I'm serious here. Is there ANY footage or photographs of Heather Heyer before or after getting hit? I've seen some posts on here trying to point her out but I'm just not seeing it.
Does anybody have ANY proof that she was even hit? I want to see the moment of impact and aftermath.
What about that picture of her corpse on a stretcher?
Leo Ross
Parker Phillips
She was hit right after throwing a brick at the windshield. She is a fucking NAZI.
Jacob Hughes
I was there and covering it but I didn't save any of the video because I was streaming. I watched her die. Its not faked
Nathaniel Lee
Fuck man I remember them pumping her chest and all her clothes were cut away
David Morales
also im a femanon with a masters in ethical philosophy. im not faking
Owen Johnson
I know CPR and that dude wasn't even bothering to try to save her. Looks like he just did it to appease the crowd. You need to compress almost halfway down onto the chest to have any impact on getting the heart pumping. All that TV shit is bull.
He probably got there late, knowing there was no possible way her heart of lungs could begin beating again under that weight, and then saw the crowd freaking out and decided to play the role out. EMTs do this shit all the time. One of my best friends is a firefighter and he just goes through the motions a lot because people are crazy when they are emotional and he doesnt want to get yelled at.
Dylan Davis
Another medfag here to confirm. Arms not straight and in line with shoulder.
Dylan Martin
Shit, it's no else fault then.
William Torres
I circled her in this photograph. You can see that she's wearing a black top and she's morbidly obese. From the aftermath video, you see her getting worked on between the two stop signs in front of the black pick up.
Aaron Garcia
The bumper sticker on the Tundra is pottery
Aiden Morales
John Anderson
unconfirmed yet, but here's another.possible view
Lucas Rodriguez
She's an antifa!
Wyatt Reyes
Isaiah Rogers
Blake Parker
hope they release the autopsy pictures soon, the world deserves to know what that awful horrible Nazi did to that sweet kind little girl like did he crush her head or did her organs burst or did her neck get twisted around and ripped halfway out or did the fat burst through her orifices and run in thick rivulets down the street the world needs to know what this literal hitler did in high definition please
Cameron Bennett
Chase Reed
wtf seek help jap friend
Jackson Flores
Damn she really did a number to his front end
Charles Harris
You're full of shit. She was hit directly by Fields and thrown OVER that car.
no way, they probs cant even pump her heart with all the fat tissue.
Mason Walker
Lucas Lee
the only thing you need to know
Logan Anderson
Basically. But it's better than nothing so you do it anyways.
David Collins
Now here's the big question: is that a video of AntiFa idiots LARPing as medics killing an injured woman?
This could be in one of two ways: 1) Through simple incompetence, like so much of what AntiFa does. 2) Out of depraved desire to claim the victim position and do evil that can be attribute to their enemies, also like so much of what AntiFa does.
Look at how hard she's driving her weight into her chest. That could easily kill someone. Was her heart even really stopped before they started that? It can be hard to find a pulse on a fat person.
David Adams
What a disgusting blob.
Camden Flores
so wasn't the car who killed it
Luke Gray
Justin Butler
Her fb is now gone, but mutual friends. I grew up in that sweaty jockstrap of a town. She's probably really dead.
Brandon Johnson
Bitch's name kinda sounds liek Heil Hitler, don't it?
Jack Diaz
> → It looks like she's assisting herself off of the hood of the car at the 0:59-1:00 mark. I bet she was fucked up but scrambled to the side, then was chosen to be the one injected with something, fake CPR done, perfect victim.
Charles Flores
Bet she was a vegan.
Brody Perry
Heather Heyer looked disgusting--blubber protruding--in her dying moments. Very very disrespectful.