Right wing /Fash/ion

Continued from: If you're going to go to a rally or any public event where the right wing is being represented, remember these two things:
1. Get /fit/
2. Dress aesthetic

Discussion of good Dress and possible uniforms ITT

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>2. Dress aesthetic
nigger your "aesthetics" turned everyday white voters against white nationalism. youre cancer.



starting strength pdf
everything you need to know about lifting

Fuck off faggot and get fit and dress well.

Leather biker fags and camo fags with man tits need not apply.

>good sense of dress turns average people off
Ok schlomo

Is this code for some kind of bathhouse shenanigans? Why has you posted this twink?

Despite O'Duffy being an incompetent Ego Maniac, I have a bit of a hard on for the Irish blue shirts

Or something like this

Milano gran prix

advance team

Looks like an equestrian ffs

outrage them with class

or do you want to repeat that whole 8th grade science class look? jesus fucking christ, i'd laugh at any of these unite the right protesters if i ever crossed them in person

Id rather dress in a threepiece like in the OP desu

Honestly I think being fit and chad looking is the most important. Chad the nazi could look like a homeless guy and women and men would flock to the movement.

as if you could afford or fit in one

People are attracted to the nazis because of how good they looked in their uniforms. We need to look good as well. Either suits or some sort of uniform but they need to be tailored and the men who wear them need to be fit and well groomed.

>jewgled "modern victorian men's suit"


I'm already fit but that's because I homestead and have a side business repairing tractors. This is the type of clothes I wear when I want to look formal. Guess that's not good enough for you city Millennial folk.

Is it weird if I think tucking in your shirt always looks awful? I hate how its become part of the normal business uniform. It looks terrible and disgusting. Plus its uncomfortable and makes your shirts feels tight

I agree. There is a shirt company that sells button ups with shorter tails specifically made to be worn untucked. And they're doing very well, very well.

t. fat ugly motherfucker


That vest has too many buttons. Having said that, vests are very aesthetic and quintessentially /fash/ion. Also, consider suspenders. I shit you not, suspenders is the redpilled belt.

Suspenders are based as fuck desu

It's because you're fat.

They are. And they give you much better mobility while keeping everything in place. If you have a job where you sit around a lot, you know that the belt will Jew you and you'll have to tuck in your shirt again eventually. No such problem with suspenders.

I converted a friend of mine to suspenders after a much heated discussion and now he reluctantly admits to this. But he does this sort of suspenders/belt combo which is kind of overkill in my opinion. But hey whatever works, not that it matters much in his case seeing how he's a vestfag like myself.

Also, pro-tip for the beltfags: always match them with your shoes (and watch strap, if that's the case). Suspenders patricians always have a bit more leeway and can go for contrasting colours of your outfit or the colour of your tie.

This could be a good uniform inspo, sexy yet intimidating, and it would blend in with the crowd like antifa.

where do I put my dick?

Question: will suspenders fuck yo your back/shoulders?

I can't see how they can. Your average pair of office pants weighs about 300/400 grams, it's absolutely negligible, and you won't be pairing jeans and suspenders together anyway. Also, suspenders are natural elastic goodness, after making the switch you'll feel like you're floating in your pants, it's extreme comfy really. The only possible discomfort are the "teeth" that hold to the pants, if they're a bad pair of suspenders you will notice them bite into your back.

Belts are much more hazardous to your health, potentially. They can cut circulation if used incorrectly and generally noticeable all the time.

>literally a fucking skirt

Do you think before you write, or just spasm on the keyboard after you jerk off to blacked porn?

Captcha was a helicopter...not a good sign for you user.

"Average People"

Found the redditor, didn't we hans? Our Hugo Boss style and fit physique will keep his nigger-ass at home so he doesn't embarrass us.

I always ask fat whites; what is it we hate about niggers? The 'lazy' line always comes up, and my eyes always drift down towards their gut and bulge. What can I say? We can only afford one Goering out of a 100,000 fit Aryans.

You could gas 6 gorrillion kikes with the fumes that steam off the fatties' heads..

tacky as fuck desu


That's a big guy

The three piece suit is fucking gay and shouldn't be worn. We're not cillian murphy. Wear some nice pants and a shirt and don't look like a drunken retard.

Flip it up and you can fuck him from behind. 10/10

People of normal attractiveness dressing like models looks terrible. Just dress clean and nice.