Its not fair that the third world is poor

Its not fair that the third world is poor.

Its our moral duty to open our borders to those fleeing poverty, war and famine.

Migration is inevitable.
Migration is desirable.


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Good morning to you too. Did you have breakfast already?


>Its not fair that the third world is poor.
Every time something shitty happens to me I'm told life isn't fair.

They aren't fleeing poverty, they're bringing it with them

Give me the source on these girls DESU senpai


Complete bullshit. We stand on the backs of our ancestors... Not our fault if yours ran while others fought. Saged.


Some are form konosuba, the rest i dont know.

Step by step marching blindly towards communism...

Choke on a cock you fucking giant faggot. Take them in your home. Your daughter will be ok with it anyway.

You can tell me its inevitable when we run out of munitions. Also kys slut.

Good goy!

Borders are *HISS* RAYCISS.

Fuck off where all full you can go sleep in the ocean if you want

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>Moral duty
The only duty a country has is to serve and protect its citzens from outside invasion and set up a working and prosperous economy other than that is not thier business.
Quite frankly I stongly believe in the conquering of other nations and imperialism because war through any means is how you best secure the country and your subjects
all this talk about morality in countries is bullshit because in the art of there is no morality

They need a brainpower boost. send them sperm to boost their IQ, so they can make a tolerable society.

>ITT: irrational hatred for the colour of the skin

The sign is not made by them.

They already would have everything they need if they dont have 9 kids while starving. If they would maintain a non corrupt government while are protected from hostile militias.
They get help from organisations like unicef, they build schools and bring some food, but they dont explain that its shitfucking retarded to have more kids then you be able go feed. They teach them a little agriculture and bring doctors for a short time. When they leave everything is gone again, because there still is no system.

The situation will never change, not even in 1000 years, unless some nation force them to build a system and bring industry that doesnt have the goal to export everything and keep them poor. Also the try to create a system by force could spark a war.
The european politicians better let them continue their misery and let instead unlimit of them to europe, on the cost of innocent children who get raped, murderd, abused their whole life from school age on, forced with drugs into criminality or forced prostitution.
The left is proud of this, they think of themself as the good people while heaving the blood of the cruelest crimes on their hands.

There still is little to no assimilation. They just had to abolish Islam and their language but instead they gave them 2 nationalies.

No one said anything about skin color till you did faggot also saged


Your borders are already wide open though, user.


I know this is a shill, but you must see the err you've made, yes?

If migration truly was inevitable, there would be no need for you to argue in its favour - you could simply occupy your time more productively knowing in good faith that what you desired would come to fruition.

Your very case is evidence against your claim.

*migration truly is

If you are Black you have to go back.
Stop humanitarian Aid, defund the UN. No RtP