/old/ Operation Lenin Down

Thread's Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=7XVsEVW4x_Q
(For the courageous soldiers who wore the grey and resisted against a tyrannical president for their constitutional right of secession)

Leftists want to ruin the statues of poor soldiers who fought 1:10. We will take down their favorite murder's idol responsible for the Decossakization, the Soviet-Polish War and other (((peaceful))) actions. Reminder he was literally funded and armed by Germany to take down Russia. A literal spy.

>So how we gonna take down this statue?

We need to know how resistant it is. Here's the rundown.

>Who owns it

Communist from Slovakia brought it here and died before setting up the statue. The statue is on the cares of the Fremont communist art group and the government until his family can find a (((buyer))).

>What is it made of

Three separate pieces of bronze: the rocks, the body and the head. Destroying the whole thing will be hard, but we can behead him. It's in the middle of a commercial are, so we are gonna have to act at night.


We could buy the statue from the Carpenter family and then paint him like Kek. It's 250 thousand dollars. They upped the price. No idea if they are jewish yet.

Nazi larpers here need to stop embarassing themselves in public and bringing bad optics to the Trump administration. The events of the last few days should be a wakeup call to the nazi larper shills here that they're not welcome. They're counter-productive to our Trump movement. They cause nothing but problems.

This is not about being a Nazi larper, it's about being american.

If they destroy the statue of innocent soldiers, we'll strike back.


We can behead Lenin.

That looks awfully lot harder to take down than the Confederate one managed to be brought down by couple of overweight Commies, this Lenin statue looks like its made of superior stuff.

I have a better idea: petition to turn it into a Darth Vader statue like they did to a Lenin statue in Ukraine.

No one is going to do it...

The left has won. Its over guys.

you guys are thinking wrong. we need to focus on taking down more evil racist statues. take their controlled op and blow it up and turn it into an uncontrollable riot that then backfires on them.

I promise to shit post this every where until we see that stone fall. THEY WILL NOT KEK US

>So how we gonna take down this statue?
Pickup and the rope.


You guys are too focused on the commie shit. Modern leftists aren't commies in the same sense as leftists 20, 30 years ago... this new generation doesn't care about seizing the means of production, it cares about purging whiteness and conservativism, it cares about the patriarchy, not the proletariat, about social justice, not socialism.

The modern left doesn't have "history" it has "expression". It doesn't have "monuments" it has "art pieces". If you want to really get under the skin of people like Antifa, go after their modern art bullshit.

GL, I'm not participating.

>this new generation doesn't care about seizing the means of production, it cares about purging whiteness and conservativism, it cares about the patriarchy, not the proletariat, about social justice, not socialism.

It's the exact same damn thing. They just replaced the struggle of the working class with the struggle of minorities, it isn't the proletariat they want to achieve the revolution now, it's minorities, blacks, Muslims, homos, trannies. Anyone who is oppressed. And guess what, Bucko. If you're a straight white male, you are the oppressor. You are their enemy, you are their Bourgeoisie and Capitalists they want to overthrow.

You're missing the fucking point - if you're going to wreck shit, wreck shit they actually care about.

Lenin was an evil man who killed many millions of innocent people. Robert E. Lee was not.
The Lenin statue seriously needs to be beheaded or changed into a Darth Vader or something like that.

How do you know nobody'll do it? If we could just spread the fact that Lenin was responsible for many more deaths than Hitler, there would be little opposition the the Lenin statue's decapitation.

He's Lenin. Everyone right of literal communists hates him. Why the fuck do you have a Lenin statue in USA in the first place

It must be done

There's hardly any blacks around the statues when they go down, just women and fags
The blacks in Charlottesville didn't know or even care about what was going on

Right, I get it. I imagine half of them don't even know they're Communist anyway, they've been brainwashed and indoctrinated so hard what they're doing probably feels normal to them.

What to wreck then? We know they care about their freedoms to be generate, or the idea that they have freedoms, thus the outrage when trannies got banned from the military. Oh they care about Hollywood and popular media too. Struggling to think of anything phsyical, like a statue though.

Somebody needs to get thermite!

It is hollow bronze. Take an axe to it.

The statue represents America today

so it's fitting

No one who has any possibilty of joining us gives a fuck about Lenin.

Any upcoming rallies/demonstrations we can use as cover? Would love to Jebediah Springfield that fucker and see our pedo mayor and the rest of the city come out to defend him.

>op is too retarded to realize that the community regularly trashes it with paint and dresses it up
>doesn't realize it's private property
>doesn't realize the town keeps it up as an ironic meme

i know op is most likely a shill trying to get people to do some dumb shit to further tarnish the reputation of the right to the general public, but please realize how retarded it looks to take down any statues because of muh feelz.

Cummins diesel + chains should do the trick. Just make sure to hang a blanket on the chain mid length. This will protect the driver from wip lash of the chain if it breaks.

Using thermite like that is fucking illegal as shit dumb nigger.
By well done FBI on using a proxy to try and further your paycheck

Chuck the statue out a helicopter after you bring it down

>private property
Lenin wouldn't mind then.

Thermite !

>mix aluminum and iron oxide at a ratio of 27:80 by weight. Use a magnesium strip as a fuse

Have fun be safe

>I read thr AC
lol enjoy losing fingers and or burning your house down

THIS THIS THIS. You beat me to it. Lenin is a mass murderer.

No we don't need to destroy it at night. Do it in broad daylight with cameras everywhere. If the left is going to be bold enough to operate out in the open, we need to do the same.

>niggers do whatever they want
>FBI does nothing.
>white guys try to get hot sand

More divide and conquer. Here ya go:

>What is it made of
>gold plated solid titanium pressed with diamonds

would anyone be surprised is a liberal erected such a retarded monument to honor such an absolute hypocritical bureaucratic douche?

>be leftist retard
>nah uh lenin pissed diamond and gold on the proletariat

nope, that was urine you retard

>So how we gonna take down this statue?
Its pretty fucking durable. Me and some friends climbed it once. You gotta thermite that thing

That is the recipe for thermite though(not sure about the ratio but it doesn't matter a whole lot). Thermite doesn't even explode BTW, it just burns really hot, so it isn't really risky anyway unless you test your recipe indoors.

You're right. People need to start larping as democrats when they do these things.

If you really want to destroy the statue, why not deface it with some acid?

I really hope you goyim do this.

>alerting the FBI to a honey pot thread that the FBI created
good job lol

Instead of taking it down, someone should weld a metal plate that has number of deaths caused by lenin inscribed on it, right on the chest of the statue.

Rough size comparison to an average human male

That statue is on private property. It's illegal to do anything to it.

>we can behead him
do it!

What the hell. Lee was a fucking racist and white supremacist.
Lenin fought for equality.

you need to add a statue like the feminists did with the bull
put some antifa guy bending over with his butt-cheeks spread

>Lenin fought for equality

>Lenin fought for equality.

yeah by starving poor people to death and killing any poor people who complained. What a fucking hero

Kys faggot, and take two friends

that's great

>muh communism
>Fought for equality
> killing 20 + million people

How about just fucking destroy it? You REALLY going to give communist money? The only good communist is a dead one, why is this even up for discussion. Just fucking tear it down.

Great statue btw. Too bad it’s in the image of a commie mongrel.

If normies weren't polluted in the brain with a censored "education", a Lenin statue would be seen as 10 times more atrocious than were that (((Masonic lodge))) to have erected a Hitler statue.

why are all commies retarded
do you not understand stalin's social policies

the amount of time it's taken for y'all to rally yourselves over this and still have done nothing just shows that at least antifa gets stuff done
>keyboard warriors

Galium, google it. if you put it on the statue n hour or so before you discreetly smash it down it'll be much easier.

Or you coulld apply a large amount and fuck off and watch it fall over from a distance user


you guys are retarded. if you pulled that statue down people would laugh at you. nobody in seattle cares about that thing other than they think it's cool and randumb. that's what the neighborhood is about, le randumb for tourism purposes. there is no communist pride revolving around that thing, just passive seattle satire. doesn't help your purpose or anyone's.

you need THERMITE

Why do you keep spreading this thread you retarded Christian monkey for shit brains? Antifa aren't Communists, never were and never will be. They are against Russia for starters. And you aren't a Nazi, confederates weren't Nazis. Get a grip of your life you dumbass.

They have low IQs like a lot of religious zealots. Disturbing truth. Very few of them are intelligent and skeptical enough to be open to uncensored truth about following logical conclusions (of being pawns of NWO/elite central planners).

Yep. Its pretty much a meme for them


Then why are these people waving communist flags?


could gallium or mercury be used to induce liquid metal belittlement in a bronze sculpture?

Protip: Don't do it at night. Make it look official, wear respectable clothing and do it in the middle of the day. Produce some officially-looking letter with phone number to your friend who can act well just to be sure.

What Communism you shit Jew Christian? South Africa got monetary financial system with one German owning all banks. Fucking kill yourself you waste of life already. Every day your republicans and conservatives are employing niggers and marrying niggers, maybe you should open your eyes a little. Trump is a Zions btw.


You could find millions of Americans whose ancestors were slaughtered because of direct orders of that monster.
They have every right to remove it and be outraged.
That monument is very offensive, just like confederate generals'.

You're ignorant and probably unintelligent. Most of them are communists.

>all those capitalist shopx behind the statue

just put some kind of extreme capitalist advertising with a communist slogan (don't forhet about genocide) on it that points to a shop.
You nazis have no imagination.

You aren't a Nazi you Jew. Punk isn't Communism. Punk is anarchism and you are pussy that gets beaten up by bunch of degenerate anarchist, you suck that much. No, you aren't a conservative, not even a confederate, you don't even know what that means. You will never create anything conservative.

A thermite necklace would work wonders on the head...

t. Bluepilled Shill.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Fuck it had to be across the country, damn it, I have tools to fuck with it. Angle grinder to the joints and a decent truck to yank the fucker off.

Antifa are the mercenary army of the Jews.


What has American shit land of 30% white got to do with anything than taking money from Jews left and right, while right being extra pro-Jewish degenerates, even more than any anarchists out there. Hitler never was pro-white or pro-Christianity. USA hasn't done anything pro-white, you are a migrant country and all you do is make excuses in name Jesus. You will never create anything pro-white, unlike Communists who didn't had a single migrant or refugee.

Because mobs toppling public statues is legal...

Capitalistic migrant country of Christians goes democracy. It's nice to cherry pick. Maybe you should read their laws.

Especially if it were done with a tire, just because pic related.

Then why did confederates breed with slaves? Does that sound pro-white to you? You don't understand any goddman thing you mentally ill Christian.

This is good, or paint blood on his hands to reflect history accurately.

What is this statue made of? Bronze?

>What the hell. Lee was a fucking racist and white supremacist.
Actually he wasn't, he only fought for the south because he was from Virginia. He fucking freed his slaves that he inherited from his father long before the war was over. Grant on the other hand owned slaves until slavery was officially abolished.

Lee didn't give a shit about "white supremacy" or being able to own people.

Fuck off reddit

Shut up, NWO-Jew-supporting communist. You're a pawn for the worst type of elites wanting global tyranny and mass slavery of the regular men and women.

Better off just dumping your garbage there. Lenin is a garbage drop off point.

Attacking the other extreme does not make you any better than it.

So are there any Seatle bros here? Anyone with the materials or are close enough to help? This would be a simple task with a truck and a few folk with the right tools.

Lee only cared about his home Virginia which happened to be on the side of the Confederate Nation. He was kind of forced into the postion of being the figurehead of the Confederate Army.

Then again you are probably just a shitposter looking for (you)s

This and its horrible that someone from ANOTHER COUNTRY had to point this out, Grant was a hypocrite just like the rest of the Norths reasons for war.

There were no Jews in Soviet Union, there was cold war. Jews are in USA, they circumcised you, they didn't circumcise Soviet Union, you give money to Israel, Soviet Union didn't. You have a Jewish president, Soviet Union didn't. You have transgender, Soviet Union didn't. You are right now raping babies in Afghanistan, like you did in Vietnam. Why don't you stop being a dumb degenerate American. You aren't pro-white, you destroy everything white there is in Europe, together with your pack of mentally ill Christians who killed Europeans.

t. tito

equality as in the tops heads of commie governments getting all of the perks while the rest of the people live on communes and work without pay?