Redpill thread
Redpill thread
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Yes, the scientific community has long agreed. There is a lot of evidence for this. The originary whiteness mutation (melanin deficiency) caused the diseased to flee equatorial regions. Nearly all life on earth (except mutated white-skins) has evolved to thrive on photosynthetic nutrients, so when the whites migrated to Northern climes, naturally they grew weak, deficient in Vitamin D, among other fundamental micro-nutrients of the human race. Imagine! Humans, living on earth, literally BURNED by the sun! Frail and depressed, this actually degenerate, dying "race" was cared for by charitable darker-skinned members of the original tribes who compassionately accompanied the degenerate white-skins on their sojourn. The strong could have simply euthanized them, but through compassion and the development of morality, they transcended that biological tendency to euthanize the sick members of the tribe, at the expense of their own best interests. The sick whites were cared for, basically on life0support, which in many ways they still are to this day due to imperialism.
The West is still on life support, unable to sustain their civilizations without extracting resources and labor from the Global South. It is time the darker-skinned races finally cut the cord and let the whites die.
Can anyone drop me some redpills on gender identity shit? Stuff on the faults of gender neutral society etc
Every tinfoilhat should look this one.
Yes, the scientific community has long agreed. There is a lot of evidence for this. The originary whiteness mutation (melanin deficiency) caused the diseased to flee equatorial regions. Nearly all life on earth (except mutated white-skins) has evolved to thrive on photosynthetic nutrients, so when the whites migrated to Northern climes, naturally they grew weak, deficient in Vitamin D, among other fundamental micro-nutrients of the human race. Imagine! Humans, living on earth, literally BURNED by the sun! Frail and depressed, this actually degenerate, dying "race" was cared for by charitable darker-skinned members of the original tribes who compassionately accompanied the degenerate white-skins on their sojourn. The strong could have simply euthanized them, but through compassion and the development of morality, they transcended that biological tendency to euthanize the sick members of the tribe, at the expense of their own best interests. The sick whites were cared for, basically on life-support, which in many ways they still are to this day due to imperialism.
The West is still on life support, unable to sustain their civilizations without extracting resources and labor from the Global South. It is time the darker-skinned races finally cut the cord and let the whites die.
Yawn, such tired old redpolls OP.
Here are some real redpolls
>you have to work really hard to get ahead in life
>most things aren't the jooz fault, its just your lack of ambition, self discipline, and devotion
>christianity/religion is good because it weeds out the scum and bad people. Go here if you're looking for a wife
>being a political activist will most likely lead you to jail and make you unemployable for the rest of your life
>being a "wage slave" may suck, but its better than being a neet
>women aren't all whores, they're just a product of their time, it is up to you to find a wife and have kids because if you don't your life will be miserable after 30
The best thing you can do for your life is to succeed in the system you operate in. You must make little steps to improve and eventually you will get somewhere and turn your life around.
This never happened.
makes sense why gentiles have some many problems
HAHAH i bet most of the niggers can't even understand that graph in the first place. Kill yourself nigger.
>most things aren't the jooz fault
Yes they are, its already been shown objectively, in this thread. If you like I can show how Jews arent affected by the affirmative action programs that hold whites back, and represent some 40% of ivy league schools while whites have to do 231 points better than a black on the SATs to be chosen. White genocide is happening, and youre defending it. Heres a redpill - you dont have a right to exist, but we do, and we realize that only we can ensure that right is enforced. Have fun in the coming years, larper. Everything is swinging right, no one actually cares about your dead commie.
a red pill
Its kind of amazing that such a prominent figure back then would say such a thing. And the masses just shrugged it off.
tells you the common man was complacent and docile even back then
Yikes you really got triggered there didn't you pal? Did you ever think that maybe jews were more organized than whites and work together more effectively. While I agree they are over represented in many fields, its the whites fault for letting it get this way. Also I doubt there is going to be a right wing uprising given that everyone and their brother triers to disassociate from you guys.
>10 years ago
Sweden's problems began in WW2 when Danes shipped Jews over there, and then their plot began sometime around 1985.
>did you ever think blah blah subjective bullshit
Their race is a cancer. Races are different, you dont believe in subjective truth, your typed words are worth less than human excrement, which can actually be used.
Pic related is a Harvard professor. By siding with him, and the muslims who raped the million british girls and broke their bones and slaved them etc, you justify your own removal from our society. You dont care, you want whites to disappear, thats leftists for you.
I bet youd just love to eat a little 6 year old British girl Kebab, its probably really cheap too. Only a couple shekels.
>you dont believe in objective* truth
and yet
Well, Yes, the scientific community has long agreed. There is a lot of evidence for this. The originary whiteness mutation (melanin deficiency) caused the diseased to flee equatorial regions. Nearly all life on earth (except mutated white-skins) has evolved to thrive on photosynthetic nutrients, so when the whites migrated to Northern climes, naturally they grew weak, deficient in Vitamin D, among other fundamental micro-nutrients of the human race. Imagine! Humans, living on earth, literally BURNED by the sun! Frail and depressed, this actually degenerate, dying "race" was cared for by charitable darker-skinned members of the original tribes who compassionately accompanied the degenerate white-skins on their sojourn. The strong could have simply euthanized them, but through compassion and the development of morality, they transcended that biological tendency to euthanize the sick members of the tribe, at the expense of their own best interests. The sick whites were cared for, basically on life-support, which in many ways they still are to this day due to imperialism.
The West is still on life support, unable to sustain their civilizations without extracting resources and labor from the Global South. It is time the darker-skinned races finally cut the cord and let the whites die.
we wuz kangzzzz
He's right when it comes to jews are more organized than whites and work together more effectively, since jews have been screwing over and setting up the white man and every other gentile for centuries.
Jews are a cancer and responsible for all the problems in society, all the muslim and nigger rapes and murder etc, all the economic troubles, all the cultural degeneracy, cultural marxism, white genocide. Anyone who defends it is beyond the pale, and is worthy of being punished in the same way that the "genocide promoters" of the past were punished.
There is no Jew genocide going on, but whites are objectively being wiped out by forces caused from outside hostile parties. We are justified in defending ourselves and your teenage ribbing and complaints dont change that in the least. You play with fire, you get burned. You try to wipe the whites out, you get gassed.
Yes, Jews are more racially aware, but they are also parasites by blood. See:
Theres child sacrifice and genocide over 100 million in there, attributable to Jews. Their race owes the planet, they must justify their existence - ours is protected. We have given the planet nearly everything of importance and use. For over 2000 years, they have done nothing but sacrifice children and rot anywhere they reside.
CHOO CHOO redpill coming in
Getting around to the one where ISIS apologizes to Israel for upsetting them.
oh no, I know that, I just mean they are so good at working together they were able to turn every non jew against each other and make it look like the white man is the problem and the reason for discord.
"Replacement migration"
Its around here somewhere, Im not even posting the time Turkey got 100% certainly beyond dispute buying oil from ISIS.