Guys be honest do we have any allies left?

Guys be honest do we have any allies left?

Other urls found in this thread:

We hate blacks as much as you do.

Our guns

Trump is still our ally

no, but even after all the bad publicity, the line was drawn in the sand long ago, and you're either on one side or the other by now, this ultimately will have no affect on anything other than Sup Forums having bruised ego for a few weeks. and who knows, after seeing the way the antifa commies behaved, what with all the tearing down of statues and such, a few may have turned to the right after all

The President of the United States

You're Aussie. You never had any allies to begin with.

I'm my own greatest ally.


We never had allies, just.. People who fought against control. People who wanted to show their kin the TRUTH.

But our kin rejected us, our friends left us. Those people, who have control, who have wealth and sickness in their hearts, they twisted our loved ones against us. They blinded our mothers and fathers and siblings, with so many lies, a fog of convenient lies.

We are doomed to never have our story written and for our children to grow up, experiencing the same lies, the same riddicule, if they try to look beyond those lies.

I do not know what I wish to do, in this moment, but, I know that I have considered suicide very seriously for a while now. This doomed world, ruled by vice and corrupt fools, why did it ever come to pass that we should fall this far from grace?

ml/pol/ are our allies still.

sometimes i think we should all just go to an island somewhere and be gay together haha

do you think we'd all fit? ho homo lol

What did he mean by this?

>On your side
He spit on you, called you thugs, and would sooner side with an army of commies that you autists.



Israel of course.

((( this )))

You are not alone Sup Forums you have gun rights you can bring guns with you to rallies fuck those who tell you that you can't if every person at the rally has a gun to defend themselves do you really think cops are stupid enough to challenge a god give right in your constitution it states that the right to bare arms shall not be infringed upon and it is your job to defend yourselves from tyrants no matter who they might be. pull yourselves up don't give up just because you've been beat once you know what's right and wrong and if you don't defend it who will. As a Canadian I know I can't defend my gun rights because we're not really guaranteed any such freedom in out Constitution and the bureaucrates have made sure no one will try to oppose whoever is in power

But you Americans have this right and should defend it at all costs because without it you have no free speech

Lets get ourselves a new ally. We could form a temporal ally with the muslims. Now hear me out. We kinda hate each oether but we hate the left/lgbt/sluts/degenerates even more. We culd form an alliance till the left is cleaned ;) Than we decide how we go forward....
