What's the truth behind Jewish persecution?

Why have Jewish people always been persecuted by a society after some period of time throughout history?

Is there any historical evidence or reasons that societies gave for specifically targeting Jews?

Please don't use this thread as an excuse to ridicule Jews or simply make circular rhetoric. I would very much like a serious discussion about this topic.

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do you see what jews are doing in america and europe? theyve tried this shit throughout human history. crying out persecution..theyre lucky no one actually has genocided them out of existence yet.

Because jews foster persecution to retain their power. It's basic demon worship, do some research.

I understand that societies have been quite intolerant of Jews throughout history but I'm more interested in understanding why that was and would like to see any evidence supporting a hypothesis of why they were constantly kicked out.

It could be for a number of reasons and I really have heard them all but some historical documents, in a perfect world titled, "Why we kept kicking out the Jews", would really help the world understand why people keep talking about it.

Their demonic memetics protect them, now more than ever. they've sacrificed many off their own to their demons before they fully got a hold of goyim for that purpose.

look at the pic i posted. the reasons for the expulsions are listed in a few places:

>religious cults
>trying to take over

pretty much everything theyre doing now

>Why we kept kicking out the Jews"

This is extremely taboo, but jews practice blodd letting, child sacrifice and pedophilia. Parents instinctively want to protect children.

Yeah, I've heard all of the Jewish conspiracies, I understand that there are lots of different ideas as to why they have been persecuted throughout history - I will look into the dates in that picture.

I was more looking for historical evidence supporting the reasoning though, not just people saying that on a forum and taking it at face value.

Search "synagogue of satan" the story of the bible is effectively jews being jews, God gets pissed that they're being jews and not following his commandments, god makes Jesus, Jesus attacks the jews doing jewish things at the temple, jews get mad and force pilate to crucify Jesus, pilate knows the jews are being jews but wants to avoid a jewish revolt.
The Jews revolted a few decades later anyway.

>spoonfeed me

I gave you exact dates and names.
Go google it you lazy kike.

So you think in each case you gave me, there will be a detailed explanation online which outlines the reasons they were expelled for?

Any recommendations for books or good sources which could help here?

People rebel against their rulers even when he is one of them.

Bump, Sup Forums never explains it's case on this issue, all the information Sup Forums transmits here gets taken at face value.

Another simple explanation is that they are an out-group that retains that status for generations, never integrating with the native population

That kind of thing doesn't foster good will or trust

If they say something bad happened to them they probably did that very thing to other people at some point.


if this doesn't give you enough reason to think Hitler was right, you are beyond hopeless.

t.ex globalist utopia believer


Why, which occurrences are you talking about? I understand the context in recent story, but that's a diplomatic strategy NOT exclusive to jews.

Want to know why the edge of coins have ridges in them? It's because of Jews.

Long ago in Britain, the Jews kept breaking the law. They were lending out money with insane interest rates which at the time was illegal. They were warned time and time again that they had to stop, but didn't. So they were exiled from the country.

Of the exiled families, about 95% of them were found to be shaving coins. Which means they were shaving a thin slice of metal from the edge of a coin, collecting all these shavings and melting it down into new coins. Basically it was counterfeiting money.
Ever since then coins have had ridges around the edge of them to prevent coin shaving.

I'm sure every country has a similar story about Jews.


Please bump this thread will all your infographics, book sources, video sources or other general sources which indicate the reason why Jews were constantly the target of persecution throughout history.

White professors themselves easily hold such views. Is that really due to "jewish" indocrination, or are you treating a consequence as a cause?


the guy's a fucking jew elite in cahoots with FYROM

This is a great series:

His site is also a great source:


>In 1816 Fries, an extremely popular lecturer in philosophy at the universities of Jena and Heidelberg, published a small text titled On the Danger to the Well-Being and Character of the Germans Presented by the Jews. The book was a reaction against the development of a series of apologetics presenting Jews as a downtrodden and victimized group. Fries described as a “prejudice” the idea that “Jews were persecuted by us with blind rage and unjust religious zeal during the Middle Ages.” Rather, Jews aroused hostility because “princes almost always favored them too much,” and they made their living, out of choice, as “insidious second-hand dealers and exploiters of the common people.” Fries argued that the extension of civic rights would not alter the behavior of the Jews because empirical evidence was available in lands where Jews already enjoyed such rights and their socio-economic and political behavior was indistinguishable from that of Jews in the German states.

They have a tendency to piss people the fuck off by disrupting and subverting their societies. Is there a big conspiracy where they all decided to do it? Nah, but where there is degeneracy or societal decay you'll find them.

back in the days, they where into banking, even small families of them did it

It would be the equivalent of that family of old people that takes a loan to pay for a TV and ends up losing the house for not being able to fully pay the debt

so when they did that to one family, it was ok, but when they did that to many families, shit turned ugly and they had to go or get linched

It was so hardcore like this, that in some towns/small cities where they lived, they would have built an escape rute under the sinagogue just to escape the angry mob that they already knew would come for them in the future

bankers, who likes bankers that take your shit with abusive interest

>Jews only breed with each other and do not mix with other populations.
>So they preserve their characteristics and do not get characteristics from the other populations.
>So they still look and act unfamiliar and are not accepted in a foreign society.

>Also the Jews breed so that the wealty and successful ones get more children.
>Simple eugenics for three thousand years.
>Result: Above average intelligence. Being able to handle money well. Etc.

>There is also the myth the Jewish society is based on.
>They are the chosen people by God.
>They have the ultimate right to push through their interests.
>So other people get more negative side effects from the Jews and will hate them.


Someone once said here.

>"If everywhere you go smells like shit, it's time to look under your shoe."

Also some Eastern European saying

>"A Jew will always tell you about the times he was beaten but never the reason why."

Because most people including people on this board make the mistake of thinking the jew's favorite currency is shekels, when in reality their favorite currency is 'you're oppressing me goyim REEE'--this gives them the initial power they require to continue their kikery.

Without Muh oppression Jews are powerless and penniless.
