This is too fucking much.
Comparing Robert E Lee to Washington?
Are you fucking kidding me?
This is too fucking much.
Comparing Robert E Lee to Washington?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Other urls found in this thread:
what's the difference?
both were glorious generals fighting oppression
Washington won his rebellion, Lee did not. That's the only difference.
One is a fucking cuck traitor and the other is the founder of the greatest county in the history of mankind
Was beginning to worry he'd fallen into the apology trap.
I guess the English Crown and it's soldiers didn't consider Washington a "traitor".
>don't compare things that hurt my feelings
Washington was a Colonel under the British Army. Robert E. Lee was a war hero in the Mexican-American war and also surrendered the entire Virginian army to Grant, telling the Confederacy to capitulate and not form insurgencies.
They're both traitors to their original leaders, and heroes of America.
both generals, both in the same family nope nothing in common there
I'm sure some college students have tried to remove statues of Washington and Jefferson on their campuses. If it's true, it would be a god time to bring that up.
I also wouldn't be surprised if someone has written a thinkiece about the whiteness of revolution's cause.
Yeah, I know, right, Robert E Lee never owned slaves like Washington
Robert E Lee
>Slave owner
>Betrayed his nation to fight on behalf of his state who rebelled because of Slavery
George Washington
>Slave Owner
>Betrayed his nation to fight on behalf of his colony who rebelled because of slavery
The biggest difference is Washington Won.
I know right!!!
Robert E. Lee actually won the majority of his battles and was considered a good General unlike George Washington!
His point was, if people are tearing down confederate memorials because they think it glorifies racists, where will end?
He isn't wrong.
You missed the point
The argument for removing the statue was that the dude owned slaves
Washington owned them
the man is a buffoon
the reality is he thought his remarks on Saturday were sufficient, declaring both sides hate groups
then his advisors pressured him to specifically condemn the right-wing white nationalists
Trump, however, can't stand admitting he made a mistake so he was reluctant to even issue the second statement and now is showing that he's perfectly fine not condemning hate groups as long as it means he doesn't go back on his word
truly a moron, or at least a terrible politician
Robert E Lee didn't own slaves
Ulysses Grant did though
>Both Slave Owners
>Both fought for freedom from those who they felt were oppressing them
Gee Bill two slavers!
LOOOOL if you fucking think the arguement was that he owned slaves.
The argument is that Lee was a fucking asshole traitor that fought so a bunch of states could keep the right to own human beings you fucking retard.
You should edit that so "trump supporter" says muslim
Both would be considered traitors depending on where you stand.
The original was that, this was topical
This. Lee saw himself in the same light that Washington did. This is just Federalism reasserting its control over the populace.
Again, you miss the point.
Trump is saying if you want to removes statues because someone owns slaves, then there's way more to remove.
O, and how did freeing the slaves work out for you?
When are we gonna take down Lincoln's statue?
dude didn't even like niggers
>being this retarded
You do realize that Robert E. Lee was related to George Washington right?
Lee actually disliked slavery probably moreso than Washington did, nice knowledge of history mate
b-but he fought on for the confederacy!!!! Yeah gee, who could've imagined he'd defend his home even if he didn't agree with everything it did, real puzzler
I haven't read Lincoln's journals and the like, but I can say that if you're heading a country divided to the utmost, you will make sure not to appear too extreme.
It worked out really fucking badly is what they'll never manage to admit
Good effort, but I am gonna have to see your i.d.
All a y'all Niggers talking bout some slave owners, but you aint knowing nothing about who some Slave sellers.
still butthurt after all these years
Is it really that hard to imagine lefties coming after Washington because muh slavery?
well said
This what are these names?
Are they fags?
George Washington was a traitor as well. It just happened that he won his rebellion.
Yeah, it's bullshit. Lee was actually a much better strategist.
Hating niggers wasn't extreme until about 60 years ago.
The north didn't want to abolish slavery out of the goodness of their hearts, they wanted to hurt the south economically.
It really wasn't worth going to war over (the cost of that was massive).
Now, they've got a festering sore that's not going anywhere, that takes up endless funds and kills hundreds weekly. All for moral points.
>fought because they wanted self determination for their people
>Washington owned niggers
>60 years ago
More like 30-40.
Fucking Drumpf with his non-cartoon historiography
Human beings still own each other, you really think you can just break a contract do what you wanna do and have no consequences?
Durr iunno
they're both big parts of american history and robert e lee is considered by many to be one of our greatest generals ever. wanting to erase american history over the left's feelings is fucking insane.
they're just as religious as ISIS destroying ancient places in the middle east
Lee was a competent general who's only accomplishments weren't good retreats.
Washington owned slaves. Lee did not. That's the only difference.
OP is a faggot. Read a fucking book.
Abraham Lincoln was a Liberal Homosexual.
Liberalism is a mental disorder, like pisslam
African tribal chiefs sold conquered enemies to the Arabs, who sold them to Jewish merchants.
Washington was unequivocally a traitor to the British Crown. He would have said so himself. Literally the only difference is he won. If you're willing to take a "might makes right, it's different because he won" stance, you're following a train of thought that excuses any action by a government in a conflict where the government is not toppled. In such a case, do you think the Armenian Genocide was justified because the Turks won?
Fuckin retards / he was speaking in terms of historical relevance both owned slaves both were from the early founding days of the country he wasnt setting up a venn diagram to compare the two on person to person level
Nope. At this point, it will be fun to watch.
>thinks washington wasn't a traitor to the brits.
>30-40 years ago
More like 60.
Official CSA Seal
(That's George Washington on the horse).
>thinking there weren't plenty of people that openly hated blacks in the 70s and 80s
The 90s was when people started to chill out on race relations.
A good General is one who loses for if you kill your enemies, they win
>Rober E. Lee owned slaves
American Civil War public education burger at its finest.
>then his advisors pressured him to specifically condemn the right-wing white nationalists
No, the entire God-damned media and also Trump's political enemies lost their minds because he didn't explicitly by name call out the right-wing white nationalists. This has convinced me that the media and his enemies are far out of touch. They hate Trump so much that even though he condemned all violence from all sides (and there is demonstrably violence coming from Antifa to the right at that rally), that they think condemning both sides means he took a side.
>Are you fucking kidding me?
Robert E Lee was one of the greatest American generals of all time, so no, we aren't kidding you.
>Robert E Lee was one of the greatest American generals of all time
I'm sorry but are we just going to sit here and let him get away with this?
Washington did own slaves, do see that as much of a leap in the mind of an sjw. Lee was not particularly interested in slavery anyway, he fought for his state.
All Confederate soldiers were recognized and given the same status as Union soldiers, and Confederate cemeteries are treated the same as any other U.S. veteran's cemetery. At the end of the day, all participants on both sides were Americans. That's why the Civil War was the costliest in U.S. history in terms of lives lost.
>liberals don't know Washington owned slaves
>they don't realize that would be more than a necessary excuse to destroy his statues
>Confederate States of America
Are you a retard?
>white liberals awkwardly trying to defend Washington having slaves
>blacks are like "wait a minute"
Trump is a genius
hmm-mmm, that's why confederate sympathizers weren't allowed to vote in the elections after the civil war. niggers on the other hand were allowed at the time
Two thousand years ago the people who occupied (because genetically I doubt modern Italians share much in common with them) my historical homeland conquered, enslaved and raped 1/3 of all humans on earth. One in three.
But guess what?
Rome's glory is unmatched. For all of human history Rome shall be glorified for winning. Winning matters, not how you win. The Americans committed genocide against hundreds of thousands of natives. They won. And had the right to call the Nazis bad guys because they won against the Nazis. If the Nazis had won, Nazi German culture would have shaped the world.
You dont have to accept that these atrocities are justified through historical relativism if you dont want to, but you do have to accept that force is the only currency that history can bank on.
CNN newsflash : No difference, all racist monsters, YEAR ZERO NOW!
Fucking virtue signaling cunts have no idea that you can't defend Washington and demonize Lee simultaneously. God women are so fucking dumb
Lol jews btfo. Fuck off to Israel parasite.
Lee fought for his countrymen you fuck. Was offered to lead the union but would not be a traitor to Virgin and fight against his brethren.
Robert E. Lee only won his battles because he fought against weak generals. When Lincoln finally found the right generals, Grant and Sherman, Lee didn't stand a chance because he was not as good as people thought.
Seriously only idiots ride Lee's dick. He was a shitty general. Most of his victories were against McClellan, due more to McClellan being a coward than Lee being a great general. Lee was notoriously unable to control his commanders. He got his shit punched in Gettysburg because he ordered his infantry to charge across a large open field. In a war with artillery. What a moron.
Then after the war, he was extremely against anyone putting up statues in his honor. Then around the 1920s the "lost cause" interpretation of the civil war was gaining popularity amongst southerners still bitter at their defeat. Lee was against the war, so revisionists used this to mythologize him and started putting up tons of statues of him. The whole cult of personality around Lee is a farce.
What a pile of rubbish. Lee was more important to the rebellion than Jefferson Davies. If Lee hadn't joined the CSA there would have been no civil war because it would have been over in a week.
>Lee is a farse
Except he won us the Mexican American War, and Lincoln himself wanted Lee to lead the north against the South.
Neck yourself Yankee
T. Wyoming, more American than you and we weren't even a fucking state at the time
Lee is not a hero to american, he merely understand when his traitorous ass was finished.
He was good in the Mexican American war but to say he won the war is an exaggeration. Also it wasn't Lincoln who wanted Lee to lead the north. Winfield Scott wanted Lee to have a commanding position and suggested it to Lincoln.
This must be the power of the Wyoming educational system.
lol wars > battles
Ill take winning the war to winning a few battles.
>Watch Dunkirk
Isn't that movie about how Hitler let bongs escape as a notion of peace to Churchill who then rejected it?
Trump has to be removed from office now, he is openly sympathizing with neo-Nazi alt-fighters and celebrating traitors. This cannot stand.
your spelling is too Mexican to have your opinion validated, Juan.
>implying this will ever happen
out of the loop?
his support is skyrocketing
If only Lee had the French to win the war for him.
>Great american generals
then again we're talking about ((american education))