Vote in Lady Gaga's new poll

Make sure to vote the right way :)

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Also somebody please post an update since I don't have a Shitter account so I can't see the results


She's just gonna either delete it if the poll doesn't swing her way or say "it got hacked by racist nazis."

Seriously, it happens everytime. And if the poll goes her way she will be like "SEE? BLOMPF IS A RACIST EVERY AMERICAN AGREES" It's a lose lose situation.

42% say no.

47% now
this has potential

exactly user. get in there.

48, I did my part

fuckin rights boys. Get it going, and keep screenshotting it, in case she delets


vote vote vote. the pop culture controls the normies.

Now 48 percent, go vote. Do your bit. Instant throwaway email from

Either it gets deleted or it gets paraded around as proof drumpf is hitler. Take your pick.


no blackpills here. doesn't work. get out and vote in the poll. we have the power.


lord kek make it happen



Vote NO on proposition libcuck

>Can't vote because I didn't sign up for twitter.



>having a twitter account

You're all a bunch of queers.

a fucking leaf.

>lady gaga

don't post that shit here

don't give this stupid whore attention, anons

I voted no fag are you happy?

This. Us based folk use based instant gram

Someone post this to Sup Forums

Reporting In, neither do I but swarm that do alerted.