
Not commies that's for sure

>yfw the antifa facebook group found this thread and started pouring in votes

lol zomg SOOOO true


Nazi cognitivie dissonance

tfw retards don't realize that this is a way of measuring shill presence on Sup Forums

>when my privileged white nazi echo chamber starts to crumble around me because we're all retarded fat larping fags its got to be a conspiracy

Fucking cuck-rights, cant wait to stomp and mace more of you weak faggots. #goodnightwhitepride

How much are you guys paid per hour? Just curious. I could use some extra $$$ and I'm here anyway.

poll title should be like, which one browes /pol alot or who is the responsible of your daily cuckposting.

this desu. Sup Forums has been shit since 2010, I wouldn't mind shilling for a few shekels.