White privilege does not exi

White privilege does not exi...

Other urls found in this thread:


>People of color
>white is not a color
This dehumanizes whites and also lumps all non-whites together.


Compare to admissions dumb nigger. Blacks flunk out because your average IQ is retard level.

cool propaganda.

here's some statistics

You should have said "niggers are not retar-"

But im not one of those people. And it has to do with ratio and average retention of education over time

The creator of this image is definitely not as white as she thinks.


You think paying out the ass while working your ass off for a degree is a privilege? You sir are a moron.

"Association of American Medical Colleges" is not a good source. It works fine on Sup Forums where everyone is already racist, but if you actually tried to redpill someone or prove them wrong, this shitty """source""" would ruin it completely.

t. beaner

That's because niggers are too busy raping people and committing crimes.

>Receive my dregree

Just study

Your numbers show that white superiority does exist

black privilege: getting to live in a white nation

So what Whites should be stupid because some blacks are retard?

This is just flagrantly false.

Maybe it's because most niggers aren't good at school/don't go to school

This is black privilege actually because blacks are less than 20% of the population.

and why is that? AAMC runs the centralized application system


>White privilege
Last time I checked us white people didn't have BBBEE or forced quotas. Checkmate

How can you blatantly lie like that ?
Harvard is not even half white anymore


White women are the biggest recipients of affirmative action hth.

Are you fucking retarded?
The AAMC administers the MCAT.

Why didn't you spend 1 minute looking up what it was, before making a complete ass of yourself?

Will she get her degree?

You are fucking retarded. Go look up what AAMC does before running your mouth.

There is no proof whatsoever that this information was genuinely taken from the AAMC.

Do you guys really just trust anything anyone tells you? You call that redpilled?

I think you're confused with the Association of American pediatricians.



In 2010, the population was about 69% non-white Hispanic.
The margin of error is literally 2%.
This is pathetic. Take your factoids and fuck off.

Wow, it's almost like minorities don't comprise the majority of a diverse group because they have a smaller population to pull from or something

Stop moving the goal posts. You got your dumbass blown the fuck out. If you don't trust a citation the only way to verify is to check it yourself.

I know what the AAMC is, you stupid. I am just saying that "Source - AAMC" is not real proof that it's from the AAMC.

I'm not even against you dumb bluepilled faggots, I'm just trying to tell you this image is ineffective at actually redpilling people.

>poc has 22% chance
>I am 78% more likely to be admitted
>I have 1.78*22 = 39% chance
>who is the remaining 39%?




you are fucking retarded


> Niggers drop high school in record levels because welfare and thug life
> white privilege

Look it up yourself, you absolute moron.


Just stop the damage control, faggot. No one believes you. You didn't know what the AAMC was and assumed it was some kind of fringe quack doctor group.

t. nigger larper

yes, a PhD degree

And what about Affirmative Action and Black and Hispanics getting started with higher ACT and SAT scores than Whites and Asians ? How are those not privileges ?

deleted thread? what was it about? that git tho

>Whites make up 69% of the country
>Blacks make up 13% of the country
Golly gee blacks are over represented in university

>trying to increase quality of a redpilling image in order to make it actually possible to use on normies and people like whoever created OP image
>fucking retard, fuck off dumbass
Yeah, who needs to redpill normies, right?

>AAMC isn't a reliable source for the academic medical community
>my tumblr comic written by a teenager who has since then deleted her entire tumblr TWICE is a super reliable source-- buzzfeed even wrote an article about it!

these people actually think there's someone in the admissions of every university in america and britain going "oh taneesha, no wont admit her, oh james, will admit him"

these people actually think the reason there's a lack of female engineers in silicon valley is because the hundreds of companies ALL have the same mindset predisposing them to not hiring women

how mad do you have to be to believe their shit

Congratulations. You are the only poster in this thread intelligent enough to notice this.

The author doesn't understand statistics at all.


Of course white people are more succesfull because they are super ... I mean privileged!

Lmao well done

> 78% more likely
> a POC with the same exact grades only has a 22% chance

...and this is true independent of what said grades are, I suppose? And it's just a coincidence that 78 and 22 add up to 100, and totally not because the artist saw that those were the percentages of each group among college acceptances and decided to put those numbers into sentences that mean something completely different because she has no idea how statistics work, I guess?

what the fuck dropped that the guy picked up at the end. seemingly came out of no where

Negroes are just as smart as wh...

Question about this. As a white dude I can just put that I'm a underrepresented minority because I think I'm actually black it's just my skin that's white and get bomb acceptance rates? You can't just go around telling people the colour of their skin is what race they are if so then jews would be white.

Nothing is stopping black people from doing their homework. No white people are locking the doors to the school, no whites are eating black homework, and no whites choose the major of black students. Make better choices

Yes, blame all of your problems on some ethereal group that doesn't care about you.

When blacks actually blamed themselves and made an effort to better themselves, their schools were prosperous, they had higher employment than whites by gaming capitalism to their favor (causing the whitelash of minimum wage laws), but then the war on poverty happened. Stop accepting money from a white government that hates you and wants you poor.

>whites make up 72.4% of the population
>poc make up 27.6%
>get in 78% of the time, vs 22% for poc
Literally white privilege. Person of color doesn't just refer to black people.

What's even more bullshit is once pocs get in they outperform whites, which just goes to show that admissions are even more biased than they appear since distribution shouldn't be based on population, but performance.

Seeing as how this is Sup Forums I wouldn't think you'd actually post an infograph that supports the theory of institutional discrimination of any sort. It's nice to see that Sup Forums is changing.

>black people are admitted less than white people despite Affirmative Action

This is simply because niggers are dumb, it's natural that they'd be admitted less.
If affirmative action didn't exist, it would even be better
There is nothing wrong with niggers getting less into college, they are just inferior

It doesn't


Looks like he stepped on it while he was preparing to hit her.

Aren't niggers only 10% of the population?

When were Hispanics white? This is a clear case of shifting the goal post to suit your theory's.

>this much damage control

Why do you lie?

>black get into school because of progressive patronage not the merit of their own character
>wonders why they can't pass solely on the merit of their character
What , is it racist to record grades in school ? if they don't have to complete a course to get their degree we may as well just print them a diploma the first day so there's more seats for people who are there to learn something.


Where do I apply to because a citizen of the country of DEUS VULT?

Wonder what the percentages are in Africa?


'Because of my race'
Not grades or anything...

Also apply this to Yeuden.

All colors come from pure white.
without white, there would be no other colors.
notice no black color? If you mix them all together you get black. black isn't a color. its the absence of.....

You niggers get special privilege from your black skin all the time!!!!

They enroll niggers just cause they are black?

Fuck stupid niggers.

Here you go op, you worthless piece of garbage.
This will be my only reply as I am going to have to hide yet another shitty thread, and I don't give a shit about whatever crybaby retard drivel you might offer in response.

1000 times this. OP's numbers indicate black numbers need to get more than halved.

Maybe you need your own special black school where you can learns abouts alls thats black stuffs? Would you allow whichael jackson into your racist schools?

Historically black colleges and universities


Where's the Hispanics you fucktard.


there's 30% black people in population. WTF.

That "privilege" was fucking earned, fag. It's not our fault we're BORN TO BE SMARTER.

The leaf.

Behind each and every shitpost.

That was quick. Guess I missed all the fun.


> if you mix them all together you get black
> black is the absence of color
How's that southern education treatin' ya there, little buddy?

Ahead of schedule and all that.


that's because the average black iq is 85

>self identify
Cherry picking at play too.

Obviously, all niggers need to be deported to Africa where they can enjoy the worlds finest education.

>all colors come from white
>mix all colors
>get black
hopefully a mistake

Its a gypsy from my shithole

Holy shit I miss the old days.

>Conflating the percentage of degrees awarded with likelihood of being accepted.
Wew, that's retarded even for a leftist.

it doesn't, cunt.