this is going to be the shittiest thing ever
Pro-Trump “patriot” rally set for same day as Juggalo March in Washington, DC
They're going to be drawn like magnets.
Why is ICP trying to do political stunts now? Are they getting ideas from webcomics or something?
How do those work?
Great Milenko!
Watch, right wing media is going to include the Juggalos when they talk about how many people showed up to the Trump rally.
How do those things work anyways?
>juggalo march at the same time of a pro trump rally
laughed my fucking ass off
>Why is ICP trying to do political stunts now?
They started planning it last year, this protest isn't a spur of the moment thing
Last year, Insane Clown Posse vowed they would march on Washington D.C. to protest the FBI, with whom they’ve sparred for the last few years. (In 2011, the FBI named the Juggalos a “loosely organized hybrid gang”; ICP sued the FBI over the slander in 2014, lost the initial lawsuit, and won on appeal in 2015.) Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J are not ones to break their promises, and ICP have officially announced the Juggalo March, which will take place September 16 at Washington D.C.’s National Mall.
“This is the day that we are asking every single Juggalo to join us in our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., to make a collective statement from the Juggalo Family to the world about what we are and what we are not,” the group said on a website launched for the march. “We must collectively show them that we truly are a family that is united by a shared love of music and fellowship.”
The march will be followed by a free concert with performances by ICP, Vanilla Ice, 2 Live Crew, and several other artists affiliated with ICP’s Psychopathic Records.
The website claims that ICP fans have been discriminated against for their fandom, owing to the FBI’s designation: “Over the past five years, our legal team has heard testimonies and reports from Juggalos all over the nation who have lost custody of their children, been fired from jobs, denied access into the armed forces, and the most common consequence — being officially labeled as a gang member by law enforcement agencies for wearing Juggalo related clothing or brandishing one or more Juggalo tattoos.” A page on the site also features similar testimonies from Juggalos.
the "new" strategy of the left is to organize false flag events in order to get media coverage of garbage. how can the "right" fight this? even when it is exposed through undercover journalism, people don't care.
Am-I supposed to know what the fuck is a juggalo
what are juggalos protesting? I would love to hear the juggalo platform and how the govetnment can redress juggalo grievances.
This fucking timeline is the gift that keeps on giving.
>what are the juggalos protesting?
never mind, I read this informative post: >137620795
Tldr: the FBI labeled juggalos as a gang, which has had negative impacts on the juggalos, including losing kids, jobs, and being labeled as gang members by law enforcement.
The equivalent to the government officially labeling you as a Nazi for browsing Sup Forums
Yeah, that was a very informative post. Thanks.
You're French, so no, but look it up on Wikipedia or anywhere online and you'll be amazed.
wtf I support juggalos now
Strange times brings strange allies?
They claim it's for helping their fan base who is being discriminated against but bluntly even some of ICP's former friends are already saying it's just a publicity stunt since ICP's done pretty much everything else at this point. What else can a fat white guy and a jew from Detroit do after a decades long rap career, their own version of Woodstock, written a book, and made two movies plus run their own record label and have thousands of people wearing their merch? They even had a tv show for reviewing movies and music videos. Political rally is about the only thing they haven't done.
Hopefully shit gets violent though.
oh fuck a bunch of meth heads will be smoking in washington, im so scared
White male kids from redneck areas make up the majority of the juggalo population, oddly enough. These kids are the outcasts of those areas, but many still hold a lot of the same values of their conservative kin. There's probably a lot of overlap between juggalos and kekistan/redditpedes.
Source: live in south central PA, large rural conservative area and we are crawling with juggalos. They're not bad individually, and can be downright nice. But when they meet up they turn into incompetent children.
This is right and wrong
Jugalloos are not labelled as a gang. they are labelled as a "Terrorist Organization" to be technical.
Fuck'n magnets mang! How do those work!?
>implying the juggalo family are down with the donald
the juggalos will stomp the trumpfags easily
What do Juggatards need to march for?
If nothing else Juggalos can roll on them. The main guy from ICP is easily 600 pounds by himself without counting his fans.
Fucking comedy gold... Hopefully dems false flag and kill off a bunch of chuggaloads .. This shit omg
So i live in a shit ass opiate junkie town with a fucking googleplex of chuggaloads i swear im like the only one who isnt one.. They are like 90% anti-trump liberals
fuuuuck rather have bottles of piss thrown at me than bottles of Faygo
I can see "The Mooch" there now, in full clown make up and all.
kek have you ever seen the people who go to that festival i would pay to see them fight eachother
>Terrorist Organization
for some reason they believe they aren't allowed to use any restrooms and they're tired of shitting in their pants.
>the FBI named the Juggalos a “loosely organized hybrid gang
If you have the ability to gather a huge crowd of followers to march against the government in an organized fashion doesn't that kind of prove that point?
Do research on the guy who is setting the Pro-Trump rally up, Charlottesville was a setup by an Obama/Hillary/Occupy wallstreet guy who started Unite the Right in January.
We are literally entering memeageddon here.
It's draconian stuff. The FBI classification was after one or two incidents of drug dealing with some thuggish drug dealers who just happened to be ICP fans, I thought it was all a bit heavy-handed. I know they are wigger hedonists by definition, but the majority are OK.
There would be more justification singling out any given contemporary rapper to label as a terrorist.
Over the past five years, our legal team has heard testimonies and reports from Juggalos all over the nation who have lost custody of their children, been fired from jobs, denied access into the armed forces
Sounds like a juggalo to me
If you dont believe in meme magic at this point youre fucking brain dead amirite?
Kek, this had to be done glad you did user
If you've never heard the term "white trash" that's essentially what a juggalo is. While you're at it look up "trailer parks." They go hand and hand.
D.C. Police will fucking pulverize everyone. Bwahahahaaha! Automatic felonies for the foot soldiers.
As white trash that grew up in a trailer park this is true.
This should be good
They will join forced with Trump people they are about the same thing freedom of speech they are not like Anitfa , I am a Juggalo mate.
I feel the faggalos would be antifa sympathizers
when at least when the media lumps ICP in with antifa, there might be some nice version of leftists eating their own as some famous people disavow
Nor is it about Hate it is actually about Love
Might as well name all fans of gangster rap gangs, while they're at it.
Where are you ignorant niggers? I live in one of the poorest backwoods states none of them even know what ICP is. It was literally the same fringe commie types that listened to it.
nah mate goto kill the pinko with my hatchet nigger we are about free speech thats the whole point of the march.
Since that judgement, there are several malls and shops that will not allow admittance to anyone wearing an ICP t-shirt. It's a slippery slope, user.
Wow. This is a setup for a real ass-kicking fireworks show. Coincidence this cult of degeneracy will be in town at the same time? Which was planned first?
You are an idiot go get a job.
An embarrassment strait from the trailer park.
But like even worse than your normal trailer park trash somehow.
Translated : "I am scared to fucking death of these people"
well, they both worship clowns, so I don't see a problem here
There is no inherent criminality in forming large-scale protests/marches/etc. The fact that there's a lot of them proves nothing. They got more people to wear vaginas on their heads and march for "women's rights" but I wouldn't consider them a gang either
calling hard working down trodden people degenerate as you defend pedophiles nice.
Of Juggalos?
No. I had friends growing up that became Juggalos, it's simply an embarrassment.
I actually don't see a problem with this classification of juggalos so long as antifa and BLM are similarly classed as terrorist organizations. It would truly be a progressive move because then muslims are not the only ones to have their (((groups))) classified.
Grew up in middle of nowhere Ohio, since they never got radio/tv play it was one of those cases where to hear them you had to know someone who listened to it to get into them.
If you never heard of them you were probably a normie, because as someone said earlier it's more of an outcast thing.
i didn't believe in controlled opposition, until now
That is just you being a shitty friend and not helping them temper themselves to remain normal but enjoy whacky music.
Juggalos are basically when white kids can't decide if they want to be goth or a wigger so they go "Why not both?"
shouldnt the average juggalo be about 40 now? they should have jobs and kids and feel shame about their 20s
I can't help that they moved halfway across the country and became a meth head.
Also it's not my cross to bear.
Juggalos are soooo racist. Trust me every juggalo I have met is about WHITE POWER look it up
High levels of faggotry detected.
Nor is it mine sound like shitty people juggalo or not I am one and I will judge my Peers.
feels bad man giving more of a shit about a strangers friends than them.
i dont think ive ever met a non white juggalo
ICP fans and Trump voters have a lot in common...
We are going to witness a bloody clash between Juggalos and Antifa. This timeline is completely off the rails.
>What else can a fat white guy and a jew from Detroit do
What? Its a fat white guy and a less fat white guy. The ICP isnt jewish ya retard.
Not that I'm for or against ICP's actions but fans have been well known to get violent for very little reason.
This move they are making depends on all that attend to be on their best behavior if they don't then ICP will be very unconvincing when they say they aren't a violent gang entity.
The rapper tec9 is an icp fan and has done songs and tours with them.
They've also done songs with Snoop, old dirty bastard, and 3 six mafia.
All ICP wiggers turn into wannabe raper bernie degenerates if they don't grow out of it. Antifa is my standard for white trash not cletus.
This ^^ Juggalos are WHITE trash from the trailer park and rep the STARS & BARS
Why the hate Sup Forums?
Juggalo here, AMA
The OG Juggalos who liked to scrap or modern pussy Juggalos who run away when shit gets thrown down?
Both white trash degenerates ostracized by normies but I don't think they get along.
I bet this will be a shit show
This, all the Juggalos I've met have been old school trailer park IF IT AINT WHITE IT AINT RIGHT types, I don't think that we will see much friction with them
>The war against the commies will be won with methed-out shock troops painted like clowns yelling "WOOP WOOP"
Cool timeline
Cool digits
>OG Juffalos down to scrap
I was at the first 4 gatherings, they are a conglomerate of some of the biggest pussies and betas you will ever know.
CHECKED, send 'em in boys! lol
>Kek has blessed a juggalo thread
Looks like it's time to partake of ThE wIcKeD eLiXiR
Three sided brawl of antifa, juggalos, and Trump supporters.
This is the best timeline. How do we hype this so the AltRight guys go also?
woop woop
>How do we hype this so the AltRight guys go also?
Free hat