discerning observer. It probably wouldn't fool a Sup Forumslack, but to someone whose conception of a Jewish phenotype is a big nose and curly hair, it may fool them.


There's something uncanny about Jewish eyes that makes them stand out more than anything.

is this girl a jew?

this is a helpful chart, but i wish they had more detail because i'm convinced evalion is an EE kikess

She's had her foreskin removed?

I think the best way to spot a kike is to look at the proportions of his face. Jews have that "non-harmonious" look that make them different from the average caucasoid.

>I can always tell if someone's a ki..

This image is a clusterfuck.

The lips don't have to be uneven. Everyone's lips are equally even. It's not genetic. Google Mike and John Mew/orthotropics. Lip surface disparity occurs due to poor oral posture.

There are different types. Once you start to observe more of them, you'll notice they all look related and it will become easier.

One major subtype is the 'Sarah Silverman', characterized by a distinctive ratlike appearance. The more attractive ones are easily mistaken for Russians (because they are, mostly). Like the example in your post, blue eyes and dark hair are pretty common. Jews can also be redheads so don't rule them out because of that.

Also note how strange looking Hila is. A lot of them will have that inbred, fishlike face where there is something a little off about them.

I dont understand why Jews are scapegoated 24/7. I am half Jewish and none of thay applies to my middle class upbringing or field at all.
Yeah, the Jewish community is fuckes beyond repair, but why hate Jews rather than working to completrly and totally assimilate all parallel cultures?

You can't always

>but why hate Jews rather than working to completrly and totally assimilate all parallel cultures?