What's your opinion of censorship on Sup Forums?
Should dissenting voices be silenced?
Is it right that unpopular opinions are shutdown?
Have you tried to challenge the status quo and found that you get banned and all your posts deleted?
What's your opinion of censorship on Sup Forums?
Should dissenting voices be silenced?
Is it right that unpopular opinions are shutdown?
Have you tried to challenge the status quo and found that you get banned and all your posts deleted?
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Probably not because you all tow the party line like good soldiers.
How does it feel that this is your safe space?
Censorship is never right. Also i dont think they really censor things. A while ago they tried to shut down pizzagate but i assume that was some rogue mod that was kicked out for that because it didnt happen again and i expect similar issues to be the same.
That being said the other mods are still faggots which are too narrowminded and delete threads they cant believe in and dont realize the connection to politics for example
Anyone who posts from canada or uses a canada proxy deserves to be perma banned
I expect you all support the censorship of ideas you don't like.
This isn't a safe space though. There's tons of dissenting opinions posted here every 5 minutes, though it's hard to tell sometimes if it's genuine or ironic shitposting.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean that everyone has to be convinced by your rhetoric, and they have every right to disagree and call you a faggot for dissenting.
leftist bullshit is on Sup Forums constantly, how fucking new are you?
There's no censorship here through, everyone here is free to voice their opinion
Communists post here regularly
>Also i dont think they really censor things.
I got banned just now for spamming and had every post I made (not just the spam) deleted.
I expect they'll ban me again and delete this thread, but I thought you would like to know that this is not the bastion of free speech you might think it is.
I think there's a difference between moderation and censorship and /pol is about as open as we're likely to get on a public forum. They can't always get it right but I can see why there are rules against things like doxxing, from a legal point of view. Can't understand why HWNDU threads always get deleted when it's such a pulic thing though. We can hardly dox someone who was in Indiana Jones.
Why do people still think this when half the board is communist or centrist threads?
Have you consider it might be controlled opposition?
The dissenting ideas are typically repetitive and allowed to persist for long after they first appear.
using anyway to stop you from receiving message is censorship
luckily there's no one stop you to shilling here
>Have you consider it might be controlled opposition?
Yes I mention that exact scenario in my post.
If you spam you got banned rightfully though. and yeah, when they bann you they always delete everything, probably laziness because they dont want to read throughevery single shitpost of yours.
Funfact, banevasion is also a banable offense
>luckily there's no one stop you to shilling here
Except the mods. They'll shut you down quick it you step out of line.
Fun fact: I don't care.
>probably laziness
Lazy censors. My favourite.
if you don't like censorship then why all the effort to do the same thing using propaganda to bullshit everyone to get the same results?
if you've got something you can do at a higher level, then why muck about on Sup Forums?
have they plied you with fish and chips until you bled then
People post the same memes over and over.
>not spam
People repeat the same catchphrases.
>not spam
>then why muck about on Sup Forums?
You are my target audience.
You think I would reach the same people posting on tumblr or reddit?
How is it censorship when you just spam the board with random bullshit and the mods deleting the random bullshit spam? I wouldnt want to read about possibly 100s of spammposts either in order to find the 5 posts that arent spam and preserve them so just delete them all. Again, your own fault for spamming. Deliver your oppinion and information without spam and it wont happen
>People post the same memes over and over.
that's what memes are
Imagine trying to moderate this clusterfuck. It must be like holding back the sea.
>random bullshit
Except it's not.
>Deliver your oppinion and information without spam and it wont happen
Bring an unpopular opinion, make a thread and watch it slide.
Post that opinion in multiple unrelated threads so it can't be slid, get banned for 'spamming'.
No way to win unless you're simply reinforcing the echo chamber.
I don't support censorship unless it's calls for violence.
Free speech is to protect controversial speech -- such as dissenting opinions -- not to protect popular speech.
Who needs censorship when you can call anyone who disagrees with you a shill? It's easy pretending like you're the only person with a real opinion.
>admits to spamming
>gets buthurt about it when banned
niqqa nobody wants your shill thread sliding ass here.
>inb4 pedo apologists.
Maybe you oppinion is just so shit that not even the dumbest Sup Forumsacks get baited by it. Maybe you cant just make a proper thread.
I didnt count but there are probably currently more threads open with anti Sup Forums oppinions then pro Sup Forums. Read through the rules nigger. Off topic isnt allowed, and if its unrelated to the thread it is offtopic, and when posted across the board over and over its off topic spam, 2 bannable offenses in one
>I don't support censorship unless it's calls for violence.
And I doubt anyone here has been banned for that unless it was directed at a specific individual.
Says the Australian. Don't you have a black dick thread to make?
Interesting how the opinion on freedom of speech changes when it's something you don't like.
Far too many shills here now, especially some turk or larping turk who keeps making porn threads. Probably will stop coming here
>when it's something you don't like.
And I haven't even told you what it was. Just the suggestion that it went against the prevailing board culture was enough to sway your opinion against me.
Such a fickle bunch.
> I got banned just now for spamming
Stopped right there, because not only are you a whiny garbage human being - you're extremely stupid. Culling spammers =/= censorship. And if you were banned but you're still posting here anyway, it kind of proves that censorship doesn't really work so well on Sup Forums - which is why you can make threads like this to showcase how incapable you are of understanding basic rules.
Kill yourself in the most horrible way you can imagine please. Also sage.
Where the fuck did i chsnge my oppinion on freedom of speech? You are still allowed to spout whatever bullshit you want if you keep it on topic and dont spam, but i still have the freedom to call you a retarded faggot for it which is me expressing my freedom of speech. I can also express it by ignoring your bullshit thread and not saying anything. Calling you a faggot and sagin this bullshit thread of yours also isnt censorship by the way.
Fucking faggot
>Kill yourself in the most horrible way you can imagine please. Also sage.
Sparkling antipodean charm.
Nothing to say about the self censoring nature of the system? Just the authoritarian line that wrong doers deserve punishment?
I hope you never find yourself on the wrong side of the system.
>Where the fuck did i chsnge my oppinion on freedom of speech?
The moment I reveal that I had been punished for my supposedly deviant behaviour.
I know you guy like the feeling of a strong hand on your behind but sometimes you are beyond parody.
Again, i dont care if it was pro Sup Forums or anti Sup Forums, but it being off topic and spam. You could have worshipped me as a god in the spam and i would still suport it being banned.
Are you sure you arent a jew trying to twist around words like that?
>twist around words
Sorry if my argument is too complex for you.
I know that the low IQ like order to keep their lives simple.
>too complex
Top kek
Now again, show me the exact part of my post that states i wanted your post banned for dissagreeing. I wait.
Wow, that description perfectly describes debating your typical alt-right shitposter.
>states i wanted your post banned for dissagreeing
Show me the post where I said that. You really are a slippery one. Sure you're not a Hebrew yourself?
What censorship? The only thing the mods remove is shit that has no relevance to politics whatsoever
Are you one of those r*dditers that think being called a nigger is somehow censorship?
What party line you stupid faggot
Interesting how the opinion on freedom of speech changes when it's something you don't like.
>>Where the fuck did i chsnge my oppinion on freedom of speech?
>The moment I reveal that I had been punished for my supposedly deviant behaviour.
Here you said twice im favoring your ban/censorship because of dissenting with me/Sup Forums
Now show me where i did that
>I got banned just now for spamming and had every post I made (not just the spam)
that's what happens when you get banned
don't spam, FAGGOT
Sup Forums stands for politically incorrect, wich means shitposting from all sides on the political spectrum. If that werent the case we would be just another echo chamber just like/leftypol/.
Of course this allows shills and the CIA to freely browse this board, but thats the price we pay i guess
report this post
>What party line you stupid faggot
Metaphorical rather than literal. You haven't noticed the reduction in variety of view points over the last 18 months?
>Censorship is never right.
>your own fault for spamming.
You appeared to go from 'never' to 'if it breaks the rules' seemed pretty arbitrary.
Good goy.
it's not censorship of ideas. in fact, it's the opposite. it's making the free exchange of ideas possible by eliminating spam that would flood the place and make discussion impossible
you got banned for the equivalent of a noise violation
your entire thread is dildos, god damn moron, you admitted you were spamming and you got banned, that's justice, end of story, 'fuck outta here
>You haven't noticed the reduction in variety of view points over the last 18 months?
If anything the shitflinging between libertarians/ancaps and nazi larpers has gotten more pronounced and there are more useful idiots around shilling their failure of an ideology
You sound like someone that hasn't been on here for very long and judging from the way you format your posts you're no doubt from fucking r*ddit
You really think deleting spam and banning the spammer is censorship. Wew
We used to to have a range of views. Not just the extremes but a whole spectrum including moderate positions. You've also noticed the change then?
>You sound like someone
Why not shout 'CTR/Shareblue shill' while your're at it. I blame that behaviour for driving away people that were interested in having a decent discussion.
What opinion of yours was censored, my friend?
Now that response was 110% slippery snake.
The moment I provide exactly what you asked for. Pure poetry.
The moment I reveal that they have the evidence they need to ban me again for evasion.
Good try though.
>Not just the extremes but a whole spectrum including moderate positions
/n/ was delete for being too much like stormfront
Sup Forums has always been majority extremists
I'll agree that stormniggers have been getting louder and more obnoxious but thats not censorship
If you want to see what actual censorship is like go on 8gag's Sup Forums
Well, if you don't tell us what it was about no one will care.
For all we know you could've been spamming interracial porn and the mods were justified in banning you.
> nothing to say about the self censoring nature of the system?
If your ideas were worthy of discussion, you wouldn't need to spam them to get responses like you are doing now. This is why you are here, barking at us and expecting us to feel anything but contempt for you and your fragile little ego.
Have some more sage as I depart - I won't be bothered to respond to a mouthbreather and his fail thread - enjoy your next ban.
>but thats not censorship
I wasn't trying to say it was. Though the increasing echo chamber of extremists at both poles fighting has much the same effect as censoring moderate opinion.
>8gag's Sup Forums
Granted they are a worse hug box than this place but you realise 'banned for the defend the jews' is just a joke right?
It was political and very much on topic. Do some detective work and I'm sure you can figure it out.
>spam them to get responses like you are doing now
This one thread is spamming? Fuck you cunts really are sensitive souls.
I don't believe in censorship. If we fall to faggots with dissident opinions, we deserved it.
Here is a man with the courage of his convictions.
Shame about the flag.
wat if /po/ got rid of flags?