Why are the Spaniards such cowards?

3 Chechens recently beat up a couple of guys in a disco club in Spain and killed one of them. Nobody in the club tried to stop the attackers..


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Because Chechens are alpha and spaintards are cucks

Because Spaniards only know how to fight with bulls.

Chechens ARE the bulls, tho.

2 Chechen kids also threw rocks at Anders Breivik so that he had to go somewhere else to shoot kids. Chechens are pretty though.

Lloret de Mar, city for drunk turists outside Spain.
I bet one testicle there're zero Spaniards there.

Chechens are alpha as fuck

this plus the guy killed was an italian

Shush, don't fuck with the narrative. We need them to think Spain is as cucked as the rest of western Europe, that way they won't expect the new Reconquista

Things that didn't happen.

Source. Sounds like bullshit, if I was Breivik I'd shoot them even faster if they started flinging rocks at me

But it is cucked as fuck
OP is wrong tho

Because it's Lloret de Mar. Only faggots from all over Europe can be found there.

Que se los mande un pingo, joder.

So your saying that the nr 1 faggot resort is in Spain? sounds pretty cucked..

i wouldnt fight with chechens

Yeah, we are really cucked at this point. Google Sitges.

And what would you do, sucked?

Just hit them hard in the throat. Who cares about a dead russkie anyway?

>lloret de mar
i assure you that you don't want to get involved

I remember EU and USA imposed sanctions on Russia over "poor oppressed chechens".

That totally happened in their minds.

What kind of sanctions were those?

ya're all the same shit ivanov

the better question would be why Chechens are so subhuman and get into trouble everywhere they are

>people start fighting somewhere
>most people dont know how to fight so they dont intervene
>LOOOOOOOOOOOL why are people in that country/state/city such pussies LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
>meanwhile the average Sup Forums poster hasnt been in a fight his whole life and wouldve done the same
.t spaniard that was there that didnt do shit

Latins are inclined to dive and roll around on the ground like filthy swine.

Am I Spanish/Moor like spain

But hat's Catalonia.

The average Sup Forums poster is a fedora wearing, neck beard fatass.

just the classic bystander effect in action
the guys that actually would interfere are alpha and most people on the planet are cucks & betas

> Be me in bar in the 90's
> A skinny and small skinhead is having a beer, leaves his jacket on the stool
> Goes to the WC
> Huge German XXL size monster see is it and decides to put it on
> He is gigantic
> German doesn't know how crazy Spanish skindheads are
> Skinhead comes back from WC
> Beer bottle straight to the head
> Second bottle to the head by friend
> German falls down on the floor
> Start kicking them with their steel toe doc Martins until he is bleeding unconscious
> Take jacket back
> Ask for another beer

What were you doing there Manolo?

For an illiterate shit like you probably yes.
But really we are not relatives, so you would probably better off.

Pretty much the same we have today imposed over "poor oppressed ukrainers" and "poor oppressed moderate terrorists".

What the fuck are chechens doing in discos? Alcohol is haram only if they already trade drugs there

The cock what else.


b-but I can write and read

Chechens are pagans. Mudslimeship was imposed on them by soviets and is not natural for them, when it comes for something other, than stone age savagery.

There are many forms of it.
For example niggers lack functional literacy, Clintons lack of emotional literacy and shills lack of memetic literacy.

LOL a Swede shaming others for being cucks!!!!

I bet those two in the middle (pic) would cuck the other two fags. No sanctions were imposed on you because of the Chechen wars Ivan. Sanctions were imposed on you when you tried to take land from the Ukrainians.

Who said im Swedish?

It's probably Chechen diaspora in Sweden or a proxy.

We are anything but cowards. Reconquistador, tercio and conquistador blood runs through our veins. We defy bulls, we party hard, we wreck pussy like no one does. It's the honor code of the spaniard.

you can't handle the banter

Chechens are sissy ponces so it's rather funny how the Spanish managed to lose to those cucks

But video says Italiano?

> No sanctions were imposed on you because of the Chechen wars Ivan.

> I bet those two in the middle (pic) would cuck the other two fags.
When it comes to death toll, shitskins are always defended by FSB (exKGB), so it`s complicated.

>stateless manlet servants of Putin that were genocided like roaches
Pick one

If that keeps you at peace with yourself.

Poor Russia lol, cucked by a nation that is barely 1 million.

so this is the power of USA.....woah

when a swede calls you a coward you gotta worry

it does

>risking your own life for a stranger
I guess this explains why sweden loves refugees so much.

Welcome refugees. Another Chechens wanting asylum...

I agree, they love me so much here in sweden

Chechen republic is a Russian colony and every single chechen will obey Kadyrov orders or he will fucking die. Kadurov in his turn obeys Putin like a good colonial troop lap dog he is.

But what would a 90s rapefugee-descendant subhuman know about that? Your dog-fucking moustached mother probably cried out several rivers at the Swedish Migration Service. Got any photos by a chance?

Kind of a national over here to look at mudshit subhumans dying and suffering

>tourists killing each other
>implying that's a bad thing

Geez.. take it easy there shlomo, what happened? you lost a penny or something?.

Kadyrov can do whatever he wants and Putin can just watch, there is no successor for Kadyrov. If Putin removes Kadyrov then he is fucked because nobody wants a third Chechen war (except Ukraine).

I strolled in to Sweden and live in luxury since that day hahaha. I cuck swedish men and fuck swedish women XD.

shitalian "men" BTFO by alpha muslim Chechen bulls

What is chechnya you stupid kike
>manlet servants of Putin
KEKS Putin pays them billions just so they stay quiet because he knows he will get fucked if they want war again
>were genocided like roaches
Not surprised you kike think killing innocent civilians is something heroic

Also 5000 Chechen soldiers fucked the whole Russian army in the ass in the first war, Chechens had literally nobody to help them But they still fucked Russian pidorashkas in their pig ass

Also your shitstain wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the USA England and us who supported you stupid parasites for decades

you're in a bad spot to say that.

>Also your shitstain wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the USA England and us who supported you stupid parasites for decades
Kek, I bet you are still paying for their morning gefilte fish.

>check flag
oh boy

Yeah we are, and for your shithole probably too
Fucking take care of your gypsies wtf is wrong with you?

Chechen gibmigrants in Germany and Sweden shilling for their own while a russian in Israel defends the motherland while shitting on said chechens.

Diasporas were a mistake.


shamil what are you doing in germany?

Kek ,kike ivanovitch, did a bad bad Chechen fuck your girlfriend in front of you or why are you so butthurt?

No, I don't know if you're a turk and a chechen larping as a german
>us who supported you stupid parasites for decades

>hurrr duuur everybody who thinks Chechens are based must be Chechen

Kill yourself Pablo, I'm as German as it gets you Arab rape baby

>Fucking take care of your gypsies
They are your gypsies now, Ahmed.

It happens the same everywhere in the west, we whites dont act as a group and dont protect our people. while the outsiders pack in group.

arabs got their ass kicked in Iberian lands, i think it's time to recover that achmed

"We whites" says the Portuguese hahahahahaha

No, we are indians + inuit + cambodian /check pic.... lmao
Go back to your local mosque abdul and dont embaress yourself.


Kill yourself nigger

Who are those shitskins on your pic?

Literally shitskins

DonĀ“t project what you are on others achmed, it's laughable

Check first, burro do PNR.

Kek there is no need to project you subhuman shitskin


Germany, and Sweden are really invaded, what alien non-euro diaspora are you? turkish? somali? rotfl it never fails.

More like Mexican

I don't know what you are trying to prove with those pics , all I see is shitskins

Thanks for proving my point I guess

>more projection
>this level of inferiority complex

OP here I'm such a badass I would have run up by myself and kung fu flipped all 5 of them XD

The truth is hard to swallow right Abdul

You don't have a state. The epitome of being a cuckold. You are a colonial animal when in Russia, subhuman rapefugee beggar when abroad.


yes it is, achmed


and im still laughing

>Arab shitskins cosplaying as nazis
I'm so impressed achmed


>muhh some buildings, muh some words.

Portugal and Spain basically were born against islam alien hords, in the Reconquista.... and after we expell them we conquered almost the entire world. while you achmed were in the desert fcking goats. lel

>Live under Arab influence for hundreds of years


please kill yourself

Take the absolute, complete, utter scum of the earth, reduce them by a factor of a million, roll them in shit, furnish them with a literal subhuman, backwards, nigger-tier ideology, stick them in the most god forsaken place on earth...voila, you have the first draft of the Chechen. They should build a gigantic cage round that territory. You think Niggers are bad? Wait till you meet the Chechen.

Chechens disprove racists.