Would you support an american invasion of North Korea & a regime change? Why?

Would you support an american invasion of North Korea & a regime change? Why?

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No, it's none of our fucking business.

No, I support the US doing standoff bombing while Chinese brigades take control of the northern regions of NK and SK clears out the area between the DMZ and Pyongyang.

jew war for profit and control

with 50 nukes or not

Yes, because I'm getting sick of their bullshit sabre rattling every few years.

Just turn North Korea into a glass wasteland.

The Korean war never ended, so it's time we wrapped that up. NORK WARBRIDES! Doubling the pool of K-pop talent. All good.

No, why would regime change in East Asia end up any differently than regime change in the Middle East

i would

because im bored

Depends on whether Kim is a civcuck or not

yes. i don't want to be nuked by some fat north korean pig. just send in an assassin after kim jong un and watch the nation crumble from within.

because the regime changes in east asia end up well? in fact, the few times the us failed successfully regime change did not end up well - china, vietnam, flips?
while in everywhere else, the reverse is true

I want nork qt submissive refugees

Don't be stupid. Despite being a complete dystopia, there is valuable infraestructure there. Besides, you think nuclear fallout will just magically stop at the SK, Chinese and Russian borders?

Because it doesn't fucking work that way, and never has

stop pushing for this

If they ever actually attack the US then an invasion is inevitable. And when you overthrow a government, it would be irresponsible not to leave a vaguely usable interim replacement.

But America doesn't have a great track record in this area. Tread carefully.

If we are gonna invade anyone, which we shouldn't, North Korea should be top of the list. Bush should've gone after him before he got nukes instead of bombing goatfucking nomads


Who here would join the Army to support the war effort?
Too bad there's nothing worth taking from them.

id rather push for a north korean invasion of America & regime change
this jewish government and media has gone on long enough.

Same here.

Stealth cruise missiles and MOABs. No nukes if possible.

I would rather have peaceful reunification and a Korea freed from any power bloc but if it comes to a point too far I would support intervention.

>Would you support an american invasion of North Korea & a regime change
Only with China and Russia, if no is more instability to the zone


Only if they strike first. If they do we stomp them.

Religion is illegal in Korea. They should go to America and liberate them from the Jews.


Only if they attack us or allies first. Otherwise it's South Korea's call.

The US would do our part in helping, but any kind of invasion should consist primarily of South Korean troops.
A bunch of foreign American piggus marching in is much more likely to lead to an insurgency. SK has a much better chance of winning over the populace.

ANTIFA is the true commie threat, activate Bill Of Rights Group (BORG) death squad now!

There is no need to topple great leader or best Korea, they good boys and literally dindu nuffin

Are you kidding?
You burgers pump hundreds of millions in to maintaining the DMZ in Korea.

I think it would be a good idea to get rid of it and stop fucking around no?

They're threatening our nation and our allies with a nuclear attack. Even an AnCap would say the NAP has been broken.

They've threatened to destroy us and our allies for a long time. Over time they might develop nukes capable of hitting us.

The only problem is we can't do shit until they start an attack. Also an american ground invasion is retarded, let the S.Koreans do that. They rook the same and talk the same instead of a huge bloodbath vietnam 2.0

Best Korea is just too good of a meme nation
it would be a tragedy for the world to lose the Kim family, for real I wanna see how many generations of this hilarity they can keep up

I fully support toppling the regime, but we shouldn't occupy the land. Let SK and China duke it out over who gets that clay.

For anyone who disagrees here is why you're wrong. NK will slowly keep building up its nuclear arsenal until it gets to the point where the USA risks annihilation if attacked by NK. This gives NK the room to start aggression towards SK; Russia style. Soon we will have a Crimea of SK, parts of their country slowly taken over. They know the USA won't respond to their aggression because of the threat of total nuclear Annihilation.

So if you want a united Korea under Kim, just let him be. If you would rather Kim not have total dominion over the Korean Peninsula, then we MUST attack NOW!

fuck off weeb faggots
>muh dik mufugga
daily reminder:

My man

Yes. For the happenings and the lulz as usual.
Your newfag is showing btw

>Implying we shouldn't colonize North Korea and create the NorK-American master race.

No, but I would support bombing the ever-loving fuck out of them.

To liberate tea girl.

That begs the question. NKor has fucked with Japan, kidnappings and such. But your assassins, Ninjas, are supposed to be the best. Did every mission fail or what?

I want to invade some hot Korean girls.

No because America is full of degenerate faggots.

>japanese ninja assassins
The chinese cartoons depict lies

No. North Korea makes the world interesting. The world doesn't need another boring corrupt democracy

That's up to South and North Korea. We can support South Korea if they like.

>North Korea makes the world interesting
This. We need some more villain nations


Don't sushi chef's have sharp ass knives? Disappoint.

>Would you support an american invasion of North Korea & a regime change?
Only if it was strategically sound and loss of life could be minimized. Otherwise I'd abstain on libertarian principles alone, much less the fact that American imperialism has weakened our nation more than any other force besides Rothschild banking.

Damn, niggers, that sounded tinfoil as shit but tell me I'm wrong.

NK is like a civ you like in a game of Civilization 5.

You cheer them on on principle, but if things go down you wouldn't hesitate to remove them.

Just imagine being that girl, and somehow getting taking to America overnight. She would look at a 150k home in a rural/suburb market and wouldn't be able to believe a normal person with a normal job had the equivalent of their Dear Leader's summer home.

That being brought to you by Headband OG, and having been said, no I am not in favor. Use an indirect method to neutralize the strategic threat, and clear the political tension. What the fuck would we want in North Korea besides escalating with China, getting military industrial complex bucks, or have the central banks devouring them?

not at all. I'm in the same camp. The people have nothing to with the wars their politicians start.


still a fucking useless non-white place though, if everyone on the peninsula dies nothing of value is lost.

The nature, landscape, is pretty nice in some parts though, the mountains for example. Shame to nuke it and irradiate it.

Best action would be replace the entire population with Whites, rename it to New Rhodesia, maybe

imagine all the memes we'd lose, it would be a tragedy for the internet

yes, primarily because OP is a fag

the regime needs to change and the nukes need to be secured.

i'd rather not an invasion. but if there was no other option, i don't think the cost in life will be less in the future.

Americuck calling other nations 'villains'. HAHAHA. The Kumbaya Kuck has you idiots so brainwashed.


Not really, but I'd like it if their missile and nuclear testing/development facilities were physically removed via air and sea bombardment. So long as their long range strike potential is gone I couldn't give much of a fuck how king nork treats his people.