I'm as right wing as it comes but can we all agree nazis are bad guys?
I'm as right wing as it comes but can we all agree nazis are bad guys?
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You know where you are?
then you're not as ring wing as it comes
If I have to choose between siding with Nazis and siding with Commies, it's a pretty easy choice OP.
Don't you get bored of this shilling, leftypol?
Most Nazis aren't even real, they're obese neckbeards behind a computer screen believing CIA lies from their master (((Spencer)))
no such thing as a nazi. word made up by a communist to brand anyone who's anti-communist.
Looking on what's going on in US and west EU I guess they were good guys despite everything. Go and read what was going on in German before Hitler showed up
this desu
It's because of shits like yourself that true National Socialism is no longer taken seriously on this board.