Sup Forums unironically defends murder now

>Sup Forums unironically defends murder now

Other urls found in this thread:

This is what happens when you constantly push hitler memes and nazi symbology. The events of the last few days should be a wakeup call to the nazi larper shills here that they're not welcome. They're counter-productive to our Trump movement. They cause nothing but problems.

>>Sup Forums unironically

>drumpflets THIS mad about the race war starting
your true colors were already showing but DAMN

Newfags get out

They always did. kuffars disgust me

Sup Forums always defended murder you stupid faggot, as long as it was the right person. For example if someone were to murder you, OP, we would be dancing on your grave.

Communists are not human


>Sup Forums unironically defends death squads
This is just the first step.

did you miss the Dorner times?

We always condoned the killing of commies and libkikes

Were you here 6 years ago when people were literally begging for Hitler?

Genocide, nigger, we support genocide.
> pol is of one mind on all subjects
When will this worth less meme die

>>Sup Forums unironically defends murder now

I don't. Fuck the Dodge guy.

>this thread again

You mean terrorism?
Spot the newfag

>this thread again
Don't forget to sage

I hope you die first in the war

i support torture

Fuck off newfag

Came here to post this.


>brake lights
>faster backwards than forwards

Unironically done with this board. You can't spend the better part of a year whining about muh rights muh NAP when you get hit over the head by an Antifa with a bikelock and then champion someone getting mowed down by a car. You're all just a bunch of inconsistent chimps.

Murder is when you kill a person without justification.

Communists aren't people.

You cannot murder a commie.


Nice meme, but this is reality.

Fuck of vanillaISIS

Oy vey, all hail Soros, the king of Poland.
>abbreviated to PiS, is a right-wing populist[13][22][23][24] national-conservative,[5][6] and Christian democratic[11][12] political party in Poland.
>Like Civic Platform, but unlike the fringe parties to the right, Law and Justice originated from the secular, anti-communist Solidarity trade union (which is a major cleavage in Polish politics)
>From 1979, as an advocate of 'open societies', Soros financially supported dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement
>first trade union in a Warsaw Pact country that was not controlled by a communist party.
>anti-Soviet social movement ranging from people associated with the Catholic Church
>CIA covert support
>In Sollicitudo rei socialis, a major document of Catholic Social Teaching, Pope John Paul II identifies the concept of solidarity with the poor and marginalized as a constitutive element of the Gospel and human participation in the common good.

PIS and modern Poland was made by Soros.

>Poland was one of the first countries to avoid punishing homosexuality in early modern era. This was formally codified in 1932, and Poland introduced an equal age of consent for homosexuals and heterosexuals, which was set at 15.[1][2] Poland is one of few countries where sexually active gay and bisexual men are not legally restricted from donating blood.

>When the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was formed, it adopted Yugoslav Criminal Code of 1929, a previous law of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia banned "lewdness against the order of nature" (anal intercourse) between human beings.

WTF i love Soros and gays now, muh precious Christian capitalists.

b-b-but it's ok when we do it because w-we're right

>an act of killing an innocent person
Killing (in self-defense, war, enemies of the nation or humanity)
>an act of glory

Murder? No. Terrorism.

No better than Muslims, honestly. I used to think I didn't want to share a country with Islam, but I don't want to share a country with you degenerates either.
>Sup Forums is a c-christian board!!
Keep telling yourself that.

Go on Viking liberate Sweden. Any minute now.

And in reality you can't "murder" someone by accidentally pinning them with a car that you weren't even in control of (the woman got crushed by the car he hit, not his car) because of a reaction of fear due to a horde of freaks with bats surrounding you.

This webm can see into OPs Future... Looks like we win.

>Sup Forums is one person
Outed yourself as a faggot r/donald cuck, fuck off shitskin.

Get it trending.

Don't project Reddit onto me as if it's even relevant in my life. Maybe if you weren't a Redditor you wouldn't think about it so much, cunt.


Constantly conflating all of us with the worst of us is really the main reason the libertarians are really warming up to the idea of killing you all.

praise the murder/k/ube
moar blood for le blood god

to everyone who is new:
there is a record number of shills on this board trying to divide us. Do NOT reply to provocative threads like this one. You will know that they are shill when they use old pepe pics and they don't actively reply in the thread they made. This is called sliding. I will post a few pics. make sure to save them and spread as much as you can for other new anons to see.





he will be found not guilty

make sure to sage
if you are new, saging is done by writing "sage" (without the quotation marks) in the options field when you reply.

yall broke the NAP on top of being commies which break the NAP itself, it's open physical removal season on antifa, death race 2000 style

It's true. Destiny is a fucking madman.

How does he do it.

Because the alt-right are retards, differentfag.

I'm not an Antifa you silly bitch. I doubt they even know what the fucking NAP is since they can't seem to fathom the idea of respecting another person's body and property.

Most nazis are losers or mentally ill, they are not gonna back down, its too emtrenched into their identity.


How can you "murder" a commie?
They aren't human.

You got Shoahed Elsewhere for that bullshit. How much are you getting paid? Too much to be sure.


Such meme, great wit. Btfo shill.

It's good when a pig dies they are delicious to eat. Americans are like pigs but they taste bad.

but can you at least admit that death race 2000 is a fantastic film and an ideal model to fix the ills of today's degenerate society?

they wouldn't do it themselves though, imagine killing someone. How scary


>muh Rights
Commies don't believe in rights
>muh NAP
Doesn't apply to commies

There is probably nothing Sup Forums has supported more consistently than killing commies

get the fuck out normalfags

Back to r eddit

He acted in self defense. He was attacked by a vicious mob of Antifa cretins

Jeez I havent been here in years and the nazi fags and conspiracyfags are dropping 10 iqs per post.

Dorner was the last American hero

>being 60 feet away from a crowd
>surrounded by people

pick one, idiot