Wow, it really makes you think

Wow, it really makes you think...

>theyre sticking with the "all our opponents are racists" jigg

Ez second term

really activates my sage

hahahah it doesn't work anymore you milked it for too long bye bye

Stop caring so much about what your enemies say about you. They are never going to like, respect, or accept you. If they get complete power, they will destroy you. You have to understand that you are in a political death struggle against these people. PHYSICAL violence will hinder your cause. POLITICAL gamesmanship is your only option. The stakes are high, and we've already seen how much damage can be done by a mistake like Charlottesville.

The thing is, the right will always tolerate the left. The right is inherently Christian in its values, and it will always leave for God the judgment. The left will not do the same. They will scream for tolerance, but when they gain the upper hand, they will destroy you. They will take your guns, your income, teach your wives to be bitches and your sons to be sodomites, and when you dissent, they will put you in jail.

That’s what’s at stake. So you can’t waste your time caring about your enemy’s feelings about you- they won’t change. You need to do everything you can POLITICALLY- not with MUH AR 15 and MUH DAY OF THE ROPE- to ensure that your side maintains the balance of political power. Unless you’re a leftist faggot, in a very real sense, your life depends on it.

i hate niggers

It didn't when it was fresh, why would now?

Did you seriously just post a meme using the n word? You're no comrade. Rethink your shit.
We can outmeme the far right but we seriously need to not use racist language.

There isn't an adult on this planet who isn't racist. Even the most egalitarian nigger-loving and nigger-fucking progressives harbor racist thoughts. Everybody does. They just pretend they don't and then show others in their actions to prove they don't. But everybody does


What's that first flag?

Also, you're a faggot. Not everyone who disagrees with the left is a Nazi or a slaveman.

Left cant meme

Sup Forums has been taken over by redditfags. Its time to make our way to infinity chan. also sage

the first flag is rhodesia which was actually a VERY succesful country until the niggers took it over. Certain countries actually funded guerillas to overturn the state.

now its a nigger filled stink hole

no it doesn't. i dont think at all

>Uses memes to form his opinions

>implying good guys can't lose

Most of us are just white people sick of being told we're responsible for all the ills and shortcomings of others.

Not an argument.

Drumpft ISS raycis amirite????/? IMPEEEEEEECH!!!!!!!!!!1!!!1!!

Fuck off, nigger

>that century of America pretending the Civil War was about "states' rights" and not slavery
I'm glad we came to our senses. Yes, the South was in the wrong. It's been long enough that we can admit it without worrying about confederaboos getting pissy.

Ooh doo one for "I'm an utter failure, majored in hate speech, and have a fleeting grasp of reality so I larp as an anti american dissident and/or neo-communist".

Rhodesia. Literally the only post colonial African country that gave a shit about educating its niggers and was becoming incredibly successful fast., even after the UK decided to betray White Africans in their former colonies The UN could not have that and backed leftard Niggers to invade and destroy it. Now it is part of Zimbawe and like the rest of Zimbawe it sucks.
