
Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on with Spencer?

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he's now where Hitler was before he got jailed

hes a russian plant

Not really. Hitler attempted a fucking coup and had a small legion of veterans by that time.

whoa, Wotan has chosen this man to lead us.

Like all alt-right or WN figures that reach some level of influence, he's a controlled opposition Jewish psy-op Russian plant. Make sure to avoid following anyone who's managed to give our ideas exposure and relevance, it's a trap. We achieve much more staying on our internet message boards.

I'm not all that familiar with Richard Spencer and his movement desu, but I have noticed that he's got a strangely shaped head. It's sort of like an egg shape. Is that because of his fashy haircut/hairstyle or is it actually a mental/physical deformity?



He has been controlled op the entire time. I warned you all. This was all meant to happen. He is in his position for a reason. How did he get there? Who put him there?

The photo OP posted is photochopped btw. This is the original. And yes, he has a rather tall forehead. Looks bizarre tbqh


that's not his real head, quit doing (((their))) work you colossal faggot

hmm I see shareblue hasn't given up the fight

Its his real head

Why is it that shape? I just showed this image to a friend, who is a doctor, and he said that's a sign of some form of mental deformation that when the head is that shape.

He's a self-promoter with no sense of strategy.

He fucked everything up by using Nazi slogans and talking about stuff that's "fashy" and encouraging the worst elements of the white movement just to get attention.

I would like to live in a white or almost completely white nation that is modeled after the United States pre-20th century, not modeled on an authoritarian state like Nazi Germany.

He is doing his job, well.

I know you're a paid shill and everything but I still giggle when I see these shops. Nonetheless, your time will come on the DOTR.

COINTELPRO/CIA kike using the right as baddies to feed the left's agenda. Has kike accomplices and is subtly shilled by kike media outlets like (((The Atlantic))), massive traitor to the White Race but low IQ Stormniggers embrace him.

CIA plant

He's a kike loving CIA plant

and our frequent potlucks. It's at your house next, what's the address?


He's the internet's version of waste his time 2017

tfw to intelligent to fall for cultural marxist


He's writing his report for the CIA.

The Charlottesville rally was a great success for his cause of making people hate white nationalism.

Bretty cool guy next hes going to be leading a white cloak march with torches

I don't think he's a plant but I think he's boring and somewhat effiminate.


>all stupid Nazis are zionist plants
>all Nazis are zionist plants
Makes sense.

his mother is jewish

Interesting chart

It's sort of like Hillary Clinton invented the term and Richard Spencer magically surfed in and rode the wave, gained fame and notoriety.
Sort of like he knew the wave was coming and pre-positioned himself to become the leader of the newly coined term and supposed movement: "Alt-right"

It's sort of like he's controlled opposition

Controlled opposition. He acts like an idiot deliberately.

He's a homosexual jew.

Ignore the shills

y'all can jerk off to Dicky Spencer just fine over there without us
Have fun being a useful idiot for the CIA and the globalists though

Spencer is acceptable because he has a sense of humor.

It's quite unusual. I showed this to my phrenologist, and he said it commonly indicates a moral deformity typical of certain ethno-religious groups in the Levant. You'd need a physiognomist to look at it to be sure.

you sure its not an NWO plant?
those bush ties
prescott bush financed the nazis

>hes a russian plant
Richard Spencer's connections to Alexander Duggin are unquestionable

I think he's a little overgrown

Not too long ago he was definitely /yourguy/. Now that he's been exposed as a LARPer who gets beat up all the time and speaks with an effeminate lisp, he's suddenly "controlled opposition" and a CIA plant.

hes either controlled op, or really fucking retarded and autistic

He profits (donations and ego) from running an opposition faction that not only exists in codependency with antifa (neither woukd have much reason to exist without the other) but actively blocks the right wing from making policy progress by distracting and diminishing public support for the right. He failed at everything else in life and even dropped out of his PhD program, so he needs the attention of a mass movement to justify his failures and his life. He's a sad excuse fir a man, and he is currently the principle obstable to the real right accomplishing any of its promises to tge electorate. He is an unintentional saboteur of the side he falsely claims as his. He couldn't do more damage if he were an FBI plant than he already does by his own folly.

some of us called him what he is from the very beginning user

refer to the chart here for why this is so

Why do you Shareblue cucks hate our leader so much? Are you afraid?

Sit down and drink your damn tea, Nancy.

Fbi agent

Spencer did absolutely nothing wrong.

spencer is a plant.

I thought everyone knew this by now.

wtf is up with this cuck?

He's a DNC stooge so old media & Shareblue are trying their hardest to make him a household name like David Duke.

He's right though.

he's a britbong
cuck is in his DNA, seems he does a half decent job of fighting it off at times, but, it's a terminal genetic based disease

You're a retard. I can't stand conspiracy cunts who pretend like their ideas are so "obvious".

Pic related.

This, OP we have to have a huge destructive meaningless war and be fucked over by jew bankers to end the war without a foot on our soil and have our economy ruined.

Then we need may years of Weimar-tier degeneracy, then Dicky Spency will be at that level.

He's a CIA/Bush Asset who just magically appeared during Trump's rise while he was taking about uprooting the Deep State. Now this faggot went from 7000 Twitter Followers during the election to now suddenly being christened our leader by the Echo media.

He's a plant and not the "leader" we need

Whats his/their endgame then by planting Dicky Spency?

He has prooven his status as a Democrat pupprt and KKK member.

Spencer has a set-in-stone vision of how the white identity movement will succeed and win over normies and change history. The problem is the vision doesn't always match reality and he doesn't change course until it's too late and he looks stupid. Basically his plan isn't working and he should've switched tactics and toned things down long ago. The roman salute stupidity should've taught him to be more careful of giving the media sound bites and scandalous imagery. He is also not a conservative, he has socialist streaks and even globalist streaks (pro-EU), which ends up confusing the hell out of people and turning people off. Ultimately, he might not be a fed but he might as well be, he's a chaos agent, a David Duke, an Al Sharpton.

Lenin — 'The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.'

It amazes me that there are people stupid enough on this board to be convinced that Spencer is an agent for the Bushes just because he took a picture with Laura Bush. How do people this dumb even know how to operate a computer, or learn English for that matter?

Controlled Opposition
Divide and Conquer

Same as always


Nazis aren't conservatives, they're hardcore racist leftists. They literally have the word SOCIALIST in their organization's name.

halt progress
anything the right does is racist

First day on Sup Forums you fucking ShareBlue nigger? We've been following this Spencer piece of shit since day one.

some of us are actually scholars in American history and see Dicky fitting a certain pattern that has been repeated throughout the decades

oy vey muh nazzis

multiple angles, confirmed real

Reminder that Spencer is controlled opposition and any threads about him are shill threads. Anybody who pushes the 'alt-right' meme is an enemy.

Produce some convincing evidence then you dipshits.

Spencer is doing 10000 x anything anyone on here has done for the cause. Cretins shouting shill and agent need to meet and greet themselves up the hole with a shotgun

Jared Taylor is an enemy, is he? Kill yourself.






This about covers it


Winning the war against white genocide means taking to the streets in ridiculous cosplay, carrying sticks, shields, and meme flags and acting like baboons

He's a socialist. He does not belong to the alt-right. He's irrelevant and a media whore. Please ignore him.


Even if you disagree that Spencer is a spy, you have to admit that he's 100% toxic for a white nationalist movement and is only hurting the movement at this point.

He's a Russian plant

>Our extreme right, with very few exceptions, are super-fans of the Russian president, in whom they see a strong, traditional leader who runs the world’s only white nuclear-armed great power. Their websites brim with adulation for Putin as a demigod who resists the Western social justice agenda with more than words. That this depiction of Putin may not be entirely true matters not a whit to his ardent alt-right fans.

>Although our country has always had white supremacists, Russia has given them renewed focus and energy, as well as a ready-made worldview. This take on the world includes overt white nationalism which despises the United States as a decadent and multiracial society. The Moscow menu suspiciously includes support for a range of foreign issues such as adulation of Bashar al-Assad and his nasty Syrian regime.

>Take the case of Richard Spencer, who was in Charlottesville as the de facto leader of the rising far-right in our country. Young and photogenic with his famously fashy haircut, Spencer too is a strong Putinphile, exuding praise for Russia and its strongman leader to anybody who will listen. His connections are more than ideological, however. His wife, Nina Kouprianova, is a Russian far-rightist herself with Kremlin connections.

>As Nina Byzantina on Twitter, she is a full-fledged Kremlin troll who reliably follows the Putin line on virtually any issue, foreign and domestic, while Kouprianova has also served as the English translator for Aleksandr Dugin, a quixotic political theorist and self-proclaimed “geostrategist” who functions as Moscow’s ambassador-at-large to the Western extreme right.


Bullshit, I'm the photographer. I was there.
This is the real Spichard... I mean Richard.

That fuckin acne!

Hes a suros funded agitator. You blood and soil fags are to blame.


Hes with svoboda. Paid by suros. Needs to die.

The National Policy Institute was founded as a “racial realist” and “white nationalist” think tank and lobbying effort in 2005 by William Regnery II... At some point, Regnery discovered heedless agitator Richard Spencer, who he fostered an intimate relationship with and in 2011 installed as the frontman and nominal head of the NPI...While Spencer is technically the chairman of the NPI, it is still run behind the scenes by Regnery. Richard Spencer referred to him as the chairman of the organization as recently as 2014, five years after Regnery supposedly stepped down from the position.

So just exactly who is this mysterious alt-right power broker, William Regnery II? A deep dive into his family’s background perhaps validates the Hungarian government’s understanding of Spencer and Regnery’s Central European misadventure as a potential CIA ploy.

Henry’s publishing company, Regnery Publishing, which for many decades was the most prominent conservative publishing house in the US, was funded by the CIA according to intelligence officer and Watergate mastermind E. Howard Hunt.

So, to summarize, Richard Spencer’s closest advisor’s grandfather and uncle were both central members of one of the most entrenched postwar deep state think tanks, with CIA funding.

Calm down it's just banter

that story is a good read

^ this

If he claims to be alt right he is either blue pilled or a shill.

Id see it more likely that shes sent as a Russian plant into his life and since he "muh dick" about her she can control him.

Since they have a kid she could use that as leverage

>"Do what I say or little Svetlana will never see you, grow up to hate you and fuck niggers."
>"Also i'll take all ya got in child support goy!"

Yup I bet he just ran into her on the way to the grocery store, are you actually this fucking dense or are you behind a proxy?

spencer is a fucking autist

In 2004 Richard Spencer was involved in a pedophile ring set up by the CIA and blackmailed with hidden camera footage of him raping a child. The blackmailed pedophiles are assigned tasks based on education level, aptitude, propensity for violence and so on. He was academically gifted so they forced him to work COINTELPRO to discredit the far-right. ALL WILL BE REVEALED.

Idk bro, my cousin has ran into Slash, Lemmy Kilmister, John Entwistle and James Woods all within a 2 year time span.

Daily reminder anti-Spencer is codeword for anti-white.