Anyone else here starting to hate stormfags even though you never cared about'em before?

Anyone else here starting to hate stormfags even though you never cared about'em before?

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>using kikewords like stormfags

(((Richard Spencer))) is Cia controlled opposition

WTF I hate Hitler now


I'm not sure if I hate antifa more or them. They both want to usurp the state into becoming more authoritative, reducing free speech.

Shills stick out like a sore thumb. Keep pushing for your planet of the apes, Hans

OP is a faggot.

Anyone else hating faggot OPs?



stormfags are the new furrys

wtf i love kikes and fags and soros and niggers and globalism now

Anyone else here starting to hate Germans even though you never cared about'em before?

I've always hated Neos. Tweaked out crimnal sister fuckers aren't good for any movement's image. I don't have a problem with white pride or nationalism. Just that little subset of faggots the rest of us get stereotyped off of.

>German flag

thanks for being a civilized person, German user
your people are in high esteem, always

Anyone else here starting to hate communists even though you never cared about them before?

>using stormfagwords like kikewords

Yeah. Stormfags are what got Sup Forums purged the first time.

what exactly is a stormfag? Someone whos not full on Mein Kampf?

You want free stuff? You will get a free rope like every traitor

Nazis don't show up to other people's events and use black bloc tactics to violently oppress their right to assemble.

ANTIFA does, constantly. I don't like Nazis or klansmen, but come on now, ANTIFA is infinitely worse.

Why are you so hostile
Stop it
It's distressing

Sieg heil faggot

>hate more
The one that shows up to lawful peaceful assemblies and tries to turn them into their gommie revolution or the vile idiotic one that get lumped in with the right although they're clearly disgusting leftists? Gotta go with the antifags by a nose

True. But antifa are the clear enemy. Stormers are the most likely to backstab us. They even backstabbed each other after Hitler assumed power.

>using fake quotes of Hitler
It was about Christians, not libertarians. Stop the VPN and go to sleep burger.

doesn't matter if they're worse you have to be better. especially when the world is watching, arguing isn't about convincing the other side, its about convincing centrists and the undecided to slide over to your side, you don't do that by invoking nazi imagery which only kills your PR game. this seems so obvious i don't know how i can get repeatedly called a antifa shill when being violent is exactly what antifa wants from the right.

This also applies to everyone on Sup Forums and social media you fuckttard.

Nah, you're just a little fucking cuck who has no pride in his race. Kill yourself, unironically.

Agreed, tougher control of who gets in and out during marches could be a thing. Also the Tiki torches shit was just too obvious. You guys are in the US, you can't go full Azov-Battallion and start doing shit with SS emblems or NatSoc imagery.

No, I hated stormfronters and neonazis and KKK always.

Hey rabbi whatcha doing?

I always hated them. 95% of them are drooling retards.

>its about convincing centrists
This has never, ever worked in the history of politics.
The Eternal Normie requires no convincing. He will be led, cattle-like, by the nose towards whoever controls the memes.

Why is this thread spammed all day

Yes. Spent a couple hours last night arguing with those idiots last night about the one who crashed through the rally. All I got back was the same rhetoric that they hate hearing:


Why do you niggers think that centrists are undecided leftists/stormfront?


I started to like em.
finally they are starting proving they are not just some faggot larping on Sup Forums.

stormfags can't debate properly on any subject, I don't hate'm but I sure as hell will laugh at them when they try and debate.

jews gonna jew

The stormfags are (((LARPers))) whos intent is to provoke anti-semitic sentiment, recruit sympathisers, alienate them from society and generally ridicule right-wing politics so no one can associate with the right.

Thus, the lefty liberal agenda takes over.

Libertarianism is (((their))) biggest problem since it promotes sound money, so they have to associate it with stormfags.

Thats why pol was invaded with stormfags in recent years. Before that pol was mostly libertarian.

The deleted post


>t. jew or Muhammed from London



Oh look, an event to further separate this already fucked up board, and this already fucked up political spectrum.

I support it honestly, tired of people constantly clumping in actual Fascists with Republicans and libertarians.

Though, of course, the word Fascist means nothing but "bad" in modern day politics.

No - Im from Bristol and im white.

You should be embarrassed to project so much and be wrong.

I recognise that nazis had the right idea regarding economics, but I disagree with most everything else.

The stormfags on pol are fucking up right wing politics and are creating a sentiment of disgust for it and allowing the left to thrive - thats why the stormfags on pol must be jewish LARPers, because their actions promote leftism and big government


No I always hated nazis
worst kind of nationalists and they killed a lot of people in greece
if anything, I like how they're detaching from the conservative/right body

>Sup Forums needs to be a moderate conservative board with centrist-right views
this board is here for all the edgy and extreme views

if you want normal politics with a moderate edge, you can go to reddit or any major political forum or discussion website. this is a containment board for the extreme right, not a place to discuss the normie right wing politics.