Mitt Romney endorses antifa

Mitt Romney endorses antifa.

What is happening

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Hes one of the many sane right wingers who are finally standing up to the Nazi trash that has risen in our country. It's time to take out the trash.

This is what happens when you constantly push hitler memes and nazi symbology. The events of the last few days should be a wakeup call to the nazi larper shills here that they're not welcome. They're counter-productive to our Trump movement. They cause nothing but problems.

but the trash has already been taken out


Cowardly and dishonest evasion.

From a guy who was branded a Nazi by the very people he's defending.

What a crazy world.

>mfw 90% of washington is unbelievably bluepilled

Can't be real, right? It's a kike trick isn't it?

He is part of the Soros/Rothschild cabal. I thought you knew this? McCain and Rubio are both in it too.

I suppose Mitt Romney has always been a globalist neocon hack. The idea of nationalism must scare him to the point of defending antifags

>the epitome of cuckservative
I'm glad I didn't even bother to vote in 2012. Fuck this Mormon faggot and his bitch boy Ryan.

Mormon cleanse when?

Depends on how flammable their magic underwear is

Ahhhhh yes the "anti racists" in antifa

Where are those exactly?

>all white people are evil racists and need to die
>we need to combat racism

Does the left lack this much self awareness or is it an act?

Romney isn't a nazi larper like you guys.

No surprise here

Shitty Mitt represents the 5% of Mormons who are bluepilled and retarded. He is not one of us.

he's always been a crypto kike

this is a picture for the history books. mostly white men holding signs saying to smash themselves. russian that russian defector wasnt fucking kidding about the useful idiots.

The fear in his eyes as he cucks to nationalism

and yet he was called a nazi by the left 24/7 anyway just like Bush and McCain

really makes you think

>Hes one of the many sane right wingers

yeah like McCain right? Nigger, go home.

They're racist against the free speech, Eric Clanton...


-=- Daily Reminder -=-
The lost by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in the 2012 election gave Obama his second term.

Do these idiots not know they are talking about communists?


Mitt Romney created the prototype for Ocare as well

There was precious little difference between them in 2012

Mitt, McMullen and Flake are all part of secret combinations

thank god mittens and mccancer never became president.


And he's not the only one, see McCain, Ryan and Rubio.

>mfw I voted for Romney


Thank you Mitt for confirming you threw the 2012 election to Obama, it shouldn't be a wonder why you didn't get my vote you faggot normie.

The people that show up with baseball bats and bottles of acid are the bigots. Universally.

Mittens can go fuck himself.

antifa are Bolsheviks, Mitt.

They're gonna try to murder you and take your shit, dumbass.

Jesus Christ... you can see this a mile a way. They are telegraphing how they're going to kidnap congress and even the White House.

They are conditioning cops to stand down to riots and mob violence from the left.

Soros could fund 100k radical lefties, BLM, antifa to swarm the Capitol and "Occupy" it like they did that college in Washington or Oregon. What was it? They took the dean hostage.

Look at the shit they get away with.

They should be called out and the cops shouldn't be afraid to sic the horses, dogs, tear gas, water cannons on them.

They are dangerous and a national security risk.

See that billionaire jew who tried to sue Soros in April get arrested for money laundering. Kusher did business with his son. Soros is the worlds most powerful man

>Trump movement
Go back.


as it turns out, it doesnt matter how much money you have if you can't spend it wisely by throwing a few k towards some people in key positions.


today we were given a blessing and a second chance, maybe even a first red pill to many normies that happened to watch the conference.



Mitt needs to wake the fuck up.

Antifa, BLM mimic radical movements that have toppled government in the third world.

They are going to swarm the capital and are going to use themselves as human shields.

They are going to bank on the cops not wanting to start a massacre and let them take hostages.

They are going to try to Arab sping the US in a progressive "pleb" coup. The lefties will use institutions under their control to let them do it.

>Multi millionaire business man
>Would be the first up against the wall
>Full support because muh Nazi narrative

>A mormon is a traitor to his country, family, and race
Absolute zero surprise.

For fucks sake, republicans backed him as a president candidate and he now outs himself as a communist symphatiser. This is what you get for supporting wacko cultists!

shifty mormons pushing shady mormon agenda

I've seen this so many times that it's just become funny. I might even start posting it.

Thanks for the laugh user.

Actually these days the leftists of Antifa are much more violent than any right-wing group.

I hurt myself today... To see if I still feel...

>send: "fox news sued for the right to lie"
>meanwhile in reality it was the NYT

Marco Rubio is worse

Nice pasta. Natsoc posters are infinitely better, and more rooted in Sup Forums culture than t_d faggots

Wow really puts things in perspective, this coming from the guy who struggled to perform the task of purchasing some groceries.

>trump uses indelicate language to make a statement that law and order must be followed
>media obfuscates his imprecise statement, then going far beyond what anyone before 2010 would consider proper journalism
>tardlet anti-trumpers hop on the non-sequitur shitshow express to brainletville
>original point is missed, where neither side should have been allowed free reign to attack one another
>hate speech is still free speech
>running over a person is a crime
>media deepens the divide between extreme left and extreme right in a move to polarize centrists and spark civil unrest and support from previously centrist people
>gubbment swoops in, we the people of the united states, in order to become a more perfect livestock, relinquish our god given rights because some billionaires sparked civil clashes

fucking gg.

If you collected all of the strands of hair from every Antifa male you could make approximately one wig.

What the fuck are they doing?
> I never want to run for president ever again

Based Romney

Kinda makes me wonder why I shilled sooooo hard against him in 2012. He would be so so so much better than Trump.

Maybe, but Natsoc posters have been have also been accumulating a lot of absolutely cancerous underage b&

Not even kidding. I live in West LA. I've seen Antifa stickers on benches and street lights from time to time. Tonight I was walking back from my corner store and saw some fresh ones. I also saw three skinny antifa-looking thugs sitting on a bus bench across the street who started shouting shit at me.
They've been emboldened. Is this the beginning of the Civil war?

You know they called us Nazis and Fascists before we started doing that, right?

>whine about Republicans
>even though they now control Congress thanks to you and ultimately decide what bills get proposed and passed

Why can't you retards into politics?

Nazi's you say? Not on our watch!

In December 2011, Romney said, “I will travel to Israel on my first foreign trip [as president]. I will reaffirm as a vital national interest Israel’s existence as a Jewish state."

ol' mitt is a hypocrite

I dont think CNN has any idea that centrists and moderates exist. They're still stuck in this WERE THE GOOD GUYS AND THEIR THE BAD GUYS narrative, without understanding just how tiny this nazis vs antifa shit really is.

That's the state of the whole board though :/

Because they are faggots that can't even repeal Obamacare (which Romney first developed anyway)

> Vote republicans
> They turn their backs on us call us racists and unredeemable and can't get any bills past

yep we sure made the right decision.

My parents started on NPR, then CNN, and now they gobble up MSNBC hook line and sinker. It's happening.

no wonder these pathetic cucks lost elections and polls over and over again.
They're fence sitters who will jump to each side based on how socially acceptable it is, trying to score brownie points from libtards and crusty old white Zionist Christians alike, but dont represent young white America.

Move aside, old spinless cuckservative dinosaurs. You're irrelevant.

well summarized

Deep state for the feels for antifa. That is troubling.

Will someone please accuse him of being a Russian shill?

Kekistani faggots are no better. Same ideology only thinly veiled.

I didn't vote for Romney, but I did vote for McCain. We all make mistakes.

lol what a faggot. sorry mitt youll never be presdient

he's a mormon cultist

The Right is Uniting against Donald Trump

It's just one autist posting this in every thread you know...

if anything, this proves that racism and bigotry are virtues

Mitt Romney is an idiot. Completely out of touch, probably always was.

I needed that laugh

If you noticed, it's a common theme of the right. We attack our own like crazy, even us young ones here on Sup Forums. Most of the anons here want Natsocs gone now after charlottesville.

the funniest part is that they can't even help typing these words. and I mean that literally, they PHYSICALLY cannot force themselves to not think and say those very words over and over. their indoctrination is so fucking deeply rooted they're like Manchurian candidates or something

>robot politician 5000, please insert pandering Marxist propaganda script here __________________________________________________________

Kekistan is a meme not an actual political stance.


Cuckservatives stand with Red Guards. Can they be any more effete and weak?

Doesn't Romney not realize he's a republican and thus part of the racists? The left will put every conservative and republican in the same group. This goes beyond racism. You must accept gay marriage to abortion and more.

Kekistan is a meme not an actual political stance.

The establishment hates us, we are the biggest threat to them. Look how hard they smeared the Tea Party.

What's the solution ancapanon

How come no one in the media has even mentioned the word communists. These leftist fucks are openly communists and no one uses that label against them. Commies are just as murderous as nazis.

Mitt Romney endorses violent Communist revolutionaries.

Marco Rubio says, "Hold my beer..."

He and Soros are sucking each other off

it really must be pure panic, doesn't it?
any better explaination?

psychologically i believe, this enables inlelectually betas to larp as having had power they can atone for

Well he tried to win the right, now that he realised he can't win against donald he sold his soul to the left hoping to get some shitty consolation position.

National socialists are fine so long as they don't go around larping as Nazis in public. Even ignoring the terrible optics, the USA isn't Germany anyway.