"A central idea of The Authoritarian Personality is that authoritarianism is the result of a Freudian developmental model. Excessively harsh and punitive parenting was posited to cause children to feel immense anger towards their parents; yet fear of parental disapproval or punishment caused people to not directly confront their parents, but rather to identify with and idolize authority figures.[page needed] Moreover, the book suggested that authoritarianism was rooted in suppressed homosexuality, which was redirected into outward hostility towards the father, which was, in turn, suppressed for fear of being infantilized and castrated by the father.[15] "

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>muh dick

Face it, you are closet fags.

Nazis are faggots but Freud was projecting his own shit. He was a loon.

I competly agree with you, but why are you calling these faggots, well faggots.

Isn't Communism left?

According to Freud literally everything was penis, so I'm not sure I'd trust this specific theory from him.

>ha you hate Gaya because youre a secret homo
This has never been convincing.

My balls just grew reading this. Fucking hilarious and so true. Muh mental illnesses muh they are pedos muh muh muh muh muh stone them muh muh muh MAGA FAGA

Getting dicked in the ass by a chick ain't even gay.



Stopped reading there.

Liberals are faggots who are pathologically incapable of distinguishing between proper discipline and overly harsh abuse of children. It seems like part of becoming an adult is getting smacked down a couple times and learning to get up again and keep going (and that can be painful at times, especially if you keep getting smacked down by dumb bullshit even after you've learned the lesson), but liberals want to make sure it never happens at all.

Yeah but he invented the terms hetero and homo. Hetero used to be abnormal. Now look what happened. The bisexuality kinda died. And women. And kikes won. Always nice when shoe on other foot. I see no refutations only complaining

Freudian studies are always bullshit until they support you. how convenient.

You just assign values to unkowable things. I was beat the shit out of but still know what is the golden rule

>faggots are an untouchable oppressed class
>until I want to malign my enemies then fuck you disgusting faggots lol

(((Authoritarian Personality)))
(((Frankfurt School)))
Like clockwork.

No no. You fuck around and run with it

How could someone just come up with this theory and generalize it onto a population of people then have the audacity to call it science.

Lunacy is the least that can be said of Freudian theories.

Fuck yuorself OP you authoritarian nigger lover.

The same guy who wanted to fuck his mother...
All those cigars reminded you of Daddy Frauds dick huh?


Fuck off dirty communist larper


I don't disagree with whatever I didn't read but one interesting thing is the alt-left are certainly to be grouped with them as extremists.

You only make yourself look stupid. Cant have your shitposting and eat it too. Except thats what you all just did

>Adorno had been a member of the "Frankfurt School", a predominantly Jewish[7] group of philosophers and Marxist theorists who fled Germany when Hitler shut down their Institute for Social Research. Adorno et al. were thus motivated by a desire[citation needed] to identify and measure factors that were believed to contribute to antisemitic and fascist traits. The book was part of a "Studies in Prejudice" series sponsored by the American Jewish Committee's Department of Scientific Research.



im so shocked

why you talkin to yourself crazy ?


Why are you a womany bitchass

shill thread eveyone, duh

there you go doing that fag shit again talk like a human.

Youre a dyke and a woman enabler

I think you are in the wrong place cock sucker.

Wrong place?
At least i suck masculinity and not divine breasts or some jewbag garbage like you

(((she))) has some THICK fingers

you can't transfer testosterone that way.

You can literally turn this the other way around though. Most homosexuals were closeted for a long time until society normalized it, and now they are acting as the "authoritarians" against whites. Nice try but you're going to need more than one psychology class.

Yeah you use estrogen instead. To replace it and your fucked up warped sense of Adam's sin and getting it back

leftists are really just projecting their own faults on others

>he's pissed there's no dadfo insult only mofo

This wasn't Freud it was written by three well respected jewish americsns

yeah just look at this guy
Trying to pretend he is psychic and watches my life and knows a stranger I bet you'd love to know more strangers but fact of the matter is you don't and why did you bring up estrogen is that something on the fore front of your thoughts ?

You use a gay pride flag and talk about religion I am sorry you think you possess magical powers.

for real though don't try to project your shitty life onto me its your life that is shit.

in any case why do homosexuals think child abuse gives them super natural powers?

Don't they realize it is just them over powering an infant where their idea of super strength comes from its totally whack.

You win all the shekels. First legitimate smile I've cracked all day, thank you

I don't get it lefty's, was Freud right or not? If he was right, then women suffer from penis envy; if he was wrong, then your full of shit.