Dailystormer still down

What's going on with Dailystormer? Is Anglin going to find a new host provider? Will it come back or did the stinking jews permanently take it down?

Other urls found in this thread:


>got kicked off GoDaddy
>moved to Google
>got kicked off Google
>moved to dailystormer.wang (chinese registration)
>got kicked off the dot wang

Now they're still puzzling over what to do. They're trying to get the dailystormer.com back, but there is a rule that you can only transfer your domain registration once ever 60 days. Since they already used their transfer (moving from GoDaddy to Google) they have to wait 2 months to get it back

In the meantime, they're going to try to set up on a different domain registration, but they're still working it out.

Thanks for the update

Infostormer is down too! The jews are really going all or nothing on us right now.

Getting your domain kicked like this is literally an unprecedented move. These services are supposed to be completely neutral.

If thepiratebay is still up after getting kicked around for ages there's no way they can keep the stormer down for long.

Start fresh

New domain, new host. He'll blow back up within a week.


Just use their .onion hidden service.

they should just publish their IP

No it isn't. You have always been able to get sites dropped by their domain registrar if they break tos, That's why edgy sites use .mx and all that.

DNS is for weaklings anyway

t. hacker on steroids

I hope it stays down. Anglin is nothing but a professional troll.

No downsides to that idea

dstormer6em3i4km.onion.to/ use a tor browser

He needs to buy some servers in the Philippines like what infinitechan has.

Based Duterte doesn't give a fuck about what Jews think.

Man shines like a beacon of light in the darkness.


> Muh free market

Right up until you realize the money had to come from somewhere or the shit you want doesn't get made.

I love it when right wing assholes get thrashed by the consequences of thier own ideologies.

The net was a free and open place till greed handed the entire information economy to monopolists because mah patents mah copyrights mah free market.

This is what happens when you let a handful of corporations gobble up everything.


>free market pigeon holing
Where do you think you are? The libertarian movement has been dead since 2013.

Eastern Europe would probably be fine. Japan would be even a bit further out of reach for the Soros NGOs. It's easy enough to set up a VPS just about anywhere in the world. As for the domain, set up some temporaries under different TLDs.
I don't think this guy is trying very hard.