Francisco Franco appreciation thread

>posessed extraordinary military prowess - during the Rif War in Morroco became the youngest Major in the Spanish Army
>in 1916 was shot in the abdomen and barely survived, losing a testicle, but returned to combat
>took part in crushing a small communist revolution in Asturias, 1934
>considered communism a force destructive to civilisation, believed in a bolshevik-Jewish conspiracy
>was one of the chief organisers of the right-wing revolution which sparked the Civil War in 1936
>Was highly respected in the military, troops were loyal to him personally
>fused the national-socialist Falange party with the monarchist-catholic Carlist movement - actually united the right
>after winning the Civil War stood out of the WW2, even though both sides put heavy pressure on him
>sent a volounteer force of Spaniards to the Third Reich, but on the condition that they only fight bolshevism on the Eastern Front, not against the Western democracies
>persecuted ideological leftistst but never engaged in ethnic genocide of any kind
>stood for traditional gender roles
>under him the Spanish economy experienced a rapid growth known as the "Spanish Miracle"
>it became the World's 8th largest economy - depite the destruction of the Civil War, being excluded from the Marshall Plan, and years of international isolation
>his regime was stable for 30 years and ended with a death of old age
>Achieved all this as a 5'4 turbo-manlet with one testicle
>Augusto Pinochet greatly admired him

Can you name a national leader more based than Based Francisco?

He was a great man OP.
He fought for what was right.

> National Socialist Falange Party
They weren't national socialists
> >under him the Spanish economy experienced a rapid growth known as the "Spanish Miracle"
That was only after completely floundering in extreme incompetence and poverty until the late 50s.
Overall a great leader almost objectively, but I'd still say that de Rivera was better.

Franco was an error.

Great in war, not so great leader.

And shouldn't have abolished the Alhambra Decree

>Falange weren't national socialists

They were nationalist syndicalists, but it's virtually synonymous with nationalist socialists for everyone without autism

>de Rivera was better than Franco

"You either die a hero or see yourself become the villain"

a thousand times this.

Franco used the Falange aesthetic but not its ideals

Why would you hate my husbando?

this detail called capitalism