Brit/pol/ - Sutton Hoo edition

>Grenfell fire: Inquiry to examine council actions

>Drug deaths in Scotland rose by 23% in 2016

>UK may have to pay EU in temporary customs union, Davis suggests

>North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to watch ‘reckless Yankees’ a bit longer before deciding on Guam attack

>NHS waiting times and treatment access are a postcode lottery, report warns

>Commuters brace for steepest fare rise in five years as UK inflation rises to 3.6%

>Theresa May's plan to leave EU behind by making UK global trade leader with NO borders

>Holborn Tube station evacuated after 'loud bang and smoke' - Central line suspended

>UK risks an international court case over Theresa May's plans for leaving EU single market

Previous edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Abolish parliament.

Look at this brown Islamic face carved by angels...

weird formatting

Back to the Republic of DIREland you go!

First for don't kill yourself Are Kevin.

>shit hairline
>monobrow forming
>wonky teeth
>bags under eyes
>tiny elf ears
>girly eyelashes

Would look much better as splatter'd skull, skin and "brain lol" matter all over a mosque wall.

Am i a piece of shit for wanting to bang this girl even though i think shes weird?



Mum's decided to sell the childhood home lads. Bit sad about it, but I suppose it's all part of growing up.

The obvious being a foreign institute holding supremacy over law, even the UKSC I don't always agree with, but also issues with later withdrawing from the ECJ which we plan on doing with Brexit, because further rulings then have to be applied to our own law and then decided if parts take precedent over already existing but conflicting law, which it does as of now. Our common law system is admired all over the world, and see issues with certain aspects of the law like all people, but not the system its self. In the same way the Roman state inspired great men to shine through military conflict, ours inspires great men to shine through law and aspire to changing aspects of the country through that. We do, as a nation, hold judges in very high regard so no issue in that regard.

Ooooh jealousy


what the fuck is this formatting?

this is NOT the traditional formatting which is

followed by

-clickbait link-
-link to do with europe-
-link to something american-
-link leftover from 2 weeks ago-
>>previous edition

followed by 3 arguing tripfags, a strawpoll on which of them is right, 2 anons which are actually trips without their trips
and then some conspamtutional posting




I see. So after brexit, what do you think will happen regarding what will take primary control? (not sure if you can answer this or your best guess on what might happen?) and what would you want to happen after brexit

Oi m8 what happened to Big Bong?

they're repairing it so that have to keep it silent for 4 year otherwise the workers fixing it will get ear damage

Has anyone here ever involuntarily become an existential nihilist and a nihilist in general, only to emerge again and carry on with their life?

If so, how did you do it?

Brexit happened. No more bongs.

People are working on the tower and they don't want to have their ear drums blasted every hour. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

Brit/pol/ sucks out of school and work hours to be fair

The typical "I have no political knowledge yet I must post" formula of
>Just paid £50 for a Freddo from Nandos lads
>Bought some new slippers famms, comfy af rn tbqhwyf
>tfw all the girls on Tinder are fuckin rankkkk lads x)
>Hope a tripfag doesn't kill himself !
>The formatting is wrong in this thread
>Rimmer's talking to himself again


Take some panorama pics of your bedroom, the living room, kitchen etc.

Even if 5 years that shit will nostalgia you hard.

>4 year
Why is it taking 4 years to repair a bell?

I think there's something far more nefarious about it, but I couldn't say what exactly.

They have to install the call to prayer and laser defense system as well.

I sort of have been, begrudgingly, for most of my life. I suppose I'm probably closer to an Absurdist or something. It's all different shades of the same misery though.

Don't forget that huge Semitic nose

Read Nietzsche.

>Bbc news doing a price on cow viggilanties in india

Parliament is going to cuck out and still recognise European institutions as authority.

>tfw we have to leave the EU

Put some sponge round the bells 8am to 6pm.
Workers can work, nightbongs can bong.

Why is this country run by imbeciles who can't even work simple shit out?



big old fucking snout on him, would be on the end of my fist
thats fucking ridiculous if so

REMINDER: If you're waiting on A-level results, just know that the universities you have applied to already have the results and have probably made their decisions whether to accept you.

So how do you deal with it? How do you find any semblance of purpose or direction and have enough motivation to fulfil or pursue them?

>implying voting leave wasn't the "more muslims" choice

Yeah that was already my plan desu. It's not actually up for sale yet, but when it is I'll head back and take photos of every inch of the house and garden I think. My mum's parents still live in her childhood home so I don't think she really understands why I don't want her to sell it, but hey, she needs the money, so I'm mature enough to accept it's inevitable.

Yes, I've been going in and out of this phase for the last 4 years or so. Slightly worried I'll never properly come out of it, but listening to Jordan Peterson (all memes aside) lectures has actually helped a lot here. I find it difficult to accept religion completely, but I think it's useful to consider the purpose of religion and to look at some of the more higher-level theological questions before dismissing that part of your life entirely and accepting nihilism. Buddhism is also pretty useful for this, and also doesn't necessarily require solid religious faith.

I think we will leave the European Court of Justice but incorporate part of its law into our own law.

Turning it into a minaret probably

honestly hoping for some tears tomorrow

>The EU is responsible for pakis being here
Why won't this meme die

In the UK we have freedom of spee...

Or that.

I already have. As far as I was able to discern, he never was able to come up with any solutions.

I don't really.

>room to let, female preferred

Is this legal?

isn't it thursday?
is that a cop out? most public wouldn't know their arse from thei r elbow on this, so why not take back control and fully tell the ecj to fuck off

I've accepted the collapse as something to strive towards in general

yah it's thursday. bloody wish it was tomorrow

Every bit of writing on the subject seems to conclude in various different forms of "deal with it". I don't see how anyone's meant to take solace in it.

So what are you doing with yourself?

Saying "preferred" rather than "only" probably protects them.

you waiting on yours? wait do you need vs what do you think you'll get?

Uggghhh accelerationists

No, not really at all. There's bound to be rulings on the ECJ already incorporated into our law because it's European law and it might be beneficial or simply make sense to continue it after we leave the European Union, this assumes Eddie's scenario does not reign true, where we remain members of European institutes then their two top courts will still be higher up than the UKSC.

The problem is thousands of our laws derive from primary EU statute and code, when/if the great repeal bill goes through all EU law will become UK law. That means that huge areas of our law will be based on European code and will refer to European institution as it's source of authority. It's practically impossible to address all these conflicts as the hours and man power just doesn't exist. People say "hurr durr we just change it when there is a conflict", but that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about day to day national law that has no basis in English law existing within our system forever because it's "good enough".

quite the opposite i was a 'raver' until about 8 months ago

Breeding with europeans too much over the year.


>that flag

I hope that's your vpn.

G-good Evening A-Anglo-senpais. . .

Find a purpose in life. Procreate is the easiest answer. I mean basically you live, and then die. Can't me to that acceptance.

I would read Kafka, The Trial. That book got me away from nihilism, or started to. Life actually kinda sucks, but their is meaning in living. Life is a struggle in many ways. Especially if you're smart, and observant. Easy to become apathetic to say the least. Used to be an idealist, now I am a realist. Accept life try to become better. Or as in the trial the end will mean little.

yep. I need AAA, which should be achievable given my grades in mocks and stuff. But i fucked up a couple of exams and lost motivation a week into exam period to the extent where I was revising in bed in between long naps

>existing within our system forever because it's "good enough".
Literally the justification of common over civil law

Sorry for many typos. On mobile and don't care.

A lot of European law is derived from U.K. Law actually, human rights etc is all from English law.

They just don't understand common land as they are cunts to the fucking core

Why are these generals always filled with tripfags?

Do you think it will lead to a crisis?

I have The Trial on my shelf but have never read it. I'll give it a go.

im not a leaf dont worry
so best case we leave the ECJ fully, incorporate some of its sensible laws and have the UKSC reining primary?
I see, just not sure if I understand that last sentence if you can clarify or simple it down a bit

Some have, through time, become near-accepted where as others are new and are trying to establish themselves. On a personal level, its probably arrogance.

Wait I read the trial and it made me totally despondent

damn. should be fine then lad, I know people who got into AAA with ABB so one or two grades below and they might still accept you lad.

Not much. Heave you read The Myth of Sisyphus? I'm like Sisyphus accept I'm finding purpose in the act of revolt and I'm certainly not happy like Camus chooses to imagine him. The only thing that keeps me pushing the boulder is an instinctual will to survive, a primal fear of non-existence. I tell myself almost every day I must reach breaking point and put an end to it but on I go.

Absurdity indeed.

Enjoy some top class British music lads

Just to finish my old argument,Beaker culture was essentially western European nothing to do with Scandinavia.
Britain in Iron Age had Britons who came from south as immigrants

The best case scenario is we become completely independent of all European institutes whether law or government and incorporate its own law in part into our own.

Be honest lad, were you in it for the slags?

>put an end to it but on I go
Not him but have you watched/read any Beckett?
>I cant go on, I'll go on

just mixed crunchy nut and coco pops together in a bowl

Really? Interesting. I can't really get much more despondent, to be honest, so it's not really going to be noticeable if it has the same effect on me.


That's true though. Those native to Northern and western Europeans come from the Corded ware culture and Beaker cultures. Britain had very many immigrants but those who effected genetics of the British Isle were from those two cultures.

Hello potato.

It finds authority in EU code and will continue to exist because Parliament will see no reason to change it, despite it being unconstitutional.
I don't think it really matters where inspiration came for human rights, I'm talking about the transferral of all EU law in National Law. But it's irrelevant either way because it's still code that finds it's authority with a foreign legislator regardless of UK influence (I question the extent of influence you claim) took place in the codes drafting. Not to mention the reliance on EU institution that EU code contains.

then you're still fine with parliamentary statute being at the top?

What brings you to this general?


>I'm like Sisyphus accept I'm finding purpose in the act of revolt...
That is "except" and "not finding purpose". I'm tired.

What is that meant to be indicating? I thought your argument was about the Beaker and cordedware cultures and immigrants to Britain
Yes, but this again goes back to monarchical-parliamentary roles.

Watch Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett.

>For I shall suffer no doubt about that

>tfw unconditional offer

Hello friend.

>surrendering £10,000 to mr noseberg to get a mickey mouse qualification