Anyone ever looked into the Missing 411 book series?
The guy made a map (pic related, sorry for the flashing) of 'clusters' where people seem to disappear at higher than normal rates. Notice anything about the locations?
Missing 411
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Here's another less clear but non-flashing map.
Here's another one
What is the goddamn point of the flashing purple section?
>Notice anything about the locations?
They're in national parks? Or is there something else?
Ive watched a bunch of youtube interviews with David Paulides. Pretty interesting as there is an active cover up of missing people from national parks. Could be as simple as avoiding scaring tourists away, or the government could be snatching people away for nefarious reasons.
Dunno about the purple, I pulled it off blogspot.
Look at the locations though - the really huge ones are in California and the Eastern Seaboard. Notice how in there's tons of wacky stuff happening in the same places?
Now let's look at two more images - this one...
...And this one.
I've read them. interesting af.
Now ask yourself, why are all these things happening in the same areas? Who could use a steady supply of people who never get seen again?
Bigfoot or elite pedos.. Killary and Skippy.
Here's some further articles full of spooky stuff.
>at least 1600 people missing under strange circumstances in national parks
>"People disappear in the wilderness all the time. We're talking about something different. These are unusual things that don't make sense, that happen to cluster together in three to four, sometimes as many as 20 to 30 people missing at one location," Paulides said.
The individual cases are strange enough, Paulides says, but stranger still were the reactions of federal agencies when he asked for public records. Since even small police departments keep lists of missing persons from their jurisdictions, he figured a large federal law enforcement agency like the National Park Service would do the same.
"When we FOIA'd (Freedom of Information Act) them, we got a response back that we don't keep any lists of missing people," he said.
The response was not only no, but hell no, he says. So Paulides began putting his own lists together and discovered what appears to be nearly 30 clusters of disappearances in national parks or forests; cases which meet a narrow set of odd characteristics.
>50% of the children who go missing are found dead, and the ones who are found are found miles away from where they disappeared, in areas seemingly impossible for them to get to on their own.
Yosemite National Park, with 40 to 45 cases, has the largest cluster of vanishings and oddly, in most areas where the disappearances have occurred, huckleberries are almost always in great abundance.
What do the arrow colors mean?
>here's tons of wacky stuff happening in the same places?
Well, these also happen to be the most densely populated areas of the country.
>The victims are color coded that indicate if they were a sheepherder, farmer, male or female.
Looks like a full size image can't be found, unfortunately.
I'm going to the NC mountains for the Eclipse...Am I fucking dead, guys?
>huckleberries are almost always in great abundance
so its bigfoot?
>sun not even circular
Yeah, this stuff is fascinating. Theres some sort of...entity? Race? Species? That preys on people. The cover up is there, and its centered around the parks.but,its interesting,that these cases even date to before they were parks. David doesnt say this but IMO the parks were formed around these clusters. I have no real idea what purpose that could serve but they are complicite. Also interesting that some FOIA requests on specific cases have been denied on the pretense of national security. Why would releasing details of multiple cases of missing children compromise national security?
Yes, I go hiking out near a spot in Wisconsin where David Palisides wrote about in his book.
Young male college students keep going missing out here. I guess they keep being found dead at the bottom of a "gravel pit". The police say it happens when they are walking home drunk, but the gravel pit is way fucking out of the way, and it is like impossible.
The area has gotten kinda weird. I go hiking on this trail called the "Ice Age Trail" which runs through the entire state. Around last year I started seeing some really fucking weird people out on the trail. Dudes lurking around the treeline wearing hats/sunglasses, and I've seen groups of guys walking off-trail around sunset with big pitbulls.
So I stopped going out there too much because it was getting so weird...then I found out that there was a warrant out for my arrest in that county because I didn't pay a parking ticket like a year ago.
I don't know if there is something going on with the county, or if it is a human trafficking thing, or if I'm just being paranoid, but I definitely get spooky vibes in that area.
Pic related: The trail
I wonder how close to military bases these incidents were?
The survivor man dude tried at night to crawl the distance from where a two year old disapeared to where he was found the next day. Miles away. No way the kid could do it he said. No cause of death on the body either...
get in here idiots
Interesting idea. Never looked. Some of these cases come from before we had many bases in the area. Id look up a map but im drunk and on my phone.
That's interesting, another thing I had happen in Wisconsin continued from here I was driving around the backroads of Western Wisconsin last year. This region is called "The Driftless Region", it's pretty desolate with a ton of rolling hills everywhere. Kinda looks like Appalachia or something. The region is also famous for how dark it gets.
So I am driving along in the dark at night, and I notice a shit ton of car lights through the trees. I slow down to see what it is, then I start seeing a shit-ton of military men lined up doing exercises next to giant military vehicles. I don't know what the fuck they were doing out in the middle of no-where, but it was pretty strange. There were a ton of them.
I got weirded out and drove away, but it was strange.
It's pretty obvious life is boring as fuck in Nebraska, Dakotas and Kansas.
MODS do your job for once
Check out this
>green berets called in to search
North Dakota here, the whole east half of the state is flat so it's not like there's anywhere to disappear to. If you climb a 10 story building you can see like 15 miles in all directions.
And yeah life is super boring here.
>here's your answer
/HTG/ is looking for Trafficking Networks
>national parks
It happens in Federal jurisdiction?
Leaving local authorities less power to investigate?
Welp. I should have checked the catalog.
Yeah, I think I heard about that one. 4 or 5 year old kid supposedly went over 2 mountains and across a river in the middle of the night. Pretty much impossible.
>people go missing in the woods a lot
wow it's almost like americans are stupid fucks
They are dry reads, but very interesting.
It's been concluded on every case it wasn't getting lost or an animal. Check him out dude. Animal attacks/exposure are easy to recognize. There's something very bizarre going on.