Uhh what now?
Uhh what now?
Robert Morales
Jonathan Wood
Good that stupid larping shit shouldn't be tolerated anymore. The events of the last few days should be a wakeup call to the nazi larper shills here that they're not welcome. They're counter-productive to our Trump movement. They cause nothing but problems.
Nolan Davis
but it's been in asia...
Brayden Jones
>What now?
Stay in a hotel like a normal person.
John Reed
How do they plan on enforcing that?
Landon Baker
Just to say this isn't a slide thread.
Thomas Edwards
So they're banning white people
Juan Brooks
Isaac Green
good enough precedent to ban niggers from airbnb, glad they're taking the long route around instead of going directly for the goal
Kayden Mitchell
Nope. More of us now than before.