Women don't give a fuck about culture/history/race or anything that is not within their day to day experiences

Women don't give a fuck about culture/history/race or anything that is not within their day to day experiences.

I asked an asian girl whether she would care at all if tomorrow all asians were wiped from the face of the earth and replaced by africans and she boldly said "no, why would I?".

I was completely shocked. Does Sup Forums have other similar experiences? Or am I just dealing with a special case of stupid?

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Yes, I have met some women like that, but I don't cherrypick them and make out that's what all women are like. Unless of course this is the first woman you spoke to?

Meanwhile there's masses of noodle armed nu-male men who want their own nations destroyed and replaced with marxism. Boo hoo. Men and women are shit and good.

> All women are like this one woman
> What are statistics
Not even saying that you're necessarily wrong but that's a stupid assumption to make off of one data point. Chinese/Koreans/Japanese in their own countries are racist af and probably care more about that stuff because their societies are more collectivist.

Asians in general are ignorant about these things. I asked two Japanese college girls their opiniob of their prime minister and they didn't know who the PM of Japan is.

The azns are next right after the crackas. Slants are too fucking pale and intelligent. They gon inherit all that white boi privilege

>Women don't give a fuck about culture/history/race or anything that is not within their day to day experiences.

Maybe because they rarely got a say in how to build culture/history/etc?

>not all __________ are like this
the gayest argument around

yes women are stupid and only care about themselves, and in a very short term way. the world becomes easier to understand when you accept women are mentally ~12 years old. not to hate them for it, but understand its just reality





All women are traitors, but Asian women take the cake by far

Asian men are unattractive desu

I also talked with a local girl who said that europeans should stop having children and only adopt africans due to overpopulation.

she was dead serious.

I can't stand being around women because I get permatriggered, but at the same time I feel like hatefucking them.

How do I reconcile Sup Forums?

I'm not Asian but I sympathize with them sometimes. My girlfriends brother is fucked.

>13 years old (7th grade)
>weighs 70 lbs

I was 5'8", 135 lbs and (relatively) muscular at his age

hatefuck them because they trigger you


I've actually heard shit like this too, a girl who didn't want to have children so when I was asking why she said, because it hurts. She said she wanted to adopt ''a hutu or a tutsi'' with a big smile on her face lmao. I've pretty much given up on trying to have a decent conversation with women in this stupid country. Their brains are just on another plain of existence, and I'm no match for the kind of mental gymnastics they're doing.

How it would feel to be him

173 cm / 137 cm = 1.26
135 lbs / 70 lbs = 1.93

So if the average man is 178 cm (5'10") and 180 lbs, it would be like the average guy in your school being 224cm (7'4") and and 350 lbs

Imagine going to work and everyone is 7'4", 350lbs (average!). Not to mention the 8'2" 425 lb giants

Doesn't matter they will still have asian women after whites are bred out. They only way their race is getting cucked is if they decide to genetically engineer blue eyes white skin and European bone structure into everyone.

That seems to be a spot on description of average indifferent women which aren't necessarily all but in a consumerist materialist society are quite common. Tbf many men are like that as well.

That logic is flawed, user
>not all white are retarded self hating faggot a who vote left
>not all Nazis wanna genocide people
>not males are rapists
Please don't use that counter argument again

Not everyone does anything and not all women hate civilisation. Get out of your echo chamber. Not everything is a college campus

And I know a woman who hate blacks and Muslims. Have you just learned that people's opinions s differ?


it's called dawa and it's a pralam

What would you do if you were black. Just curious?

I'm South asian and I was the same as you.

japanese women used to marry people for political reasons back in the day and they even betrayed their own.
i'm not very surprised desu

Well, I'm guessing she's a self-hating asian girl who wishes she was anything but asian, so not surprised

Woman have never cared about tribal loyalty.

Anon5 was very right about this.

can confirm.

How do you reconcile with this reality fin?

It's fine because I'm finsvensk not Mongolian

>My girlfriends brother is fucked.

you mean your future supreme gentelman sons, that is?

> muh tight pussy


Fuck you all, I feel lonely now.

This is true of probably 95% of women - they aren't interested in anything external or abstract.

They concentrate on the day to day, on how others view them, on their emotions etc and that's it.

It's why for example virtually none of them are really into sports - they will follow it if they think it's cool or a "bad ass" career etc but they don't really care.

And they don't care about abstract concepts like preserving the nation.

It is in short why every serious civilisation until recently made sure women couldn't vote.

Asian women are the worst of the worst. They're the most superficial, materialistic, LIBERAL woman-children on the face of the earth. How in the fuck people on here perceive them to be waifus I will never know. Waifu fucking means wife and its connotation is good, they don't fit that definition at all.

I really wonder how any white man ever marries an asian woman. They are so clearly cynical and all about just grasping money. Other races of women have their faults but I think can really feel emotional love and devotion to a man whereas with the asians it's more like a business transaction.