>The absolute state of Stormweenies and Commiecucks
The absolute state of Stormweenies and Commiecucks
Go die in a fire
>Trying to silence the opposition
Eat a dick faggot.
nice pic, saved
Should be jews instead of ancap balls. That'd be closer to truth.
Bahahaha. This is actually pretty spot on. I've been sitting in my cabana in Miami sipping drinks, enjoying the show, and watching this retardedness like two down-syndrome kids fighting on a playground. Fuck both of them, literal retards.
We need an arena for them and some sponsors.
Anybody who says "stormfag" or stormweenie" needs to be brutally and mercilessly executed. This will be your fate, OP.
>t. buttblasted collectivist
Hey when the military moves in and rounds up communists and nazis alike, we might just get to see some arena fighting when they end up in the same prison for being traitors.
>t. Stormfag
We're under attack from the whole fucking world. I'm sorry we're defending ourselves online.
>t. fedora libertarian meme
>implying there is s difference between libertarians and liberals
>good guys fighting for a bigger government
>under attack from anybody
Gee, I see, that's why your totally not CIA plants like Dickie Spencer are allowed to go around town and preach all they want. Accept it, you're nothing more than useful idiots.
>lmao, he used a smarty pants word I don't understand, he is a fedora
The absolute state of American Nazi LARPers.
>a tiki torch company is actually controlling Spencer and the Alt-Right is a scam to increase tiki torche sales
This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
I for one would pay top dollar to watch collectivist filth kill each other in gladiator style combat
Collectivism is a good thing.
>inb4 triggered libertarian
>le dieying for other people makes me an hero
>the well being of other's is more important than my own well being
Imagine being this fucking cucked.
>t.asspained stormfag
Return to your shitty containment site
Oh, right Godaddy AND Google completely rekt your shit
reminder that there is 99% chance that OP is either a nigger, spic or jew himself or a newfag American
i love engels too my communist brother
>My feeble collectivist mind doesnt have an argument so JEWS
Never change Sup Forums
>t. Muhammed from Turkey
how's life in Germany mate?
>t. non white
it's logical that you don't like an ideology that will purge you from US soil however this board is not for you and you should go back to the place you came from during the US elections
>strong semetic feelings
newfag and non white confirmed
*takes your money to build jet that doesn't work*
If you're lucky there'll be some leftover for me to buy you blue hair dye with so you can fit in with the rest of the liberals.
Individualism is selfish and boring. Devoting your time to your people or your country, something greater, is a much nobler thing to do than obsess over "muh liberty".
>le memeflag faggot
your probably a morbidly obese WHITE boomer who lives in a mcmansion and yells about "muh oath keepin!" and "muh free markets"
captialist scum your day has come. Hope you dont get "lost" in Charlottesville anytime soon, we'll be looking for cracker skulls to crack, hehe.
Do want.
>everybody who disagrees with me is nonwhite
Sup Forums is the peak of intellectualism
I don't give a crap if something is noble or if caring for myself is "selfish and ebil". I hate most of the people in my country and other countries, them being white doesn't change that. My country is a steaming pile of shit thanks to these people, so I won't devote my life to anyone besides me. A noble cause and glory won't give me anything when I'm dead.
There was one point on this board where the term "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" was never more true than Libertarians and National Socialists, yet here was squabble over meaningless issues because of a rally that didn't effect either side in a major way.
You're all being played.
You're an EU fag. Your people gave up a long time ago and picked up the socialist flag. Don't cry about it now. I'm white, I'm a patriot, I'm a republican but there's literally no reason to go out there bashing people in the head right now. In the US, conservatives are getting what we want peacefully, through legislation and executive orders under Trump. I'm genuinely impressed with how much he's managed to get done despite the opposition. I pay attention to actual politics and policy getting pushed through, not a pack of retarded larpers pretending to be nazis and commies. Sorry your country is a shit-show, but Trump's legitimately fixing our shit-show and I don't have much to complain about desu. Sup Forums is great for political discussion and free speech and all (when all the faggot shills don't flood the place) but you've gotta go outside and live life. If your only perspective for the world right now is Sup Forums because you're a shut-in, I guess I could see you getting your panties in a twist.
Would you be prepared to side with Nazis and fascists in our struggle to eliminate the libertarian menace?
> engels
> The number of pages Marx and Engels devote to attacking Stirner in (the unexpurgated text of) The German Ideology, in which they derided him as "Sankt Max" (Saint Max), exceeds the total of Stirner's written works.[38]
the hallmark of an epic troll.
You can't remove legal citizens from this country m8, no matter how upset you are that your mom is fucking Tyrone and Muhammad.
There's literally no reason to eliminate libertarians. They don't do anything and have no political power.
to antifa you and i are the same
>non white keeps posting
>non white is getting scared
>Hide behind meme flag
And you're not making an argiment
To left-libertarians anyone that support private property is the problem, and to authoritarians leftists the presence of any inequality is opportunity to manipulate the losers into putting you in charge of that inequality.
The real question is why you want 18th century liberals as allies when their only political tool is moral scolding and limp-wristed threats of rising up someday, maybe.
>try to eliminate the people who have been living in the hills in far more 'sustainable' lives than any communist can achieve
>try to eliminate people who obsess with the concept of the citizen militia
>try to eliminate the people who represent the very foundations of the US which the vast majority of normies support on at least some fundamental level
>try to eliminate the people who have more money than you've probably seen within your lifetime due to constant love of entrepreneurship and enterprise
How the fuck do you plan on even fighting that? It would make the rise of ISIS look like a fucking firecracker.
>shill hivemind
non whites please just admit you are scared of NatSoc because you'd be kicked out and forced to go live in some shithole. it's ok, I would be scared too of such an ideology.
you clinge to libcuckism because it has no bias towards race, it has no problem with degeneracy and most of all: jews invented and control it, therefore guaranteeing your safety for many years to come.
>mfw I'm only replying for the free (You)s at this point
500+ years in paint
It should be a portrait on Zuckerberg's wall above his solar fireplace in his Hawaiian mansion.
>shills altering the real picture
Nice try.
>I was only pretending to promote jewish propaganda
>I-I'm one of you guys... I s-swear
sure you were Mahmoud
>please just admit you are scared of NatSoc because you'd be kicked out and forced to go live in some shithole
Nah I just don't like ideologies that are even more shit tier than communism.
Try to stop me, white boii
i guess the rumors are true, germans cant meme.
Take that back, m8, Gottkanzler Chulz memes are the shit.
How does the new flag feel, Spencerfag?
explain yourself Tyrone
hopefully I will, one day.
>hopefully I will, one day.
For that you'd have to leave your mom's basement, faggot.
Careful, the last neckbeard that left their mom's basement studied the art of vehicular jihad.
There isn't much separating you from communism but they were at least able to keep their shit together for more than 15 years.
But that person wasn't a beta faggy white boii.
Have your vision checked.
>For that you'd have to leave your mom's basement, faggot.
hahaha Youness, are you projecting a little bit here?
explain, marxism and NatSoc are ideological enemies and opposites. How do you think they are the same?
Lmao these newfag cunts will never learn will they?
>le collectivists are all special and different, NatSocs are totally not socialists
Honey, it's bed time. You got to get up early tomorrow in time for school or I'll cut you allowance again.
>Both require massive overbearing state and overwhelming regulation
>Both operate on the assumption that groups are monoliths, thus making the individuals in those groups interchangeable
>Both believe that people should serve the state rather than the other way around.
Your differences are superficial, but all collectivist ideologies are the same at their core.
Don't be so hard on the United States.
o-ooh no it's retarded :'(
I'm sorry Abdullah, I should have known you're new to this board and unaware of what NatSoc is
>welfare, nationalization of the industry, putting the nation's, hence the collective's well being above the indivdual
>not socialist
Shouldn't have dropped out of high school, nigger. Youtube videos aren't a replacement for reading a god damn history book.
Not really accurate, since it depicts the existence of more than two AnCaps on the entire planet.
personal agency is like mad gay dude for real though you should like start giving police officers handjobs it's like enlightened and stuff
>lolbergs thinking lolbergism is even a real ideology and they're not just a bunch of pacifist fence-sitting cucks
You guys are just waiting for a victor to emerge so you can bend over for him and take his authoritarian dick. I mean it really makes too much sense. That explains why you have no qualms being a tax slave for Jamal and Paco, and you're content to give your country away to them. You guys might as well wear gimp suits and chastity cages and call that your political belief system.
Meh, i would kill a rich capitalist first then some pathetic lefty parasite.
>"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
All collectivists are my enemy.
le virtuous working man
I wish a nigger would
t.faggot bootlicker who cares only about profit than a fellow man.
holy shit that's practically socialist communism, oh my god, way too much government for me, sorry
b-but user, my daughter is my private property, so i can do whatever i want to her.
jesus christ
Also i hope they leave the board, their cuck fetish is becoming annoying
>le dieying for othrr people makes me an hero there is no Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.
Reminder that Stormfront Radio with Don Black is on in 10 minutes!!!
Do you also need a label on the toilet to not drink out of it?
lmao give me a fucking break dude
/slide thread
>it's profits
>it is profits
back to stormfront lol
>wanting a system of limited government wherein men are left free to pursue their ends by their own means; American individualism at its greatest expression
>wanting unlimited gibs for every minority with the wherewithal to cross the border and increased burden of taxation;gobbudism 2.0
Wow, it's almost as if you're fucking retarded.
Ancaps pretending they're relevant kek
hang yourself
if you take pol at face value you're a retard, reddit.
Imagine being such an evolutionary dead-end that you neither reproduce nor are willing to sacrice to improve the fitness of your kin. :^)