Be Peter

>Be Peter
>Parents leave Yugoslavia because of Yugo wars and immigrate to US
>20 years later
>Join supremacy march
>Shout how family of color that have lived there for centuries have less right to live there than your family, that spent about 20 years

Other urls found in this thread:

Are Whites fucked?

>be nigger
>great grandparents brought from africa in chains
>some quaker lanklet emancipates them
>hurr dis muh land

Diaspora baboons are the worst kind of scum.

Considering America was built by whites or whites, I'd say he's correct.

The first congress of the united states voted that only free whites of good character should be allowed to immigrate here.

>live 20 years in U.S, be a proud white man. live in U.S. "for centuries", still a nigger

Pretty good point OP

Oh and also, it's funny how despite America being the land of whites, white Americans never have established their own culture.


Nigger can come here, saudi, plant his seed in white girl (rape of course). The girl is conservative, she keeps nigglet baby. Saudi gets 4 years prison. This is America.

Peter is white, so yes, he does have more of a right to be here.

Outdated farming equipment shouldn't be considered citizen.
Original immigration act welcomes white men to come.
Under Clinton USA engaged in Yugo war supporting mudslimes
KYS commie faggot

What do you consider white? The "white race" doesn't exist

Going off the deep end now, are we?

>Shout how family of color that have lived there for centuries have less right to live there than your family, that spent about 20 years

Can you prove this is what he was shouting about?
Or do you just dislike his goofy face?

Because you have a point, but I'm skeptical he was a supremacist. Many at the site were simply nationalists. Do you know the difference?

>southern culture don't real
>yankee northern culture don't real
>west coast culture don't real

As a euro I see american white culture everywhere. Its basically universal worldculture by now as it is that fucking sucessful. Jeans, valentinsday, halloween, rocknroll, the ideal of the harley riding fuck on the vast highway..


Neither does "they black race" or the "people of color" race, yet you use these terms expecting the listener to know what they are.

This is just hiding in semantics pretending and refusing to make a point and being deliberately obtuse. Then again I can play the same game back.

Because OF the different cultures inhabitating them. Southern culture is actually Hispanic culture mixed with Native culture. You can't call that white culture. I don't know if Yankee culture is a thing anymore, and seriously, what IS west coast culture? Being degenerate?

pol told me yugos are not white

how come he is marching with the white supremacists? makes me think

OP is Albanian and called for reinforcements on Sup Forums

deal with it

>be dindu/spic/muz
>never learn proper english or assimilate
>chimp out because euro immigrant can speak english and act like normal citizen

>Latino pride

Stop with this meme word

Latino is not a race. The only latinos who can show pride are mestizos

If a white criollo latino had pride they'd be over him or her

cry more bitch

Hispanics are united by their linguistic and shared culture. Black people also have a shared culture wherever you go in America. The "white race" its an artificial thing that can't stay intact



Hispanic isn't a race

Stop treating it like one

Criollos (White Hispanics) hate Mestizos (Brown hispanics) like there's no tomorrow and don't get me started on the nigger hispanics

China can't survive without American consumers

Excellent observation.

"Whites have the temperament required to build civilisations, that's why they emigrate out of a civil war they made in Yugoslavia and try to start another one."

kek, you sure are a disgusting mongrel if that triggered you.

>not sandniggers

daily reminder that these things dont matter of how you think.

Same thread again? KYS
Yugoslav immigrants been here for 100 years , how do you know he's new?

hehehehe thats not the only thing id enjoy

Hispanics have no culture. They have a shittier version of Spain's culture with bits and pieces of primitive indio culture that have been decontextualized to the point of pointlessness.
ask a mestizo what native tribe their ancestors were, lololololol they don't know shit about their heritage.

Any white has more of a right to live in the US than any nonwhite.

You're partially right.
Hispanic culture is actually Spaniard culture mixed with Native culture.
And "Native culture" is actually a vague collection of several others.

The thing is, where do you draw the line? Does any culture really exist if it's all derivative somehow?

If so, then what's the point of celebrating black, latino, etc cultures?

If you can admit with specificity and defend the honor and existence of "black culture", you can do the same for Confederate culture.

Winston Churchill, a liberal hero who fought actual Nazis, had only words of praise for the American veteran Robert E. Lee. Just because they lost the civil war didn't mean we stopped respecting them as our brothers. That's a recent invention.

To be fair, interracial couples are reason enough to kill

Come on OP! Why did you delete your cross link here?

You asked for reinforcements and here we are :)

Latino is not even a word they use outside the US, plus maybe some Mexicans that have been infected with US identity politics culture.
Peruvians think of themselves as Peruvians, Venezuelans as Venezuelans, etc.

lol, that faggot

He is far more loyal to the founders of this country than the "conservatives" and republicans who support non white mass immigration flooding the country

How do you know he's hating on niggers? Most of us US white nationalists hate beaners and the other scum pouring in by the millions. Niggers have been 10% forever and are shrinking in percentage.

Because in Charlottesville only the public officials are allowed to be openly racist

Where is my cash and weapons China?!

that png has a hell of a lot of jpg

You've outed yourself as a complete shit talker and once again you imply whites exist when you want to attack them, then don't exist when people want to defend them.

If you meet Hispanics you'll find plenty of differences across them and it's a lot fucking more than linguistic. You're an idiot if you think the only difference between a Mexican, Colombian and Argentine is language, clothing and food.

You could do a mitochondrial study and you'll find differences and patterns among their population. Among any population in fact.

Sociology isn't an expert field (it's bro science really), biology is.

you can't be racist against white people, stupid goy

but really, if normies are gonna dox simply for being at a rally - y'all need to just get rid of social media. i did it a couple years ago and my life is way better.

White race doesn't exist when we torch you

But the white race exists when you blame us for "white privilege".. Then you know exactly who the whites are

You commie faggots are the worst hypocrites

This article is basically saying Jews are taking over the world

Albanians do look a lot like favelados, remembery

Spain was the original hispanics dipshit

Hispanic is not a race asshole, blame MESTIZOS, not "Hispanic"

hit a nerve, eh paco? go eat a koran sandwich.

Stupid xpozed
I didn't made the thread

>law, order, the US constitution from which so many others have been formed from, medicine, law, philosophy, every science ever, mathematics all invented largely by whites
>whites literally invent the entire modern world
>some room temperature IQ spic thinks his mestizo rapebaby beheadings upon the pyramid of Teotihuacán is what real culture is

They're poor and scummy but they're still a step above non Europeans

>Hispanic culture is actually Spaniard culture mixed with Native culture.

Hispanic doesn't automatically mean mestizo fucktard

Didn't you learn the spanish caste system?

I'd say it's more bragging about it than anything

They know they can't be stopped

Shit went down because of muslim separatists, 30+ years of communism and foreign influence.
Only people who propagate communism haven't seen or lived in a society ravaged by it. Also they're mostly pathetic losers that need government's help to "be equal" to others, as they deep down know they're inferior.

>daily reminder that these things dont matter of how you think.
This is a website for English speakers.

Reminder that Albanians love the Clinton family and Tony Blair and name their children after them

Well you aren't wrong.

Most communists openly admit they're inferior and want a society which will benefit people like them the best.

Albanians aren't Yugoslav

Here's actual black pride though

Well immigrants from anywhere shouldn't be saying "muh land" like that

Yugloslavians are white.

There are white Muslims in Europe.

Immigrants usually don't. The problem is their children.

>Southern culture is actually Hispanic culture mixed with Native culture.
Really nigger?
If anything it originates from France and Spain and has evolved over many years, just like every culture on earth it has a root from another older culture. Southern culture is about hospitality, pride in your country, your state, your hometown, and your family, your race, and yourself. It has it's own music, it's own attitude, and an in-group preference. You can go to the south but you will never be southern as long as you live there, and neither will your children.
Yankee culture is about work. Work from sunrise to sunset with a smile on your face.
West coast culture, well not as defined as southern culture, is a culture of inclusiveness and fun. Degenerate yes, but fun as well. Surfing, dancing, many kinds of music, and a food pallet of the whole world, as well as some kick-ass wine to rival the French.


Muslim Yugoslavians are the minority. Hell Muslim BOSNIANS are basically the minority in Bosnia.



Oops unmasked myself

>Family flees the gulags of 1950s Poland
>Flees to America with the little money they have
>Gets all of it taken away from them by Russian smugglers and American tollers alike
>Grandparents work hard and earns a living but gets discriminated against because "lol commies"
>Build significant wealth and now family owns a major medicine company, dad is CEO

>Meanwhile niggers havent done shit for 3 generations and whines about oppression despite being the most privileged race in America
>Grandkids of the people who discriminated against family back in the 50s are now praising Communism and defending entitled niggers with tooth and nail
>Grandparents are worried and wants to emigrate the entire family and business out of America. before it becomes an indoctrinated shithole worse than the USSR

learn to crop you fucking mongoloid.

tee hee oooooooooh

the you know who's who hard literally hard and dripping precum from this.

HEY. i know you all want nothing but absolute domination.. that's what you all pay for, isn't it?

i work for a brothel. all you... you know who's.. can't get enough DOMINATION. oh i know it. that's what you want. that's it, yeah, i know. i won't say anymore. but oh, i know.

pay me or else. i want MILLIONS. 999 million. that's the rules.

>albanian leftist shill force

the bait was low quality to begin with.

It's not hypocrisy.
You fail grasp vital concepts.

Just for (You)s desu

My square head friend, we knew that already

Kosovo is Albanian
Shkja immigrants >>>/Mongoljia/

BlancNoir is your sauce

Looks like Blac Noir to me, though I'm not 100% sure.

>Join supremacy march

Supremacy over who exactly?? They don't want that you Albanian gypise.

It's Antifa and Niggers who came to attack peaceful demonstration.Nobody called Antifa and ''people of color'' to come and nobody invited them what the fuck where they doing there?


Spics have European linguistics. Niggers have rap.

I can't believe it's the current year and you're still repeating the mongrels have culture meme. What a joke.

Whatever, the important thing is about the claim that immigrants are wrecking Europe

He's from Europe and stirring up a civil war.


They don't have to play fake victimhood like lower intelligence Niggers do get sympathy and affirmative actions.

>He's from Europe and stirring up a civil war.
Talk about projection. You libshits were screaming you wanted a civil war the day Trump was elected.

Well I can see you view American Confederacy as a part of "white culture" since you try and get a rise posting a scrapped dukes of hazard car.

Are you next going to say German culture isn't white because this black guy once did a thing and some people came from Italy and Mozart was in Venice once so how is he Austrian?

This will boil down the same way.
No cultures exist except the stinking shitpile you want to replace them with, as all leftists have tried to do across the planet.


>The left can meme

The right can't drive

This guy gets it

>Also they're mostly pathetic losers that need government's help to "be equal" to others, as they deep down know they're inferior.
This is the very core of leftist ideology.

Peter looks like a fag