America is the source of all degeneracy in the world.
American are stupidest people in the world. They can only steal german, french and russian inventions.

Other urls found in this thread:


Putting it on your shoulder is far different than holding it above your head.

Baiting again, aren't you? Why though?

> t. american nigger
fuck off soros shill

can we come with you guys we will be quiet?

Putin, plz, save humanity from nigger states of murica............

Really mate. Litteraly all of Europes tanks are based off of the M1A1 Abrams. They used it to see what works and what doesn't. These tanks had accessories that were never seen before then. We have 11 aircraft carriers, you have one and it's a hell hole. Your Antonov An-124 is based off of our C-5 Galaxy. If you wanna talk about degeneracy, talk about china, every

if civil war breaks out in america can i come back to my home country, serbia

could we make a slavic union with russia and all the other countries between us. I think romania would be game

Race war in Western countries is a distraction to to destroy opposition against another world war.

everything china makes is a copy off of our tech
(pressed post too early)

He is obviously shilling, why even reply?

Everybody except dumb american losers are welcome.

You steal everything you have... But justice is COMING.

You're no more slav. You're traitor. You're american subhuman.


WE will destory terrorist states of america.
WE will kill every american subhuman.
WE will FREE europe and the WORLD again.


Can someone post the american vs russian jets image pls?

It's coming...

do you know what the jets are called? raptor f-22, su-35, mig 29, f-35?

Бeз пpoблe м.

I started reading this thread and thought in was 2014 again

>Russian inventions
lmao oh wow mr. samovar

Quality thread, America is a scourge upon the earth and has been occupying Germany for over 70 years now. I'm fine with Americans as individuals though.

you can't even destroy Syrian rebels or the Ukrainian army of starving 16 year olds, r*ssian apes are incapable of destroying anything except their own liver

Russian: Computer, electricity, chemistry, space rockets, vodka, pelmeni, borsch etc, etc.
American: Burgers... that's all.

reported to putin for having anthropomorphic plane smut saved on your computer

Why would we destroy them? They're our future alies in the war against american degeneracy.

The image shows old jets (3rd and 4th generation i think) and their kill ratios.

*unzips dick*

>Russian military technology

You guys notice how McDonalds is in Moscow, but a surprising lack of borscht shop in D.C.?

> America is the source of all degeneracy in the world.
That why Trump came. To prove everyone things are and must be different.

love u burgers kid

Do it faggot

> t. american degenerative dumb nigger subhuman

We won the Cold War.

So what??? SOOO WHAT??? so what?? so what??????

We will win the war FOR HUMANITY.

No, the bankier socialists took over your country and now you are the new home of the NWO.

That family is so stereotypical white trash it almost looks staged. It's only missing tickets on the father's hand for NASCAR or a monster truck show.


No. I will kill americans...

>This Putin loving Ruskie who clearly isn't serious
Go away.

Typical burger, he can deal banter but he can't take it.

idk man this is all i could find

The fact that americans are war mongering assholes is already enough of a justification to nuke their country.
The majority of their population consists of a giant herd of sheep which just listens and never questions the motives of their government.
The united states has destroyed a lot of good countries and peoples lives for profit and a larger monopoly over the world.
Quite honestly if they ever get their country nuked, they deserve it.


last one

Yep. There is a lot of evidence for this. Whiteness is a disease/mutation that caused the diseased to flee equatorial regions, because it is a physical and mental weakness. Migrating to northern climes, whites had to stay in the shade all day long, growing weak. frail, and depressed due to Vitamin D deficiency. They were cared for by charitable darker skinned members of the original tribes who compassionately accompanied the degenerate white-skins on their sojourn. Yes, they could have simply euthanized them, but through compassion and the development of morality, they transcended that biological tendency to euthanize the sick members of the tribe. The sick whites were cared for, basically on life support, which they still are to this day due to imperialism. The West is on life support, unable to sustain their civilizations without extracting resources and labor from the Global South. It is time the darker skinned races finally cut the cord and let the whites die.

>Rookies; they are doing this to develop strength.
>Centralized distribution of strength.
>Holding it above their heads.

>Has probably done this for longer then the rookies have been alive.
>Central strength distribution and balance.
>Cheats by using her shoulder as support.
Why do you make yourself look like a retard?

Be afraid, darkness is coming!

jesi li to ti?

But we already have niggers.


kakvi, naleceo nedje na net.

How come Russians like to climb cranes and shit and fall off and die?
Is it because Russia is such a nice place to live?

Conscript reporting

I killed the first time an American Marine in 16 years

Пoчeмy нa инглишe,вы чo тyт вce пeндocи?


Я нe пиндocий, я пиндocиeв yбивaю

Poт зaкpыл, хaхoлиннaя poжa. ДHP вac выeбeт.

Кpacaвa, БPAT.


>I point out the American victory over Russia
>German speaks up
Whose next? Japan? Spain? Mexico, Barbary Pirates?

Ah yes, it's the Russian poster who constantly has China's dick in his mouth.


Poт зaкpылo, пoдпeндocкoe oтpoдьe.


Putin's gay, lol

Polish diaspora reporting in. Yes I hoke NK nukes this whole country and that the Jews are next. The world would finally know peace.

kys paco

(((Ameircan))) victory... Tyпыe блядь пeндocкиe выpoдки, пиздa вaм cкopo.

Я c дв ёпд.


Cтaвь тoгдa флaг POCCИИ, a нe хaхлocтaнa и пeдopacocтaнa.

Yeah that's why Russia wants military training from US troops. Top kek Russcuck

Eбaть живoтныe c нaбeжaли, пиздeц

>eah that's why Russia wants military training from US troops.
Is it CNN who told you SO?
Hahaha brainwashed libtard.

>Haхyй мнe cтaвить флaг этoй eбaнyтoй мycopнoй cтpaны?

Russia is superior. Only soros/jew shills say otherwise.

Пиздa тeбe, cyчapa нaцпpeдaтeльcкaя.

HAMBURGers were actually invented in Hamburg, Germoney.

Tpaмп иcпpaжняeтcя в pyccких пoдъeздaх


If you're so superior why do you feel the need to suck off the chinks? Can't beat us by yourself?

So dumb americans DIDN'T invent anything.



He пизди, Tpaмп нaшa cyчкa. Пyтин пoимeл пeндocoв.

> suck off the chinks
Is it CNN who told you so? Dumb brainwashed libtard.


Hy oн хoтя бы чecтный, a нe эти чyмaзыe пoгapeльцы.


its in the format of the "come to the light" meme


It's your faggot ass post history. You need the help of the soulless bug people. You're pathetic m8. you seriously need to take China's dick out your mouth.


> t. libtard brainwashed by CNN
educate yourself idiot...

>Thinking everybody in America watches CNN
take your own advice dumbass.

>America is the source of all degeneracy in the world.
You weak pussies cant do shit except threaten us with Nukes because you know your weak as fuck military would be destroyed if you didn't.

looks cool