
Charlottesville was self-defense. This webm is the biggest redpill of the week.

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah, how the hell can they even think about getting a conviction? this footage is literally the opposite of what the media is shilling

Liberals and commies literally possess all of the same qualities as vultures

No break lights can be seen.


>Liberals and commies literally possess all of the same qualities as vultures
Such is the life of a commie dreaming about a system where your biggest aspect in life is the distribution of your weekly quotas of bread


idk about you but i learned how to put a transmission into reverse around 10 years old

Did you lesson include thousands of angry protestors, looking for a fight - armed with blunt weapons waiting to strike you?


He doesnt have to break when illegal protesters are illegally in the middle of the street illegally assaulting him

>brakes for two seconds a block before the crowd and then accelerates into said crowd
doesn't help his case at all

why would a biker on a sidewalk be fazed by a car on a street?

I want to know when we are actually going to show up in platoons at one of these and start actually shooting and fighting guerilla style like a real war...

lmao faggot

same thing happened with Nice attack. Until you realize what's happening, you're not going to be panicking.

stop defending him cucks what he did was awful

>defending yourself from a violent crowd who attacked you first is awful
>killing commies is awful
You'd have a point if he actually hurt human beings.





>has literally never driven a car

You know, unlike in video games, real cars always have mass and you need to come to a complete half before engaging reverse

Which is completely unacceptable if youre under threat of being killed by an angry mob

he wont reply. the shill is btfo. actually cant even call it a shill. Wont assume the gender because fucks like this dont deserve to be called men. Coward is a new gender. They deserve to be fucked by prisoners.

a complete halt*

Who's paying you?

coward #2. neat. Will your little workgroup of 4-8 people all post in here as well to create the false image of a crowd opposition? You cant refute visual evidence. Go die in a fire.

Right, he had to plow into them before reversing to get away

You know, for safety

guy was afraid for his life and stepped on the gas instead of the brake.

He will get off. I will laugh and you niggers will prolly burn your ghettos down again. lol lmao hehehehehe

We need Hitler now more than ever.

yeah because obviously if you intend to run people over you have to come to a complete stop for the pedestrian in front of you first. Everyone knows that.

wow the 1 second it takes to com to a full stop is definitely the inferior course of action when compared to driving into a crowd of hundreds of people
remember how he reversed out of there afterwards? wew

ISIS terrorists attacks are self defense too? lol

but reversing would mean that he has to pass the guy who hit his car with a bat again..
By revving his engine he hoped the crowd in front of him would let him through.
They didnt..

>remember how he reversed out of there afterwards? wew
Because he came to a full stop after colliding with cars already in the crowd. The violent antifa that attacked him first were surrounding him with clubs and baseball bats after he rammed into people. Anybody in their right mind in that situation would think "Holy shit, these people are going to kill me!" and he backed up and sped off.

How much are (((they))) paying you, by the way?

is there a application form for what you're doing?
I'd like to see what they pay you guys and what the benefits are..


Did you just literally mistake Sup Forums for shariablue internal forum?

Everyone point and laugh at this liberal retard.

It's very interesting reading comments like this. I didn't think that cognitive dissonance this strong was possible so I have to conclude that you're trolling or maybe have a learning disability.


r a r e

Dodgebruh should be given a medal for killing commies. And a bigger vehicle.

Not an argument.

The only one with cognitive dissonance is you. This thread is literally full of proof that antifa attacked first and he rammed the crowd out of panic/self defense.

are you saying he's wrong? Because he isn't.

>wow the 1 second it takes to com to a full stop is definitely the inferior course of action when compared to driving into a crowd of hundreds of people

So you think its a good idea to stop your car in middle of angry mob after your car has been attacked?

You're also not going to stop your car and reverse out of there in 1 second. More like 4-6 which is enough to get your sorry ass killed

If the break lights are lit, you must acquit!


illegal protestors that are illegally in the US and are illegally existing

I've been studying symbolism for a while now.
My autism leads me here. It's a false flag.


ISIS makes mental gymnastics too just like you to justify "revenge" or "self-defense" against infidels

I know it triggers you, but you are on the same level as ISIS and hopefully you and your jihadi-alike buds will receive the same treatment

Why are all of the "innocent" protesters in this webm armed?
Why is there a mark where the car was hit that indicates it was a hard hit with a blunt object?

This was not revenge. This was not a guy who drove down the street planning to kill people. This was a guy who was clearly driving down the wrong street, at the speed limit, with his BREAK LIGHTS ON. He was planning to slowly drive through the crowd like the cars further down the street. Some antifa faggot hit the back of his car, he panicked, swerved a bit to the right. More antifa started to surround him from behind and in front, they were clearly armed. Going forwards or backwards would have resulted in him hitting people. Staying put would have resulted in protesters vandalizing his car or even worse, attacking him. He rammed the crowd, and hit a car further down the street. The crowd clearly in the webms start to visciously bash at his windows and cars, they were obviously going to kill him for what he did. Like any sane person, he backed up and sped away from the danger.


Why was he driving towards them to begin with? There were other routes to take. Seems like he provoked them with a deadly weapon.

if he gets off their will be societal melt-down.

face it, he's going to get the chair.

fuck him

So he rams into a group of people, those people attack him ( in self-defense :^) ), yet he's the victim in your opinion? Sounds an awful lot like an Islamist apologist buddy :^)


>Why was he driving towards them to begin with?
The street was on a slope so he couldn't see them from the top of the street, and it was too small to do a u-turn.

There were also cars on the street in the crowd, too, so other people have been trying to go through the crowd first.

Except there is visual proof in this thread of his car being attacked first.

>So he rams into a group of people
After they start bashing on his car from behind and surrounding him.

No for real, is there a site or something where i can go to and apply?
I shitpost everywhere. Might as well get paid for it just like you.

> Literally full of proof

Literally nothing has been brought up that he was attacked first lol. Everything people bring up is always after the attack happened when the protestors attack his vehicle (in self-defense ^_^). You're better than this buddy

Also please explain why the group of protesters was armed if there is no chance in your mind of them being hostile aggressors

>Everything people bring up is always after the attack happened
Did you see the WEBM in the OP?


Literally watch the webms in this thread you dumb frog

How much are you being paid?

Nice propaganda webm you got there. Blurry as fuck and slowed down at just the right moments to make it look like he was just idling down the street.
Can't blame whoever came up with this webm though. They know exactly what works with right wing retards who will swallow any bullshit as long as it serves to maintain their delusion.

They're counting on you cucks not to watch the actual video with sound:

1. Going fast enough to bottom out after a shallow bump
2. Engine revs up and car accelerates towards the crowd a full second before the guy hits his bumper
3. He must have some real shitty brakes if he managed to plow through 20 people before coming to a stop, that too only because he hit another car.

>Literally nothing has been brought up that he was attacked first lol.

He was, watch the video taken from behind the car and you see the car clearly being struck before anyone gets driven over

Why were the white nationalists armed? Must be hostile aggressors too :^)

nationalists registered their protest with local law enforcement in advance, antifa didn't

He accelerates after the protester hits his car. Next.

About 400$ per week to browse this board by Soros and the Koch brothers :^)

can their stomach acid dissolve pure metal & bones and sterilize everything that passes through?

The question is.. how many millions is this guy getting after he is acquitted? Media has talked about it so long, and all of them. He might get as much as 100 million all together. Holy shit.

Irrelevant. They still brought weapons: guns, knives, helmets and shields. They wanted a fight.

Video is slowed down to make it seem like the driver is going a lot slower than he actually is. Watch the way people walk. Video immediately speeds up after the car is hit to make it seem like he accelerates only after he is hit. Watch it again with this in mind and see how you are getting played.

Because at every previous rally they have been attacked by antifa, the ones who originally showed up armed. also this
Since you can't actually answer my questions with anything other than more questions I'm going to brush you off as some kind of kike frog.

.5 cents have been added to your account

Hey, stop with that logic and thinking, don't you know where we are?

Turn up the sound in your shitty computer and you'll hear the engine rev up at 0:02, which is one second before someone hits the bumper.

Please be reverse troll.

OP's video is supposed to be slowed down because it's a breakdown of the situation, everybody here should have already seen all of the original footage to even be debating this.

>They wanted a fight.
No, they wanted to defend themselves. The violence began with Leftists attacking White Nationists first.

Butthurt shills BTFO

MIssing daddy donny yet? Don't worry, just a few more days before he's back to stuffing his fat cock into your cucked mouth to help you relieve your pent up anger at the world.


The fact that they registered this protest is absolutely irrelevant to whether they were looking for violence. Surely you know this.

They brought weapons, they were looking to fight. They are aggressors.

I've literally only answered your questions. You're the one who keeps pivoting :^)

Maybe you should resign from shilling before it kills you

Your blood pressure is visible from what you write

Not an argument :^)

>They are aggressors.
Then why did the White Nationalists not fight back until Leftists and Antifa attacked first?

Is an American man who walks around with a gun in his pocket looking for a fight?
Am I looking for a fight because I always keep a pocket knife with me?

Shit argument. You could easily say he was having seconds thoughts or weighing his options and decided to run over people anyway. Also
>complete stop
it wasn't a complete stop

>when you have to repeatedly convince yourself that you are the one who AKSHUALLY won the argument

I don't remember seeing weapons on the right side, only shields and helmets

It was a leftist who is up on charges for trying to murder 7 people with bike lock..

Your eroding cognitive dissonance is more transparent than you let on.

>I've only answered your questions
No you haven't.

Fuck off kike

ISIS doesn't make any mental gymnastics at all. They are doing it in the name of islam, no excuses. They only ones trying to defend them and make excuses for them are liberal traitor pieces of shit.

The right was there to protest and registered their planned protest in advance with the authorities

Leftists just showed up to stir up a fight, they were the ones to ltierally initiate all the hostilities

Also its a leftist who is up on charges for trying to murder 7 people with a bike lock


"the wrong street" at this point this must be bait