Sup Forums is absolute fucking trashed with shills and newfags for days after C'Whizzy and the Magic Challenger

>Sup Forums is absolute fucking trashed with shills and newfags for days after C'Whizzy and the Magic Challenger
>Donald Trump makes one unplanned statement
>Sup Forums is back to a well oiled internet hate machine
God damn I love the Trump effect.


Trump is a zionist. He's opposition to have us fight amongst ourselves and eventually enact hate speech laws further removing our ability to criticize Israel and zionistic ideals. Be Wary. The Israel Anti-Boycott act is coming.


Trump trumps and GOP loses senate seat, GOP leadership shits on the WH, loses votes every day, lowest popularity of any new president, paling around with Nazis and KKK, Putin's putain, under federal investigation, Trump brand crumbling ....

Goddamn I love it.

can pol promise to shitpost trump meme magic thu the midterms? -thxbai, yrs, leftypol

Enjoying all this deliciousness

I like platypuses.

There's some political fracturing going on as a result of the Charlottesville happening:
- some tards are defending James Fields and others are (rightly) disavowing him
- some autistic conspiracy theorists have gotten out their tin hats
- Nazis are getting really fucking excited because they think suddenly they have legitimacy (when they don't)
- Trump is self-destructing to get a bit more support from his shrinking base
- major doxxing is going on, resulting in loss of jobs and families
- regular Sup Forums poster who just want lulz are getting pissed because this isn't fun anymore

You realize even Nate Silver is ALREADY writing the Democrat's mid term obituary, right?

hoil hortler

i disagree. no one is actually talking about israel or zionism. the altright has no arguments. they just make everyone else look as dumb as they are.

>reddit flag
>rtd tier post
Checks out

It is why he is our God Emperor!

>no arguments
Just stop posting user.
We get it, you lost all sense of reality

Thanks, bro, Have a rare Trudeau


Consider this. What if hitler was a zionist shill to further push the agenda. Churchill was married to a zionist. The Rothschilds made mega bucks from WWII and established the state of israel all under the pretenses of anti-semitism. The Jews lived happily in Germany for quite sometime. What if the current neo-nazi's are shill zionist further pushing the agenda the zionist had in WWII? I will say though. Trump is a fascinating case of confusion. He states that he supports Israel but.. He does shit that completely goes against those statements.

Fuck niggers and Jews

Whites will prevail

>C'Whizzy and the Magic Challenger
Im fucking crying thank you leaf you just shared the funniest thing ive seen all day

>What if hitler was a zionist shill to further push the agenda
I've consider it. But I'm hung up on the fact Hitler developed National Socialism as the only system designed to rid a country of Jewish control.
>pic related

>What if the current neo-nazi's are shill zionist further pushing the agenda the zionist had in WW2

This I agree with fully. Neo-Nazism though isn't National Socialism.

I honestly don't know how people could fuck up one of the simplest flags.

I'm also pissed at all the cool symbolism and iconography Nazis stole that can never be reclaimed for their connotative baggage. Like the manji/swastika, or the Roman eagle, or the black sun.


Why would I answer non-arguments with an actual argument?

Most of the people who paint Spaztickas are either HEY RABBIS or drunk teens, neither of which probably know how to do it right.


>implying your original post is worth arguing against when its all just speculation and hopeful nonsense
We get it, you want to act prideful next to your shitheap statement and posture yourself like you've got the upper hand by claiming anyone who responds to it doesn't have an argument. Good one Stefan.

Fair enough,

Still though, I wish we could reclaim the symbolism.

>>What if hitler was a zionist shill to further push the agenda
I've consider it. But I'm hung up on the fact Hitler developed National Socialism as the only system designed to rid a country of Jewish control.

Personally I think hitler was a pawn and his own wills were used against him. But he did capture a Rothschild and release him and he did establish an agreement with zionist. So there's a bit of conjecture for both arguments.

nah haavara agreement was cancelled. hitler was no zionist.

>pic related

It's sad that hating Nazis is actually costing lives. Blood group tattoos should be a birth thing, yo.


Thanks for sharing this. I have more to read. There's so much disinformation and propaganda surrounding this subject it really is difficult to come to conclusions.

>Blood group tattoos should be a birth thing, yo.

You mean like antibodies? A/AB/B/O? That sort of thing?

I always thought that information should be required to be put on drivers licenses myself. Never know when you're knocked out and might need a transfusion.

np man


the call came in to the shitpost reserves hq on saturday. good to be back

I missed these

>well oiled internet hate machine
Dayum son, its so easy to meet expectations when you keep lowering them.

>doesn't know the difference between the Illumanati swastika and the Luminari swastika.

fuck off shill

I love my president.

>fuck off shill
Thanks for your thoughtful and entertaining contribution.

I've been beating down shill threads fampi.

>protocols of zion
the post
I completely agree that ww1 and 2 were zionist plots to rid the world of anti semetic euro monarchies, have christians slaughter each other, and put the hook nosed demons in charge of the world's banks and governments

>Putin's putain

kys frog