>posessed extraordinary military prowess - during the Rif War in Morroco became the youngest Major in the Spanish Army
>in 1916 was shot in the abdomen and barely survived, losing a testicle, but returned to combat
>took part in crushing a small communist revolution in Asturias, 1934
>considered communism a force destructive to civilisation, believed in a bolshevik-Jewish conspiracy
>was one of the chief organisers of the right-wing revolution which sparked the Civil War in 1936
>Was highly respected in the military, troops were loyal to him personally
>fused the national-socialist Falange party with the monarchist-catholic Carlist movement - actually united the right
>after winning the Civil War stood out of the WW2, even though both sides put heavy pressure on him
>sent a volounteer force of Spaniards to the Third Reich, but on the condition that they only fight bolshevism on the Eastern Front, not against the Western democracies
>persecuted ideological leftistst but never engaged in ethnic genocide of any kind
>stood for traditional gender roles
>under him the Spanish economy experienced a rapid growth known as the "Spanish Miracle"
>it became the World's 8th largest economy - depite the destruction of the Civil War, being excluded from the Marshall Plan, and years of international isolation
>his regime was stable for 30 years and ended with a death of old age
>Achieved all this as a 5'4 turbo-manlet with one testicle
>Augusto Pinochet greatly admired him
Can you name a national leader more based than Based Francisco?