Please send those niggers here and we will teach them the true meaning of racism

Please send those niggers here and we will teach them the true meaning of racism

Other urls found in this thread:–Egyptian_War

kekekekekekekek I love this

Lol then border the Jews this is perfect

Is beheading considered "going easy" on them?

On one hand I hate you so much because Arabs hate white people so a racist Arab would do all sorts of crazy shit on holidays here.

On the other hand, you might be retarded enough to deserve it if you genuinely believe western nations are a white male patriarchy that for some reason refuses to hire young white men and refuses to cover any male issue besides infertility.

How do you feel that blacks think your country belongs to them.

how the fuck can three generations be named "desamonius"? how can that happen

*unironic support intensifies*

Egypt belongs to the Copts

It was never an arab country until the 700s–Egyptian_War

The niggers btfo you twice

Beautiful. That amount of delusion and pseudohistory 10/10

Why were Whites so dumb and didn't castrate niggers like Arabs did?

Egyptians WUZ Asians?

Neither it was a nigger country.

He could ask us the same thing.

beheading is useless we need slaves to plant the desert and maybe using them as moving aim target for the military
do u even know what copt mean?
I want to torture them, they would wish death

The neanderthals called North Africa home, it has never been negro territory.

Egypt wasn't one people. There were many different African people living in it, including Nubian people and even Middle Easterners. Never Arabs though. Arabs invaded North Africa

You're an Arab

Many of the owners and all of the slavers were ((())). Castrating brown farm equipment was the DRM of the time and Jews weren't having it.

What is your opinion on gay rights? :)

I am actually coptic christian 100% free of arab genes

I dont care fuck what you want to fuck, but just dont make a big deal of it

and seriously why this always the first question I get from westerners?


so niggers going to fight sand niggers

Are you sure about this?
Well if you say so.

You can have them

You don't have to lie about being an Arab. Never be ashamed of who you are

Sweet Jesus, sorry about that is embarrassing.

I wish I born arab in the gulf, I would be rich and owning half of the west, zero heritage but who cares If I am rich

I'd like that though. Blacks leaving the Americas and Europe and slaughtering each others with muslims. Warms my little heart.

Why are Egyptians rude to us Serbs??
Most of the time they say we are Christian terrorists or some shit and the other times you would welcome us with open arms and just start calling us Jannisaries...